NPMS Update
October 2024
New Prague Middle School Information
- Main Office Phone Line: (952) 758-1400
- Attendance Line (can call 24/7): (952) 758-1405
- School Nurse: (952) 758-1406
- Fax: (952) 758-1499
- Address: 721 Central Ave N, New Prague, MN 56071
- Website: https://npms.npaschools.org/
- More Resources: NPMS Family Resources
- Nutrition Services: 952-758-1774 and Lunch Menus
- Transportation: 952-758-1480
- Campus Portal: Campus Portal
- Calendar/Dates to Note: NPMS Calendar
- School Supply Lists: NPMS School Supply Lists
- MN Dept. of Revenue K-12 Tax Benefits: K-12 Tax Benefits
Absences, Late Arrivals, Early Pickups and End-of-the-Day Pickups
If your child(ren) will be gone or late, you MUST call the attendance line: 952-758-1405 (24/7, before 8:00 a.m. on the day that they will be gone) or main office line: 952-758-1400 (after 8:00 a.m.) or have your child bring a note to the office in the morning before or on the day you will be gone. If your child will be leaving early, have them bring a note to the office first thing in the morning to get a pass.
If your child is ill during the school day, please have them go to the nurse's office. The nurse will call home, if needed. Please remember that students should not be using their phones during the school day, unless a staff member knows about and has okayed it.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Notes from Mr. Gregor and Mr. Bell
Dear Families,
I hope this letter finds everyone well. October was a great month to connect with staff at conferences and to check in on the academic and social/emotional progress of your student. If you were not able to connect with your child's teacher, or need to in the future, please reach out to them. This month, we had some great speaker opportunities for our students at various grade levels:
- Grades 6-8 attended a session on mental health, sponsored by the Duck Cup Memorial. Mallory, the speaker, did a great job of sharing her story and giving strategies to students to help with stress.
- Our eighth graders attended the first annual career fair at the high school, with one of the keynote speakers being Nick Slavik, a local businessman. Nick shared his story of how he built and developed his business, then the students were able to meet and ask questions with local/area business people. There were over 35 businesses and companies in attendance.
- Finally, Dr. Nic Moga shared his travel experiences in South America with our 8th graders. This was the ninth year that Dr. Moga has shared his travel experiences with our 8th graders.
Mr. Gregor and Mr. Bell
Grateful Parents for Great Staff (GPGS)
If you are interested in finding out more about this group, started by one of our middle school student parents, please click on this GPGS link.
Chris Herron: The First Day
November 20, 7-8:30 p.m.
NPMS Auditorium
Friday Hat Days Fundraiser
Students and staff can pay $1 each of the three days to wear a hat. The money will go towards the December NPMS Sponsor-A-Family Initiative, which supports NPMS families in need.
Congratulations to our October Students of the Month!
- 6-Communications: Violet Scheurer and Otto Slavik
- 6-Language Arts: Adam Eischens and Kennedy Kukacka-Kadrlik
- 6-Math: Grace Christianson and Ruby Wacek
- 6-Science: Landon Breeggemann and Ethan Ricketts
- 6-Social Studies: Briana Bear and Dylan Fiala
- 7-Language Arts: Piper Ryan and Hank Seitzer
- 7-Math: Raena Anderson and Tyler Pieper
- 7-Science: Easton Carlson and Anika Newton
- 7-Social Studies: Olivia N. Johnson and Jefferson Koller
- 8-Language Arts: Aspen Schieffer and Thomas Trnka
- 8-Math: Karlee Hartwig and Aaron Tesch
- 8-Science: Lucas Ries and Beau Wakal
- 8-Social Studies: Matthew Bicknese and Lily Christenson
- Art: Yaretzi Chavarria-Orozco and Brihanna Etzler
- Band/Choir: Eric Christensen (Band) and Morgan Mock (Choir)
- 6th PE: Ben Emeott and Kylie Kaschak
- 7th PE: MaKynlie Braun and Ethan Luchsinger
- 8th PE: Oliver Pettinelli and Brenna Ruhland
- Spanish/TE/Woods: Micah Rosik (S), Aubrey Menne (TE) and Beau Blaschko (W)
Upcoming Events
- 5 - Election Day (no school events from 6-8 p.m.)
- Friday Hat Days Fundraiser - November 8, 15 and 22 (see info above)
- 8 - Veterans Day Program, 8:30-9 (all veterans and middle school families are welcome)
- 11 - No School, K-12 (Staff PLC Day)
- 20 - Speaker: Chris Herren (8th grade at 9 a.m., community presentation at 7 p.m.)
- 27-29 - No School, K-12 (Thanksgiving)
- 2, 3 and 4 - Annie, Jr. NPMS Musical Auditions, after school in the auditorium (join the Google classroom, "Annie Jr. 2025" with code (toddzfg) for more info and the sign-up link)
- 5 - Choir Concerts (6th at 6 p.m., 7th at 7 p.m. and 8th at 8 p.m.)
- 12 - Band Concerts (6th at 6 p.m., 7th at 7 p.m. and 8th at 8 p.m.)
- 23-31 - No School, K-12 (Winter Break)
- 1 - No School, K-12 (Winter Break)
- 2 - Resume School, K-12
- 17 - End of Semester 1
- 20 - No School, K-12 (MLK, Jr. Day and Staff Workshop)
Student and Family Resources
Community Resource: Food for Families Program
Healthy eating is very important for the developing brains of children. Research states that children who eat three meals a day are higher achievers in school, exhibit better behavior and have a lower rate of absenteeism.
New Prague Middle School believes in supporting children in all areas of development. For this reason, NPMS is continuing to partner with the Peace Center of New Prague to provide an additional resource, a backpack program called Food for Families, for anyone in our school in need of food assistance. The backpack program is a way for students to continue their healthy eating habits throughout the weekend.
At the end of each week, one backpack filled with food will be sent home per family. If your family would like to take part in Food for Families, or have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our school support services staff at the contact information below. If at any point throughout the year your family situation changes, please contact us at any time to discuss ending or accessing this resource.
Aliina Peterson, School Social Worker: apeterson@isd721.org or 952-758-1428
Maria Willner, School Counselor: mwillner@isd721.org or 952-758-1451
Julie Holgate, School Counselor: jholgate@isd721.org or 952-758-1412
Infinite Campus Parent Portal TIP Sheet
Click the link below to learn more:
Drop-Off Reminder
NPMS contacts
Email: rbell@isd721.org
Website: https://npms.npaschools.org/
Location: 721 Central Avenue North, New Prague, MN, USA
Phone: 952-758-1400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NPMS721
Twitter: @NPMS721