Robert Frost ES
2024-2025. October Newsletter. No. 1

Greetings Robert Frost Family!
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we are about to embrace the vibrant colors of fall, I am thrilled to welcome you to Robert Frost's first school newsletter issue for this academic year! Our students have settled into their routines, and I am incredibly proud of their enthusiasm and dedication to learning.
This year, our newsletter will serve as a key resource for keeping you informed about important events, school updates, and highlights of our students' achievements. You can expect to find information about upcoming activities, curriculum focuses, ways to get involved, and tips for supporting your child's education at home. We will also spotlight classroom initiatives, and opportunities for parental engagement.
I encourage you to read each newsletter, as it will provide valuable insights into our school community and help strengthen the partnership between home and school. Your involvement is vital to the success of our students, and I look forward to partnering with each of you.
Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!
Warm regards,
Dr. Connelly
Bullying: Prevention & Intervention
Bullying: Prevention & Intervention
In this first month of school and throughout the year, we will be doing programming for prevention and intervention with regard to Bullying (intentional and repeated events with a power imbalance involved) Harassment (attacks based on identities like race, gender, disability) and Intimidation (intentionally scaring or threatening others).
We at Robert Frost take all these items very seriously – if you need to report an instance of Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation or would just like more information, you can go to the Robert Frost school website on pgcps.org and PGCPS Safe: Stop Bullying.
That will lead you to this site:
where you can read more information or make a report. All reports are handled as soon as possible by school administration, and you will be informed as our investigation proceeds.
Kodi Ross, M.ED - Professional School Counselor
A Chance to Win a $20 Gift Card
Professional School Counselor: Kodi Ross
Counselor’s Corner
I am Kodi Ross, the new Professional School Counselor at Robert Frost.
I have been glad to meet many of you at the Orientation and Back to School Night events. This is my first year in the Counseling position, so I look forward to growing and learning along with the students.
When schools and parents work together, students benefit academically, socially and emotionally. For those reasons, it is so very important that we continue to work together as a team.
Use the camera on your phone to access this QR code which is a survey asking for what specific topics your student might need help with. One response will be chosen at random, and that family will receive a $20 gift card to Target!
Reading Corner
Ms. Gordon's Reading Corner
Hello Fabulous Frost Families!
We have started off the year with lots of READING and WRITING!
We are learning about letters, words, sounds, and different types of text.
We have also been taking the i-Ready Diagnostic to see what our reading levels are, and many of us in K-3 have begun using Lexia.
Our K-3 students will also take the DIBELS Assessment soon to help our teachers understand more about our reading progress.
We will be sharing this information with you soon! Please remember to have your children listen to or read a book each night!
Thank you for your support!
Ms. Gordon
Reading Specialist
What's New in the Library?
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Banks
The students will be able to check out books starting September 23, 2024. There will be a new order of books coming in October 2024 to add to our library collection.
Students will demonstrate how to use the Dewey Decimal Classification System in October 2024.
Grades 4 and 5 will have the opportunity to participate in the Write-A-Book by using Book Creator in Clever. All books will be due in December 2024.
Kindergarten: Ms. Rowe & Ms. Stancil
In reading, kindergarten students are working on rhyming words and identifying alphabet letters and the sounds they make. We are becoming active listeners during instruction.
In math, we are working on identifying, counting, writing, and comparing numbers 1-10.
Continue to have your child wear their orange bus vest to and from school each day.
1st Grade
1st Grade Team: Ms. Jones & Ms. James
Welcome to 1st Grade!
We have been busy learning about how to be a citizen in our community and at school.
Rules and Routines are key and now that we have mastered that, we are ready to start working on our goals.
In Really Great Reading we have learned the difference between vowels and consonants and are working on making words with short vowels.
In math, we discovered different ways to make 10 and will begin working on 2D shapes. Now that we know what science is, we will use our observational skills to compare and contrast different types of plants.
Great things are happening in 1st Grade!
2nd Grade
2nd Grade: Ms. Toms & Mr. Berry
The first quarter is flying by.
The second grade is off to a great start!
October brings testing, fun, and lots of learning!
Here’s what's to come in October:
DIBELS testing
Reading- We will be getting into our narrative unit. Students will go through the writing process, including editing, publishing, and sharing our work with classmates.
Math- We will be wrapping up our unit on measurement and moving on to addition within 100. Students will learn strategies and use tools to help them add numbers within 100.
Social Studies- We are learning about the United States government and who our country’s leaders are.
Health- We will learn all about our wonderful brains! Students will be able to identify safe practices, as well as the main parts of the brain.
Science- Students are continuing to learn about landscapes and find patterns in land features.
3rd Grade
3rd Grade RELA & Social Studies: Ms. Jackson
- Reading
- Figurative Language
- Theme
- Literacy Elementa
- Understanding Narratives
- Writing
- Compare & Contrast Essay
At Home Practice:
- Read for at least 20-30 minutes a night.
- Answer the comprehension questions on your reading log.
- Please check folders daily for homework assignments.
- Reading Logs will be given again on the week of September 30th, please sign.
