November 8

November 8, 2024
Dear Hayshire Families,
Today's the day! It's Fall Festival! Thank you to our PTO and volunteers for our festive classroom parties. In addition to the parties, we have a fall themed read aloud in the lobby. In fact, our special guest reader is Ms. Harcourt, retired first grade teacher!
For the month of November, our special teachers and specialists had the honor of selecting Hayshire Students of the Month. Congratulations to Charlie DeMent from second grade and Ka'leese Ogden from third grade for receiving this recognition. Both children demonstrate values such as perseverance, character, community, accountability, and excellence! Charlie and Ka'leese were recognized at Monday's school board meeting.
Wednesday was our Title 1 Family Night! The theme was Super Hero Word Power! Mrs. Rau, Mrs. Glover, and Mrs. Beam provided an evening of fun filled activities. Families had an opportunity to participate in games and activities to build fluency in reading!
Thursday, November 14 is Stuff- A- Panther Night in the Hayshire Gymnasium from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. In order to attend this event, families needed to preorder their panther(s) and mascot supplies.
Just a reminder there is no school on Monday, November 11. It's Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for serving our country and protecting our freedoms.
Take care,
Mrs. Thomas
November Students of the Month
Super Hero Word Power
Super Hero Activities
Hayshire's Latest Post
Second grade wrote expository pieces about helpers in our community. To learn more about their writing pieces click on the button below, Expository Writing.
English Language Learners Night
The Central York School District English Language Development Department is hosting an informational Title III Night for ELL/ESL families. Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at North Hills Elementary School from 6:00 - 7:30 PM to learn more about our programs, Skyward and Schoology, qualifying for services, graduation requirements and more!
Information from PTO
Thank you to everyone who attended our last PTO meeting! Our next official meeting day is Thursday, January 9 at 6:00 pm in the library. Once again, PTO will provide child care during the meeting. We can’t wait to see you!
Join us for a dine-out day at MOD pizza on November 17. This event is on a Sunday and runs from open until close. Flyers (please see below) will go home the week of November 2. Bring in this flyer, or order online through the MOD app or website using the provided code (MODGIVES25) and MOD will donate 25% of your bill to support Hayshire PTO!
Save the date! Hayshire will host the Holiday Shop on Saturday, December 7 from 9:00 to 12:00 pm.
2024-2025 Hayshire PTO Events
CYSD Device Protection Plan
Central York School District offers optional protection plans for your child’s District issued devices.
The protection plan fully covers your child’s device for any accidental damage that occurs. The cost is $25 per year for iPads and $60 per year for Macbooks.
Learn more and sign up: https://dpp.centralyork.org/
2024-2025 Calendar
Hayshire Important Dates
November 11- No School
November 14- Stuff-A-Mascot 6:00- 7:00 PM
November 17- MOD Dine-Out Day
November 19- Report Cards Posted in Skyward
November 26- Early Dismissal 12:30 PM for Elementary Students
November 27- 28- 29- No School
December 7- Holiday Shop 9:00- 12:00 PM