Hyatt Newsletter
January 2021
Happy New Year!
Welcome back Hyatt Families to the second semester of school. We are excited about the opportunity to transition back face to face in a hybrid model for our remote learners starting on January 19th. Students with the last names of A-L will attend school face to face on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students with the last names of M-Z will attend face to face on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On alternate days, students will have remote asynchronous learning activities including assignments introduced from face to face instruction, independent lessons on Google Classroom as well as individualized lessons completed at their own pace on district purchased online subscriptions such as RazKids or Moby Max.
All buses will run during hybrid instruction. Bus routes will be the same as the first semester.
No School on January 18th
Please mark your calendars for January 18th as we are not in school.
Hyatt Elementary & PALS Fundraiser
Traditionally Hyatt has held a Little Caesars Pizza Kit fundraiser in January. We are pleased to announce that Little Caesars has a digital option for those of you that look forward to it! Click on the following link to purchase items. FUNDRAISER LINK
A Message from Food Service
Hybrid Student Meals
Meals for ALL Hybrid students (3 breakfasts and 3 lunches for the remote learning days) will be available for pick up on Fridays starting Jan. 15th at the Linden Middle School cafeteria (at the back of the building) from 2:00 – 6:00 PM.
100% Virtual Student Meals
Meals for our 100% Virtual students (5 breakfasts and 5 lunches) will be available on Fridays starting Jan 15th at Linden High School in the receiving area at the back of the building from 2:00 – 6:00 PM.Hyatt Elementary Specials Team
Hyatt Elementary will have four specials for our hybrid students this semester. All students will have special classes on the days they are face to face. The special will be the same for the week and will include a remote lesson posted for Friday remote learning.
Art- Carmyn Sprague -csprague@lindenschools.org
Health & Fitness- Becky Stockford-bstockfo@lindenschools.org
Music-Greg Wise-gwise@lindenschools.org
Physical Education- Sandy Harwood-sharwood@lindenschools.org
Carmyn Sprague
Carmyn Sprague has been teaching in LCS for 20 years. Mrs. Sprague will be teaching art for all K-5 students second semester. She will post art remote lessons on her Google Classroom (https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MjM2MDM1NTcwNTUz) Friday for the students she teaches during the week Monday through Thursday.
Sandy Harwood
Sandy Harwood has been a teacher in LCS for 25 years. Mrs. Harwood will be teaching physical education (PE) for all K-5 students second semester. She will post PE remote lessons on Friday on her Google Classroom (https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MjM1MTU2MTA2ODA0) for the students she teaches during the week Monday through Thursday.
Greg Wise
Greg Wise has been a teaching in LCS for 25 years. Mr. Wise will be teaching music for all K-5 students second semester. He will post music remote lessons on his Google Classroom (https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MjM5OTQzODI1MzQ4) Friday for the students he teaches during the week Monday through Thursday.
Hyatt Elementary School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://hyatt.lindenschools.org/
Phone: (810) 591-8180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HyattPALS/