Woods Creek Chronicle
May 21, 2024
Important Dates
May 21: 5th grade Fly-Up Day 9:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
May 22: 5th grade breakfast for students 9:00 a.m.
May 22: 5th grade Talent Show/Slide Show 10:15 a.m.
May 23: Kindergarten last day of school- 3:30 p.m. dismissal
May 24: grades 1-5 last day of school- 10:30 a.m. dismissal
Jun. 19: WC PTO & The Quarry Fund in the Sun 4:00-9:00 p.m.The District 47 calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is available on the District 47 website. Scroll down to “2024-25 District Calendar”.
End of Year Message
We hope our students and families have a safe and fun summer.
We wish our 5th graders the best of luck in middle school.
Progress reports will be available for viewing in ParentVue on Friday, May 24 after 2:00 p.m. FastBridge reports will be available then as well.
Congratulations to our retiring staff! We would like to thank Mrs. Swihart (5th grade teacher) and Mrs. Campioni (paraprofessional) for their years of service to the students at Woods Creek School. We wish them the best in their years of retirement.
Attn Parents of 5th Graders
Parents of 5th graders are welcome to attend the Talent Show and Slideshow viewing that begins at 10:15 am on Wednesday, May 22 in the gym. Please enter through the gym foyer doors as early as 10:05 am.
Only parents who have signed up for the 5th grade breakfast committee will be able to volunteer at and attend the student breakfast. Those parent volunteers should sign in at the main office early in the morning before the breakfast begins.
From The Nurse
Please make arrangements to pick up any medications and supplies that may be in the health office prior to 10:30 a.m. on May 24, 2024. Any medication, or supplies, that are left in the health office after that day/time will be discarded.
If medications are needed for the 2024-2025 school year, please locate the forms on the District 47 website, linked here.
Contact Meg Ryan, RN at mtryan@d47.org or 815-444-4847 with questions.
Summer and August 2024 Information
The Woods Creek School office will be closed June 4 through August 6. The office will open on August 7. Please check our website in mid August for important information regarding the start of the school year. Please check the District 47 website for additional information.
Upcoming Events
Supply Sale for 2024-2025 is LIVE! Order now through May 21 to guarantee your supplies for next year (pickup on August 12). Follow the link (school ID: WOO253) or scan the QR code to order your grade level list: www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks. The Woods Creek 2024-2025 School Supply List is linked here.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Woods Creek PTO
Please email the WC PTO at woodscreekpto@gmail.com with any questions.
We need your feedback! 2024 D47 Communications Survey
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on our District 47 communications. Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
National Night Out T-Shirt Design Contest
The Crystal Lake Police Department needs your child's help with designing the 2024 National Night Out T-shirt! They are calling on Crystal Lake 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to submit their National Night Out t-shirt design by June 28th to Officer Stolzman at kstolzman@crystallake.org. The winning artwork will be featured on the official NNO t-shirt and handed out during the event. Learn more about National Night Out here: https://natw.org/.
Transportation Open House “Meet the Bus”
Incoming kindergarten and PreK students are invited to “meet the bus” at the annual transportation open house. The event will be held Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9am-1pm at the TJA bus garage, 1204 S. McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake. Visit the D47 website for details. Flyer