January 2025
Thoughts From Mrs. Shock...
Hello Huron Families,
We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break. We are excited to be back in full swing with the students. January is always a great time for new beginnings and to set goals. What a great opportunity to talk with your child about their goals for 2025 and what they want to accomplish.
Over the next two weeks we will be conducting our mid-year benchmark assessments utilizing Fastbridge in both Reading and Math. We use the information obtained from these assessments to tailor instruction and interventions for our students to best meet their learning needs.
Please make sure to take a minute to order your child's lunch for January in case you have not done so yet. It is a great activity to do with your child so that they are aware of what you ae ordering for them. Students are not able to change their mind when they come into the cafeteria on any given day. What they order online is what they will be given.
Please review this newsletter for updates on what is happening at Huron during the month of January.
Take Care!
Kelly Shock
Huron Principal
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found bins are growing. Please come look through the bins for any missing items your student may have left behind. At the end of the school year, all items left will be donated.
PAWS Program (Positive Parents Working with Students)
Kroger Rewards
Huron Elementary partners with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Every time you shop with Kroger, our school benefits - it is easy fundraising and allows us to do additional things for our students. If you are willing, please share this information with family and friends too!
Thank you in advance for your support!