RES Rocket Weekly
Summer Message
Dear RES Families and Students,
There are no words to thank all of you for your support and understanding as our school year dramatically changed on March 13th!
We have missed your child(ren) and hope that all of you find some time this summer to rest and relax as a family!
This week, all families that were unable to make the "Drive Thru Drop-Off and Collection of Materials" will be able to come on Thursday, June 25th between 3pm and 6pm.
- Staff will be on-site to return and collect materials.
- Families are asked to pull into the parent drop-off loop.
- CDC Guidelines will be followed and we ask that masks be worn and families remain in their vehicle the entire time on our school campus.
If a family is still unable to pick up or drop off materials on June 25th, please contact Mrs. Goddard and alternative arrangements will be made.
All report cards, certificates, and our RES School Supply List will be mailed home this week.
Students with materials that still need to be picked up will not have their report cards and other items mailed. These will be given to families when their student's/students' belongings are picked up.
Virtual Pre-K and 5th Grade Celebrations!
- Celebrating our 5th Graders
- Traditional Kickball Game
- Honoring our Pre-K Students AM Students PM Students
- Honoring our 5th Grade Students
- Message from our staff to our 5th Graders
These traditional events were missed during our time apart and our school staff worked hard to provide our students with memories they can still take with them! Many thanks to all of the staff and families who participated and contributed to the development of these videos!
RES Informational Items
Quarterly Awards
All traditional awards (3rd and 4th Marking Periods) will be mailed home with Report Cards.
4th Marking Period Awards Assembly will be done virtually next week.
Media Books
Any books needed to be returned may be returned on Thursday, June 25th, between 3pm and 6pm.
Families may also drop them off on the bench by the front entrance of the school. Please call the school to make staff aware that books have been left outside.
SMCPS Laptops
Imagine Learning Platforms
Students may continue to work on their skills at their pace.
Informational Items
Message from Dr. Smith - June 17th
Some highlights include:
The Board of Education approved the purchase of Schoology, an online learning platform bridging the home-school connection that provides for both “live” (synchronous) instruction, as well as on-demand (asynchronous) instruction.
- Schoology will be our new comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS), allowing teachers to build content that can be accessed and delivered in the classroom, while also allowing students the ability to access it from home.
- For more information about Schoology, you can view introductory videos online, including specific ones for parents, for elementary students, or for secondary students.
Through the final weeks of June and throughout July, we will be working on a Safe Return to School Plan (SRSP) that is required of each county by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).
- The plan will be developed with staff and stakeholders across the system and will include teachers, parents, and students.
- The plan must include several elements such as health and safety protocols, instructional planning, supports for students, transportation, scheduling, food service, as well as other programmatic components such as athletics and performance groups.
- We will need your input as we move forward and ask that you complete THIS SURVEY ( The information gathered will help the stakeholder group create a plan that meets the needs of SMCPS.
Virtual Town Hall on Fall 2020 Safe Return to School Planning
St. Mary’s County Public Schools will host a virtual town hall on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 4:00 p.m.
The virtual town hall will be streamed live at , on cable Channel 96, and on the SMCPS YouTube channel.
Pre-K Enrollment
The St. Mary's County Public Schools Pre-Kindergarten/Head Start Common Application is available online:
- Click here for information on the application process, eligibility requirements, and other informational items
- St. Mary's County Public Schools Pre-Kindergarten/head Start Common Application
Paper applications are available upon request by contacting:
- 301-475-5511 x32136
If you have questions, please contact:
- 301-475-5511 x32136
If you are requesting a transfer to another school:
- Complete registration process
- Your home school will notify you of your student's status
- If your student is accepted, you will complete the Student Transfer Request and submit it to your home school
- Home school will forward the Student Transfer Request to the requested school
- Requested school will notify you of your student's status
Countywide Enrollment (Kindergarten through 12th Grade)
Registration is now open and will continue through the summer. At this time, school buildings remain closed to the public. Registration documents and instructions can be found at
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2020, should register with the school assigned to their physical address. Parent(s)/Legal Guardians not intending to register an appropriately aged child for Kindergarten must obtain a waiver from the St. Mary's County Public Schools Department of Student Services. It is not necessary for children enrolled in Head Start or Prekindergarten in the public schools to register again.
Additional Kindergarten information can be found at
RES Spirit Webstore is OPEN!
Offering several different items to show your RES Pride all year!
Orders may be made at any time and most items come in a variety of color combinations.
If a paper copy is needed to place an order please contact the RES Main Office and one will be sent home.
Please click here to access the site.
RES Twitter
Please follow us: @res_smcps. We will be using Twitter for updates and reminders as well as a means of showcasing for everyone all of our Ridge Pride!