Upcoming Events:
- iReady Window Closes October 1st
- DIBELS Testing: October 14th & October 17th
Third Grade Math, Science, & Health:
Mr. Tamoshunas & Ms. Banks
Students have been learning:
- Strategies to show addition and subtraction
- How forces create motion
- The importance of safety
We are ending our Unit on Basic Numbers & Calculations this week and will begin our Time unit followed by Multiplication!
Please have students practice telling time on an analog clock at home by asking:
- What time is it?
- How much time has past?
- In forty-five minutes what time will it be?
Practice multiplication facts with your child every day- even for a few minutes:
- Use flash cards (Dollar Store)
- Practice a few of the same facts daily before adding new facts
Math is everyone's friend.
Thank you for your support!
Mr. Tamoshunas
Ms. Banks
4th Grade
Fourth Grade ELA: Ms. Glover
What’s Popping in 4th Grade ELA!
Happy October Friends and Family. Here is what your “Fantastic Fourth Grades” should be able to do by the end of this month:
Write an original story from our two text “Flora & Ulysses” and “Kitoto the Mighty”. We will develop a problem for these characters to solve.
Retell a story(text) using a five finger retelling.
Describe a character,setting or events from a specific story.
Determine the theme of a piece of literature.
Figure out the meanings or words and phrases that the author uses in the story(text).
Use context clues to figure out word meanings.
Recognize sentence fragments and run-on sentences.
Fourth Grade Math & Science: Ms. Bechtold
4th grade Math and Science in October
Students are learning about the following in Math:
Multiply multi-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
Compare numbers with multiplicative reasoning.
Use multiplication to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving measurement.
Use letters to represent the unknown quantities in equations.
Students are learning about the following in Science:
Speed and motion of energy
Energy and motion
Speed of objects
5th Grade
5th Grade RELA & Social Studies: Dr. Harvin
For Grade 5, Quarter 1 RELA (Reading/English Language Arts), we are focusing on the essential questions of how people adapt to new experiences and make a new place home and what kinds of circumstances push people to create new inventions, through the use of informational text, poetry, realistic fiction, narrative nonfiction, analytic writing, and expository writing.
For Grade 5, Quarter 1 Social Studies, we are focusing on the development of the American government (1780-1789). The students collaborated to create a classroom constitution that we will write up, sign, and post in our classrooms.
5th Grade Math & Science: Ms. Brady
What's Happening in 5th Grade Math & Science?
Students are learning how to show division using different strategies and problem solving.
Students are learning what recycling looks like and the positive impacts recycling has on the environment.
ELD (English Language Development)
ELD (English Language Development) Team
Ms. Scarato, Ms. Constantino, Mr. Levine
Reading Tips
Turn reading into something special. Take your kids to the library, help them get their own library card, read with them, and buy them books as gifts. Have a favorite place for books in your home or, even better, put books everywhere!
For younger children: Once is not enough. Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more quickly and accurately.
For older children: Don’t be too quick to store away or discard books that your child enjoyed when they were younger. Plenty of older kids love to revisit their early favorites.
Special Education
Special Education: Ms. McCollum
Fall Mini-Conference
The Family Support Center is excited to announce our upcoming Fall Mini-Conference. We invite you to join us for these exciting workshops featuring two dynamic presentations that will inspire and empower you. Register now and gain valuable insight!
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Empowering Families: A Guide to Managing Anxiety
Guest speaker, Krystal Lewis, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist at the NIMH, will share evidence-based strategies to support children experiencing symptoms of anxiety.
Families will:
• Learn how to identify signs of anxiety
• Discover effective ways to shift anxious thoughts
• Uncover the scientific and biological underpinnings of anxiety
• Explore how technology is revolutionizing our understanding of anxiety
• Get insights into current treatment options including medications and cognitive behavioral therapy
Presenter: Krystal Lewis
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Register for:
The Behavior Changes Support Group(Learn how
to support their child with challenging behaviors.)
Art: Ms. Hall
Art gives our students an avenue to express themselves creatively. We will explore the usage of different shapes, lines and different ways to use them.
Physical Education
Physical Education: Ms. Fortunato
Since the school year began we have been getting acquainted with our
“new” physical education multi purpose room. The students are
adapting quite well.
K-2 Students have been learning and re-learning rules and expectations
and we have just begun our locomotor movement curriculum. They
have been doing an amazing job!
3-5 Students have been re-learning rules and expectations as well as
concentrating on their cardiovascular endurance. They have been
running A LOT and have been doing a wonderful job!
Mental Health & Wellness
School-Based Clinician: Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Mental Health and Wellness Corner!
Each month I will focus on a different Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
topic and provide useful strategies that can be used at home or in the
classroom. Here you can also find the latest mental health resources,
wellness tips, and a positive space to learn more about maintaining healthy
mental health!
Click on the link to enter : Mental Health and Wellness Corner
Mark Your Calendars!
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
10/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences
10/18: Schools Closed for Students- Professional Development Day
10/31: End of 1st Quarter
Start of November
11/1: 3 Hour Early Dismissal for Students
11/5: Election Day- Schools Closed