Beaverton Title 6
American Indian/Alaska Native
Weekly News
🦅November 🪶
Message From Jenny Title VI Coordinator
Dear Families,
November is here! Happy Native American Heritage month to you all.
Our culture Night is approaching quick and I need a full head count of who will be there so if you are having troubles RSVP to the parent square please send me a email.
For culture night we will be creating a quilt each parent and student will get a square and draw what culture and family means to them, I will then collect them at the end of the night and sew them together. The quilt will travel to everyone that participated in the activities school it will hang up in that school for one week before making its way to the next school.
I will have a few design print outs that you can use to reference but if you have something in mind and need it printed please send it my way.
Hope to see you all on the 7th
Jenny Sanchez
Grand Ronde/Siletz
New Staff
Please welcome Jen Anderson
Jen Anderson is the American Indian/ Alaska Native Program TOSA. Jen is an enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and BSD graduate. She is currently splitting her time between AI/AN TOSA and student success coach at Vose Elementary. As the AI/AN TOSA Jen is supporting the rollout and implementation of Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.