Torringford Tigers
October 2024
A Message from Mrs. Galullo & Mrs. Austin
Dear Torringford Families,
We hope this message finds you well and enjoying the beauty of autumn. As the leaves begin to change, we're excited to continue our season of learning, growth, and building strong connections here at Torringford School.
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Welcome Back Night in September! We're looking forward to our upcoming parent-teacher conferences on November 21st, 22nd, and 25th. These meetings are a great way to connect with your child’s teachers, celebrate progress, and set goals for the months ahead. Keep an eye out for sign-up information in the coming weeks.
We value open communication between home and school. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. They will also be in touch if they have any updates or concerns to share.
Thank you for your continued support! By working together, we can create the best learning environment for our students. If there's anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
In partnership,
Mrs. Galullo (Principal) & Mrs. Austin (Assistant Principal)
Torringford Tigers are PAWSOME
Torringford Tigers are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE!
At Torringford School we use PAWSOME cards as a proactive, school-wide system that encourages positive behavior and improves social, emotional, and academic outcomes for all students.
During the month of September, there has been a school-wide focus on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors. At Torringford, we have clear behavior expectations for all students in various settings – in the classroom, in the hallways, on the playground, in the cafeteria, on the school bus, and so on. These expectations are communicated clearly to all students.
When students meet these expectations, they are recognized and rewarded. This positive reinforcement can be in the form of verbal praise, PAWSOME awards, special privileges, or other incentives. By emphasizing positive behaviors, we create a school culture where students feel safe, respected, responsible, and ready to learn.
When students know what is expected of them and are acknowledged for their positive behaviors, they are more likely to make good choices. This, in turn, improves the overall school atmosphere, making it a better place for everyone – students, teachers, and parents alike.
You can support this at home by reinforcing the same positive behaviors that are encouraged at school. Praise your child for their good behavior, set clear expectations at home, and establish routines. By maintaining consistency between home and school, we can work together to reinforce positive behavior in your child.
In September, 433 Pawsome cards were awarded. Congratulations to the following Torringford Tigers:
Lucas Perez Torres: PE GAME with Mrs. Chateauneuf and Mrs. Young
David Dallon: Lunch with Officer BOB
Avery Mailhot: Reading with Ms. Farella & a Friend
Ryder Vaill: Art project with Ms. Fayer
Janiyah Mendez: Music Lesson with Mrs Ritter
Alaina Michaud: Time with Nurse Denise and her Therapy Dog 'Finley'
We appreciate your partnership in promoting a positive learning environment for all students. Please be sure to celebrate your student when they share with you a PAWSOME award received at school.
Torringford School Celebrates Veterans Day
Honoring Our Veterans - - Friday, November 8th
Please fill out the form linked here to register your Veteran to be honored on our "Wall of Honor" and attend our special assembly on Friday, November 8, 2024. The ceremony will be only for Veterans submitted through this form. Due to space limitations, it is not open for all families to attend.
To ensure the safety and security of our students, all veterans and family members must be pre-registered.
To allow for ample time to plan as well as safety and security protocols, responses must be received by Monday, October 14th. Late entries cannot be accepted.
A Message from Our School Nurses
Flu Season...Physical & Immunization Records...Change of Clothes 'Oh My!'
To report your student's absence,
please call the school office at 860-489-2300 (option 1)
before 9:00 AM.
If you have any health concerns,
please don't hesitate to reach out to Nurse Allison or Nurse Denise!
School is Better with YOU!
Regular Attendance is Key to Your Child’s Success!
When students are healthy, being in school helps them stay on track with learning
and builds good habits for the future.
Every day counts!
Click HERE English
Click HERE Spanish
Please know we are here to help—reach out to
Georgia Austin or Deb Mordecai with any attendance concerns.
Principals' Storybook Pumpkin Walk
Come explore the creative pumpkin displays, each inspired by a favorite storybook. It's a fun way to celebrate reading and creativity together!
Mark Your Calendar
October 14: NO School; Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 17: Early Dismissal (1:30); Teacher Professional Learning Community (PLC)
October 31: Character Day
November 5: NO School - Election Day
November 8: Torringford School Honors our Veterans
November 21,22,25: Early Dismissal (1:30); Parent Conferences
November 26: Early Dismissal (1:30); PLC
November 27-29: NO School - Thanksgiving Recess
Torringford & Forbes Berry Scary Fall Festival
Click HERE to RSVP.
Order Your Pies Today
Click HERE for more information.
Kindergarten Wonders
Fun and Learning in Full Swing!
Representing Items Using Geometric Blocks
In Math, we are learning to put numbers in order from 0-10.
In Math, we are learning to subitize, build, and compose sets up to 10.
Kindergarteners love playing hands-on math games and activities during workplace time to reinforce the skills we’re learning in whole group lessons.
In ELA, we are practicing how to read independently and
use the Lexia app as part of our literacy centers.
In ELA, we are learning to use information from our readings to inspire us as writers. We’re practicing using shapes and pre-writing strokes to form illustrations and adding labels.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Name Trees
Integrated play in kindergarten is essential, blending fun with learning to foster creativity, social skills, and deeper understanding across all areas of development.
Making squirrel puppets helps us learn about squirrels,
as well as help us develop our fine muscle skills.
