AUG 2024 Sunrise Elementary
Monthly Newsletter
August Newsletter 2024
Principal Reflections
August is always an exciting time for teachers and students. Teachers are in the building preparing their classrooms for the upcoming school year and getting familiar with the names on their new class lists. In addition, these teachers are, and have been meeting throughout the summer to discuss curriculum and refine instructional priorities.
For students, the anticipation of the new school year is packed with questions like; Which teacher will I have? Who else will be in my class? Is this new grade level going to be difficult/harder? These questions and more can truly be exciting, but also a little anxiety inducing.
Depending on many factors of course, the first few weeks of the school year tend to be about “settling in”, getting back into the swing of things, adjusting sleep schedules, etc. Most students (and teachers) experience this challenge. In fact, I would argue that this is much like any routine. Once we get away from it for a period of time, it can take some persistence and patience to work back into it. This may not be a great analogy, but many of you know that I am a bit of a hockey fan. Well, last night an old hockey friend was in town, and we got together at the Appleton Family Ice Center to watch some old friends playing men's league hockey and to catch up a bit. Well, I can tell you that despite being well dressed for it, this old body hasn’t been in the rink for several months and consequently I was extremely uncomfortable with the cold. I am confident though, that if I were to go back today and tomorrow, I would feel less and less uncomfortable.
As I said earlier, returning to an old environment can still require some persistence and patience. The optimism that you, as parents share with your children, that they can make the necessary adjustments to the new school year is crucial.
Now, as I wrap up this newsletter I need to make a plea. Sunrise has always had a great, supportive core of Noon Hour Supervisors. At this time, we are very much in need of more staff in this area. If you are able to help us supervise the Lunch Room and Recess portion of the school day, please contact Melissa DuVal at 920-954-1822.
With that I wish you all a great last few weeks of August. I look forward to working with you this school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me here at Sunrise (920-954-1822) or by email (
Important Upcoming Dates
August 28th: Open House- Meet Your Teacher & Drop Off Your Supplies- 3-5pm
September 3rd: 1st Day of School
September 20th: Hearing Screening
September 23rd: Picture Retake Day
September 27th: Noon Elementary Release
October 4th: PTO Fun Run
Sunrise Needs You... Lunch Room Supervisors
We need you, our Sunrise community, to help us out. We are looking for Noon Hour Supervisors to join us. Being a Noon Hour Supervisor is extremely flexible. You can work 1 day, 2 days, or however many may work for you. Or, we can work week by week to schedule your days. We are very flexible! Hours are approximately
10:45am – 12:45pm and pay is $10.00/hour.
What being a Noon Hour Supervisor entails:
- Assisting students with opening lunch packaging.
- Having the opportunity to get to know your student’s Sunrise friends.
- Supervising students during recess.
- Getting to know other Sunrise community members.
- Being a steward to our Sunrise community.
By becoming a Noon Hour Supervisor, you join the Sunrise Team and become even more entwined in the Sunrise community. We are extremely grateful to our past, present and future supervisors for enabling us in providing a safe and fun lunch and recess. It takes numerous people to run a school community.
Please reach out to me if you would like to join us on a new adventure, or if you just simply have questions.
Thank you!
Melissa DuVal
School Fees
If you haven't already paid your 24/25 school fees, you may make payment online by accessing your Infinite Campus account. When paying through Infinite Campus, you are now able to pay using the e-check method or by using your credit card. Credit card fees for registration will be waived August 1st-September 31st. Please remember when you use an e-check it is similar to using a paper check and if this check would be rejected by your bank due to non-sufficient funds, you will be charged a $25 NSF fee. Families are encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications and Fee Waivers as needed.
- 5K Registration = $20.00
- Grade 1-4 Registration = $30.00
- 5K Milk = $40.00
- Headphones (for new students) = $5.00
- Lunch = $2.60
- Lunch Milk = $0.40
Bus Transportation
Please check your most up to date bus information in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal before September 3rd. You can find this information under “More” and the area “Bus Transportation”.
You will need to find this information in Infinite Campus. Please contact Lamers Bus Services at 920-832-8800 ext. 2 with any questions or concerns.
