Title 1 Annual Meeting 2024-2025
Ringgold Elementary School
School, Student, Home...It all connects!
You are a part of an awesome school that focuses on supporting students by engaging their families in the education process. Our goal is to help increase student achievement by connecting home and school.
- Click the link to Sign In and complete the Evaluation
- What is a Title 1 School?
- Title 1 Budget
- Title 1 Requirements/Professional Qualifications/Schoolwide Program
- School Assessments
- District and School Parent Engagement Policy
- School-Family Compacts
- Family Engagement Opportunities
- Title 1 Handouts
- Contact us!
Sign In
Click the button below to sign in and answer a few questions about the newsletter.
Please DO NOT skip this step. This keeps us compliant with Title 1 meeting standards!
What is Title 1?
As a Title 1 Distinguished School, the goal is to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state's challenging performance standards.
Title 1 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance to state and local education agencies to meet the needs of children based on the number of free and reduced lunch counts.
Title 1 is a school wide program with a purpose to improve the entire educational program at RES. This should result in improving the academic achievement of all students, particularly the lowest achieving students. By law, the school system will ensure that strong strategies are in place to build capacity in parents as partners, and to support parents in attaining high student achievement in class, and at home.
Title 1 Budget
In general, Title 1 funding provides:
- smaller classes or special instructional spaces
- additional teachers and paraprofessionals
- opportunities for professional development for school staff
- a variety of supplementary teaching methods
- an individualized program for students
- additional teaching materials which supplement their regular instruction
- technology
- parent and family engagement in children's' education
At RES, we use our Title 1 funds to provide:
- salaries for two part time Academic Coaches and a part time Parent Involvement Coordinator
- Family Resource Room supplies
- Eureka Squared workbooks and digital components
- online curriculum and technology including: Lexia, Quizziz, Write Score, Flocabulary, and iReady Reading and Math
- supplies including: copy paper, poster paper, students headphones
As a District in conjunction with federal guidelines, a small percentage of our Title 1 money is allocated to have a District level Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) Liaison.
Professional Qualifications
Earlier this school year, we sent home a Right to Know Letter.
- whether the teacher met state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level and subject being taught.
- whether the teacher received and emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived
- what undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds
- you may also ask whether your child received help form a paraprofessional, and information about their qualifications
Assessments & Testing
At Ringgold Elementary, our students are assessed several times a year to ensure they are learning the state adopted standards from the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Results from the various assessments are used to identify those students who are not mastering the standards and to provide teachers with feedback about instruction. As a whole, the data gathered from these tests help our school identify our strengths and our weaknesses so that we can establish priorities and goals in planning our educational programs.
Currently, RES administers the following assessments:
Three times a year, the students will take the MAP Growth Assessment:
Grades 3-5 will take MAP Math and MAP Reading & Fluency
For more information on NWEA MAP Growth Assessment, click here
In the spring, the students will take the Georgia Milestones Assessment
Grades 3-5 take the ELA Writing, Reading and Math portions
Grade 5 also takes the Science portion
For more information on the Georgia Milestones Assessment, click here
You can find more information about assessments at www.georgiastandards.org
School & District Family Engagement Policies
School-Family Compacts
RES and our families will jointly develop a School-Family Compact for Achievement. This is an agreement that teachers, students, and parents develop together that explains how everyone will work together to share responsibility for students reaching grade-level goals. These grade-specific compacts stress the importance of communication between teachers, students, and parents.
In late August, input from teachers, students, and parents will be gathered. At grade level meetings teachers and staff agree on how they will keep families informed and students on track. Students select the ways in which they will work toward achieving their goals by completing a Google Form. Parents are provided the opportunity to provide input on their role through the Fall Survey.
A grade-specific draft is created and posted on the school website and in the Family Resource Room for parents and staff to review in September. Parents approve the final compact at the Fall PAC Meeting in late September. A copy of the compact is sent home along with a cover sheet, which parents, teachers, and students all sign agreeing to their role in the educational process.
The compacts should be referred to at home and will be referred to at school in parent and student conferences.
We are still in the process of creating the 2024-2025 Compacts, but you can view last year's Compacts below:
Getting Engaged!
- parents play a integral role in assisting their child's learning
- parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education
- parents are full partners in their child's education and are included in decision making to assist in the education of their child
- policies are jointly developed with parents
- the school jointly develops a Family-School Compact each year that outlines how parents, teachers, and students will share the responsibility for student academic achievement
You can volunteer in the Family Resource Room anytime during school hours or sign up to help at a special school event. You can also plan to attend the Title 1 meetings and parent workshops held by the Parent Involvement Coordinator. This will keep you informed and engaged in your child's education. Stay connected to Class Dojo for invites and sign ups!
You can find out more by contacting the Parent Involvement Coordinator, Cathy Cooper, at ccooper.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us or visit the Family Resource Room 203!
Title 1 Handouts
Contact Information
Parents are always welcome to contact their child's teacher or administrators through the school website (www.res.catoosa.k12.ga.us), email, written notes, and Class Dojo.
Parents should bring Title 1 complaints to Gina Hayes, CCPS Title 1 Coordinator at 706-965-2297 or ghayes@catoosa.k12.ga.us
School complaints can be brought to Dr. Edgeman, RES Principal.
Dr. Kristian Edgeman, Principal: kedgeman@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Daniel McMurry, Vice Principal: dmcmurry@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Alicia Webb, Reading Academic Coach: awebb.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Carla McCrary, Math Academic Coach: cmccrary.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Ringgold Elementary School
322 Evitt Lane, Ringgold, GA 30736
PH: 706-935-2912
Thank You!!
I appreciate your participation and support at RES!!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Cathy Cooper, Parent Involvement Coordinator