Wolf Pack Weekly
Upcoming events and announcements from the Nature Ridge PTO
Week at a Glance - August 19 - August 23
Tuesday August 20th - Back to school Picnic
Nature Ridge Families....Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and help us
celebrate the start of another fantastic school year! Kori’s Koop Food Truck
and Yummy’s Ice Cream Truck will be at the school serving from 4:30 to 7:30 (or
until they run out!). *Please note that the food trucks are a self-pay event and the
PTO will not benefit from these sales; cash or credit will be accepted.
The PTO would also appreciate your support! They will be selling bottled
water and tickets for their 50/50 Raffle! *Please note that cash will be the only
form of payment accepted for the water and tickets.
Wolf Pack Car Magnets For Sale!
Order here: https://forms.gle/jVMMpu3Shrx56jxQ6
Magnets will be sent home with your child.
Upcoming Events:
- Fri 8/30: Spirit Wear orders due
- Fri 9/27: Move-a-thon
Nature Ridge Spirit Wear Group Order 8/7-8/30
*Important: When checking out, in the Order Instructions/Comments field, please make sure to enter your student's teacher and/or grade. Failure to do so will delay delivery.
Volunteering Opportunities:
2024-2025 PTO Event Committees
The PTO is always looking for people to help organize and run events/programs.
Look for volunteer opportunities in the next edition of Wolf Pack Weekly.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact the PTO @ NatureRidgeBoard@gmail.com
Stay Connected:
PTO Google Calendar - Now Available!
The Nature Ridge PTO has created a Google Calendar to keep you up-to-date on all of our events this year! Click here for detailed instructions to add the calendar to your Google account.
*Don't worry - you can "mute" the calendar when not in use!
Nature Ridge PTO Family Directory (Link coming soon)
Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
Email: NatureRidgeBoard@gmail.com
Website: https://www.u-46.org/domain/2840
Location: 1899 Westridge Blvd., Bartlett, IL 60103
Phone: 630-372-4627
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NatureRidgeElementaryPTO/