Meet Your Teacher & Drop Off Supplies
Meet your Teacher / Drop Off Supplies will be held on August 28th 3:00 PM—5:00 PM. This is a great opportunity for you and your child to meet their new teacher and bring in their school supplies prior to the first day of school.
Culver's Ice Cream!
Join the Sunrise PTO for Culvers Ice Cream!
When: Wednesday, August 28th
Time: 3pm-5pm
Where: Sunrise Elementary Cafeteria
Culver’s has graciously donated ice cream for our Meet the Teacher event! Stop by with your family for a cool treat!
School Supply List
Click the list to access the Sunrise Elementary 24/25 school supply list.
School Lunch
September lunch menus are available by clicking on the menu.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information
Click the image for information on Free & Reduced Lunches.
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Click the image to access the application for free and reduced lunches.
Sharing Information-Fee Waivers
If filling out an application, please consider filling out the Sharing Information form.
Sunrise Procedures
Drive Up & Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedure
Drive Up & Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures can be accessed by clicking on the van.
Early Dismissal Explained
Please click the image for more information regarding both noon dismissal procedures and 2:00 dismissal procedures.
2:00 PM Dismissals
Click on the document for a list of 2PM Dismissal dates.
Reporting Your Child Absent or Tardy
If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the Sunrise office by 8:45 am. You may call the office at 920-954-1822 and press option #1 to leave a voicemail on the Sunrise attendance line. The office receives all of these voicemails.
Medication Information
Medication consent forms are required for all over-the-counter and prescription medications. This includes cough drops, ointments, creams, etc. Prescription medications do require a physicians signature. You may find these forms on the KASD website by clicking HERE.
When To Keep Your Child Home
Hearing Screening
Sunrise hearing screening takes place on Friday, September 20th. Please click on the flier to access more information about the districts hearing screening.
Other Communication Resources
Sunrise Elementary Website
You can find more great information on our website by clicking on the Sunrise bee.
Sunrise Elementary Facebook
Another great way is by following the Sunrise Elementary Facebook page by clicking the Facebook link.
Community Events
There are always some great events happening in the community. Be sure to click the Community Events image to find out more about them.
Important Optional Forms, Fliers & Handbooks
Optional Forms
All of our optional forms and informational fliers are available online via the District Website. You may click the link to access the District Forms page and, if you scroll further down and click the + by Sunrise Elementary, you will see the Sunrise forms and informational fliers. Please review them, print any you may need and turn them into the office. Feel free to call the office with any questions you may have. 920-954-1822
Volunteer Background Check
We appreciate the many volunteers who generously give of their time to make our school a better place for children to learn and grow. It is vitally important that the environment in which our children learn, and in which our employees and volunteers work, is a safe one. For this reason, the district requires background checks be completed by all volunteers working with students and attending field trips. Background checks are good for 5 years following approval. If you are looking to complete one, please click the link to access the background check form, print it, fill it out and drop it off at the Sunrise office to be processed.
KASD Elementary Student & Parent Handbook 24/25
The Elementary Student & Parent Handbook for 24/25 is available to all parents. You may click the link to access it. If you would prefer a paper copy of the handbook, please contact the school office at 920-954-1822.
Human Growth & Development
Human Growth & Development K-4 forms will be coming home with your student the first week of school. Please notify the office if you do not receive one and one will be sent to you.
- If you need to contact the Sunrise PTO, you may email them at
Substitute Teachers and Paraprofessionals
The Kimberly Area School District is always looking for great substitutes. Click on the flier to find out more information on how to join our team.
Public Notices 2024/25
Annual Public Notices 2024-25: Each year the Kimberly Area School District must inform all families and staff of certain information. The updated Public Notices document can be found on our website at
If you need a printed copy, you can request one from any school office or the District Administration Office.
If you are unable to access specific content within this newsletter, please call us at (920) 954-1822.
This newsletter may contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control. The District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third party sites.
Some files may require Adobe Reader to open. Adobe Reader can be downloaded here.
Student Nondiscrimination Statement
The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.
The Kimberly Area School District prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. Complete Title IX and Nondiscrimination notices can be found on the District’s website.