Students enjoyed learning about Johnny Appleseed, practicing their letter identification using “apples”, and tasting different types of apples during apple week.
We celebrated Apple Day, incorporating what they’ve been learning in their Benchmark reading lessons about plants into a fun seasonal activity!
First Grade Fun
Students enjoyed a visit from
the Connecticut Science Center.
Recess and Purposeful Play
First graders are learning how to measure!
Students used unifix cubes to measure different objects in a room,
first estimating, then finding the actual length.
Measuring with popsicle sticks!
Students estimated how many student feet long the jump rope was!
We measured using our feet, heel to toe.
First graders love using the courtyard!
We have been getting outside as much as possible before it is too cold!
Second Grade Scoop: Fun and Learning Awaits!
In second grade, we are reading fiction and nonfiction texts in order to understand what plants and animals need to survive in their habitats.
Students are practicing comprehension skills such as using context clues, identifying the main topic, and locating various text features.
In writing, second graders are learning to write detailed and complete sentences. We are also examining how to share what we have learned through informative writing samples.
Students will be gathering evidence from text and video sources to then write and share their knowledge about how animals survive in their different habitats.
In math, we have been working on using different strategies to add and subtract within 20.
Second graders are learning to use number racks and number lines to explore different number combinations and solve addition problems.
We are practicing our skills during math workplace stations.
In our first science unit, second graders are learning how to
group different animals and what they need to survive.
We also had the opportunity to design prototypes of bird feeders.
Check out some of these awesome designs!
In alignment with our benchmark reading unit, students in Ms. Schone’s class also did
an experiment to understand how blubber helps keep penguins
in Antarctica warm during the winter.
Third Grade Thrills
Third grade students have been learning about Animal Adaptations! We are reading about the many physical and behavioral adaptations, or characteristics that help animals survive. Students are gathering information about how fur in particular, helps protect animals from predators or helps them when hunting for prey. We are using the evidence we gather to write an expository essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.
We were so lucky to have Mrs. Miller from the Sharon Audubon Society visit our classrooms to share some of the features of the amazing animals that live in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut. Mrs. Miller taught us about the adaptations that define insects, amphibians, reptiles and more! Please check out the photographs below!
From the desk of Emily Dicostanzo, School Psychologist
Welcome to another year at Torringford Elementary School. I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer. This year is going to be awesome!
This year the Hershey Kiss will travel to your classroom. The purpose of the KISS is to watch over your students. She can be used to help a struggling student, who needs some additional support; to help “look” for students doing the right thing (being kind, respectful, etc.).
At her first classroom visit, she will receive a new name. She was named by Miss Schone’s 2nd graders–her name is Mocha “Kissy”. During the month of September, she visited Mrs. Harris and Mrs Mangine as well as Miss Schone. She is noticing all the great things the kids are doing and reporting back to me. So far, the students have sent in their “Random Act of Kindness” as well as what they do to make students and adults feel welcome.
Also, every month I will be going into our kindergarten and new preschool classroom, to conduct a read-aloud on a variety of topics. This is a great opportunity for me to get to know our students and to form those relationships early on.
As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child and I will do my best to assist you. I am looking forward to a fabulous year and I am sure you are as well. Remember “it takes a village to raise a child” and I am happy to be part of your child’s village.
Thank you
Emily DiCostanzo, School Psychologist
860-489-2300 X 1459
Summer Reading Winners
Congratulations to the following students:
- Kaia Kaczmarcyk a third grader in Mrs. Considine's Class
- Diego Del Negro a second grader in Mrs. Deloy's Class
- Ayrius Moore a second grader in Mrs. Henry's Class
- Addison Briggs a third grader in Mrs. Markelon's Class
- Aidan Nelson a second grader in Mr. Mastro's Class
- Mia Saltos a first grader in Mrs. Meyer's Class
- Angelina Rojas a third grader in Mrs. Milano's Class
- Biagio Zappone a second grader in Mrs. Poklemba's Class
- Avery Mahar a first grader in Mrs. Prichard's Class
- Mia Giarnese a third grader in Mrs. Rinaldi's Class
A Message from Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Zima
From Literacy & Math Intervention
Our fall district assessments have just wrapped up and we are reviewing data and getting ready to form intervention groups.
If your child is identified as a student who would benefit from intervention support an invitation will be sent home.
During the 8-week intervention cycle, Interventionists will provide targeted instruction as well as the time students need to practice and reinforce skills.
Torringford School is full of AMAZING characters!
Thursday, October 31st
Dress up as your favorite storybook character!
Bring your character’s book and share why they are your favorite character.
*Full face masks and/or coverings are NOT PERMITTED.
Meet the Staff at Torringford
Torringford Elementary School
Torringford School is a safe and welcoming community where we take care of people and foster positive relationships. Our team spirit supports and acknowledges everyone. Optimists persist to meet challenges with the flexibility and empathy to create healthy, enthusiastic, life-long learners.
Educate. Explore. Inspire.
Email: gaustin@torrington.org
Website: http://torringtontorringford.ss16.sharpschool.com
Location: 800 Charles Street, Torrington, CT, USA
Phone: (860)489-2300
Facebook: facebook.com/TorringfordTigers