May 24, 2024
WEEK 38: How Time Flies!
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of another school year. This week has been full- Kindergarten Recognition, 8th grade Graduation, Field Day, Awards Assembly, and Closing Chapel. Some weeks have flown by and others have dragged on like a month of Mondays, but here we are on the last day of school. It has been such a great year, and we are so blessed to have partnered with you through all the ups and downs!
Summer lasts only 10 short weeks. Make the most of it. Enjoy the time with your children whether it is all summer long or just nights and weekends. Kids grow up so fast. It’s important to be present and engaged with them. Make some memories together!
Don’t forget to have your kiddos do something to keep their brains active this summer. Read the books on their summer reading list. Practice their math facts. Draw, play music, keep active, be creative. The summer brain drain is a real thing, and the only way to counter it is to keep practicing the skills they learned this year.
It will be a busy summer at Grace – seven classrooms are moving so that we can bring our PK classes into the main school building. We will be sending out a schedule of work days throughout the summer. If you can help on any of the days, it would be appreciated!
I pray that you have a wonderful summer.
God's Blessings,
Delaine Schiestel
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Grace Lutheran School
Email: gls@gls-hsv.org
Website: www.gls-hsv.org
Location: 3321 Memorial Parkway Southwest, Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: (256) 881-0553
Facebook: facebook.com/GraceLSHuntsvilleAL