Wednesday Folder (On a Monday)
August 14, 2024
Last 2 Days of Assessment!
Thank you for bringing your children back to school in the afternoon for our reading and writing assessments. In order to capture the most accurate beginning of the year assessment data we are kindly asking that families keep the hallways as quiet as possible during testing. We want to be sure our students are able to show their very best work.
Spanish and Orchestra Info
Programs are scheduled to begin on Sept 9th.
Registration is open until 8/16 for Spanish and 8/18 for Orchestra.
Program Dates:
Fall: Sept 9th-Dec 6th (Orchestra concert the week of Dec 9)
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back CES Dragons!
It was so wonderful to see so many of you last Friday. It truly is one of my favorite days of the year! For those of you who were unable to make it to our Meet the Teacher, feel free to walk your student to class tomorrow morning. You can help get their supplies to the classroom and meet their teacher. We will start classes promptly at 7:40. Please exit the building as soon as you give last hugs!
Reminder - after tomorrow morning (Tuesday) you will have to sign into the building through the office. You will need to bring a government ID to sign in. You will not be able to enter the building without an ID. This is for your child's safety. A picture on your phone will not suffice. We appreciate your help and understanding with this important safety procedure.
The first four days are early release days. Your PK student will be released at 11:45 and your K-4 student will be released at 12:00. We know that there will be many who carpool and have alternate ways to get home this week. Please be sure to let your child's teacher know how they are getting home. Please stay in your cars and follow our dismissal procedures. Walkers please wait by the flag pole bench until we call you for dismissal.
You can access our Back to School Info at this link (pages 4&5 highlight our Arrival/Dismissal Procedures).
If you are one of our new families - When you bring your student for their assessment, please stop by the office so that we can scan your driver's license and make sure you are in our system.
We are asking for no lunch visitors during the first full week of school (August 19-August 23). Our staff likes to use this week to put lunch procedures in place.
I look forward to seeing you all through out the school year. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Dragon Love,
Stacy Wagnon
Important Back to School Dates
August 13 - First Day -TOMORROW
August 13-16 Early Release/Assessments
August 27th - Curriculum Night
K-2 -5:00
PK, 3rd & 4th -6:00
We are excited to inform you that our school has enrolled with STOPit!
STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.
More information and resources can be found online at stopitsolutions.com.
Reminder! If your child is absent - PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE!
Ask the Principal!
Safety and Security
Ways to Connect with Carroll Elementary
Email: stacy.wagnon@southlakecarroll.edu
Website: https://www.southlakecarroll.edu/Domain/8
Location: 1705 West Continental Boulevard, Southlake, TX, USA
Phone: 817-949-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1569009640030962
Twitter: @CESSouthlake
District & News Information
Make sure to sign up for the Dragon eBlast, a district communication with all of the latest news, updates and announcements! Also follow the district social media accounts to see all the latest happenings within Carroll ISD: