Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- September 14th, 2023
A Note from Mrs. Longden
One time of the week that everyone in our school looks forward to is the days when we have our school Mass. This is a relaxing time in our week when the entire school comes together for worship. The students enjoy their participation in the Mass, and they especially like it when their class is in charge of the Mass.
Catholic schools get at least an hour of complete focus on our faith as part of the regular school week. At Holy Trinity, our Mass times are a priority. We invite everyone to join us for this prayerful experience each week. Those school parents who are not Catholic are always welcome to join us. The children sit up front with their teachers, and all others can sit in the back. Participate as you are comfortable and as appropriate.
Mrs. Longden
Welcome Father Patrick
It is a blessing having Father Patrick here working with us at HTS!
The vision is to inspire a movement of Catholics across the United States who are healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist - and who are then sent out on mission "for the life of the world".
We are in the year of Eucharistic Revival—this means we are being called to revive our faith in Jesus in the Eucharist. The word revive means “to restore to life or consciousness.” If we have let our love, our trust and hope in Jesus grow cold, or worse yet, lukewarm, He is now calling us to run back to Him with everything we have. He wants our mistakes, our doubts, our fears and shortcomings. If we don’t give them to Him, how can He make something even greater out of those things, out of us and our lives? How can we become saints if we don’t fully trust in the One we are hoping to spend eternity with?
Let’s ask a simpler question—do we have a relationship with Him? Yes! Because each person has a relationship with God, our Creator, whether they participate in it or not. And of course God allows you to enter into that freely, because He doesn’t want to force anyone to love Him—He is too much of a gentleman for that. But what does your relationship with Him look like?
3K-5K Round-Up
Friday, September 15th
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Place: Outside (weather dependent) otherwise in the Gym
Food will be provided.
Theme: Sports Theme (wear your favorite sports team attire if you would like!)
The 3K/4K/5K Round-Up provides families and kids the opportunity to get to know each other and form lasting friendships.
School Information Meeting
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
You and your family are welcome to attend Mass at 5:00.
After the 5:00 Mass we will have the school open to visit classrooms and talk with teachers about grading, curriculum, classroom routines, activities, etc. This is also a great time to ask questions.
6:00 Meeting in the Gym. Items to be discussed include School Advisory Commission, Home and School Association, SCRIP, Tuition/Finance, Accreditation Visit, Marketing, and Athletics.
When you come to the meeting, please come and sign in at the table and receive an out of dress code coupon for your children.
See the schedule attached.
Long-Term Substitute
If you are interested, or know of someone that might be interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net.
Thank you!
Picture Retake Day
If you would like your child's picture retaken, please contact the school office.
Thank you.
Grandparents Day
Watch for more information next week in Family Folders.
Holy Trinity School Choir
Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 15th - Mass
Friday, September 15th - Kindergarten Round-Up
Wednesday, September 20th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, September 22nd - Baptism Mass (August/September Baptisms)
Tuesday, September 26th - School Informational Meeting
Wednesday, September 27th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Thursday, September 28th - Packer Day (Wear your Packer Gear with Jeans)
Friday, September 29th - Mass
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 3rd and 4th - Accreditation Visit
Wednesday, October 4th - Mass
Thursday, October 5th - Mass
Friday, October 6th - No School
Wednesday, October 11th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, October 12th - 6th-8th Grade Retreat
Friday, October 13th - Mass
Wednesday, October 18th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Thursday, October 19th - Grandparents Day (Dismissal at 11)
Thursday, October 19th - Conferences 12 P.M.-6 P.M.
Friday, October 20th - Mass
Calendar of Cash
September 7 - Jared Luedtke
September 8 - Lisa Becker
September 11 - Rhiannon Olson
September 12 - Brianna Croker
September 13 - Lydia Geidel
Volleyball Schedule
Thursday, September 21st - WCHSA
Thursday, September 28th - at Holy Angels
Friday, September 29th - at St. Matt's
Thursday, October 5th - St. Katherine Drexel (Parent Night)
Monday, October 9th - Divine Savior, Fredonia (B Team)
October 9th-15th - Holy Angels Tournament (A Team)
Friday, October 20th - St. Matt's
Friday, November 3rd - Shepherd of the Hills (8th Grade Night)
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Kewaskum and West Bend Catholic Mom's Group
Hello families,
The basketball season will be here before we know it! School and Parish boys and girls in 5th-8th grade are invited to play Wildcat basketball this upcoming season. We will be hosting a parent meeting Sept 25th at 6pm at the HTS Cafe. Whether your child is for sure playing, or you are still deciding, we hope you’re able to come to the meeting. Coaches and athletic directors will be there to answer questions.
Below are the forms needed in order to participate in Wildcat Athletics. They must be completed in their entirety before the season starts, so we encourage you to please complete them and bring them to the meeting, so it's one less thing to think about later. Fees are $50 for 1 sport and $75 for 2 or more sports (basketball/volleyball) per child. Checks payable to Holy Trinity Athletics.
Forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K4IIaHuo2EXb_YTtHuV-6hPfc6RyngK-?usp=share_link
If Sept 25 does not work for you, please email us your contact info, your child's name and grade and we will keep you posted of info shared at the meeting. athleticdirector@htschool.net
Kind regards,
Nick and Angie Kern
Athletic Directors
KEYS Run/Walk
With a legacy of over $3 million in academic scholarships awarded, KEYS, Inc. has transformed lives and paved the way for countless individuals to pursue their educational dreams. This year's event holds special significance as we celebrate three decades of unwavering dedication to education and empowerment.
Whether you're a preK-8 student eyeing the chance to win a local business gift card or a KHS student vying for a chance to win a $500 scholarship, these race registration incentives are just the cherry on top of a rewarding experience.
Join us at Keys-Scholarships.org or scan the QR code to register and secure your spot. Let's make this year's event the biggest yet, honoring our past achievements while building an even brighter future. As the countdown begins, we look forward to seeing you at the starting line on October 8th, united in our commitment to education and community. Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact for generations to come.
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603