SRES Eagle Times
January 13, 2023 - Issue No. 18
Inspire, Create and Grow a Community of Lifelong Learners
Happy Friday SRES Families!
Our first week of Winter Sports was TERRIFIC! So many smiles and so much learning! Our next adventure is on Tuesday, January 24th. One thing we did notice is that on Wednesday, students were very tired. Please help by making sure your child gets to bed on time or perhaps a little early. All students played hard and persevered - I'm sure their bodies and brains were exhausted. And, we need to make sure the day following Winter Sports they are ready to learn!
All School Meetings:
- Each classroom has had an opportunity to facilitate an All School Meeting
- Beginning this month, classrooms will also share something they are learning with the rest of the school so we can celebrate accomplishments together!
Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- With guidance from Focused Schools, SRES has formed an ILT.
- So far, our ILT has worked with staff to create a targeted learning focus (the one thing...yes, we had to choose just one!...we want ALL students to be able to do).
- SRES' targeted learning focus is about comprehension; and specifically, we want students to be able to show their understanding through speaking and writing.
- More to come!
Looking ahead:
- Monday, January 16th: NO SCHOOL; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Tuesday, January 17th: NO SCHOOL; InService Day (Responsive Classroom and School Safety)
- Tuesday, January 17th: Rockingham School Board Meeting at 4pm
- Wednesday, January 18th: SCHOOL RESUMES!
- Friday, January 20th: Crazy Hat/Hair Day!
- Week of January 30th: MAP Assessment
Enjoy the long weekend!
Your partner in education,
Laura Hazard
There is NO SCHOOL, Monday or Tuesday next week. We will see everyone back at SRES on Wednesday, January 18th.
Mrs. Stephanie Fuller
Over the past few weeks, students have continued to learn about the Zones of Regulation. Students are continuing to work on their Zone books and have learned about the blue, green and yellow zones so far. Below are some of the book pages that students completed during SEL class.
3rd and 4th
Students worked in groups to complete "Size of the Problem" puzzles where they had to match the size of the problem to a scenario and expected reaction. This week students learned the importance of using their inner coach (positive self talk) to help them stay regulated and in control of their feelings. Students were able to practice recognizing statements that their inner coach can say vs. their inner critic (negative self talk). Here are a few pictures of students working together on the puzzles.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!
Hearing Screenings
Still in progress. I will send results home with your child as they are done. Thank you for your patience with this.
Water Bottles
Every student should be bringing a water bottle to school every day. Water is the only beverage that should be in a water bottle. We ask that all other drinks be saved for lunch or snack time. Please refrain from sending your child in with beverages high in sugar.
**Please keep your child home from school when they are sick**
As a courtesy, please notify the school (nurse Jenn) if your child tests positive for COVID-19. This will help us monitor for the virus better. Please self report any positives to the Vermont Department of Health at:
COVID-19 Tests Available
If you need COVID-19 tests, please contact Nurse Jenn. Please keep in mind that the original expiration date has been extended. Please visit the following websites to check the extended expiration dates for the tests that you have.
It is expected that all students come to school with proper winter gear. Proper winter gear includes:
Winter jacket
Snow Pants (when there is snow on the ground)
Boots (for snow and mud)
Gloves or mittens
We have resources available for those who don’t have proper winter gear. Please reach out to Nurse Jenn or Mrs. Fuller if you need assistance. Students who do not have proper winter gear may be asked to stay inside or may need to stay on the black top on the playground (which is no fun!!!). Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Need Health Insurance?
Visit or call 1-855-899-9600
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's health.
Phone: 802-869-2637 or Email:
Mrs. April Putnam
These kindergarteners have been on the go since we got back from our holiday break!
In Math we have been working on adding two groups of numbers, learning about ten frames, and tally marks. They are doing great adding two groups of numbers within 10.
In ELA we have been focusing on writing upper and lower case letters, letter sounds, and CVC words. These kindergarteners are doing an amazing job with identifying beginning sounds. They have begun using their writing journals and are excited to be working on writing.
Mrs. Jillian White
☆ Reading: During Reader’s Workshop time we have been learning about nonfiction books. We learned about how a nonfiction book is different from a fiction book, and have been thinking about retelling the main idea and key details from the nonfiction books we have been reading. This week, we read Scholastic News magazines about Martin Luther King Jr. and learned about the ways how he changed the world. Ask your child why Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero and what their dream is!
☆ Fundations: In Fundations time, we have been learning about the glued sound sounds -am and -an. When we see these letters together, they “glue together” to make one sound. For example, for the word ‘ham’ we tap it out /h/ - /am/ to read the word.
☆ Math: The first grade mathematicians have been learning about solving addition problems with three parts or addends (e.g. 5 + 3 + 2 = 10). We have been learning about strategies to break the problem into smaller parts by grouping two numbers we can add quickly together and adding on or counting on the last number. Next, we will be heading into telling time and equality.
☆ Writing: Students have been working on “how to” writing stories by writing steps for how to teach something that they already know how to do really well to their readers. We have been learning about transition words we can put into our writing to organize our steps for our readers. Some examples of what students have been working on writing include: how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, how to build a snowman, and how to make hot cocoa.
☆ Science: We started our light and sound unit during science time! We started with sound, and about what we already knew and wondered about sound. We did a Mystery Science lesson on how vibrations make sound waves. At the end of this unit, we will be making our light and sound devices to show what we learned about sound and light energy. If you have any spare empty toilet paper rolls or small boxes that you would like to donate for this project, please send them in with your first grader!
Ms. Jennifer Herman
Second Grade Readers have been exploring a new genre of books: Folktales! We are reading folktales from other cultures during Read Aloud and learning the characteristics of this genre.
Writers just started a new unit on informational writing. They are brainstorming topics that they think they are experts on and will start researching information about a topic to write an informational piece on.
Second graders learned that the suffix -ed can make different sounds and why. Ask your student if they know the 3 different sounds of -ed and why they make different sounds.
Students are also practicing being able to read and spell the following trick words: use, used, sure, please, animal, again.
Second Grade Mathematicians took time to learn about telling time on an analog clock. They learned the difference between the hands and how to use them to tell what time it is every quarter hour.
Mathematicians also started working on understanding fractions. They are learning about how they need to have equal shares. They are also learning to identify if they are halves, thirds or fourths.
Second Grader Scientists are back and learning about a new unit. These scientists are exploring different materials and their properties. We used Mystery Science to complete an exploration and made hats to shade ourselves from the sun.
Please remember to have students bring a water bottle every day and make sure they have a healthy snack!
Ms. Bethany Williams
Math: The third graders have begun a unit on measurement. They have learned about both the metric and US customary systems as well as how to use a ruler, meter stick and yard stick. This week, the students have started to learn about perimeter.
Reading: The students have learned 5 different prefixes as well as what they mean and how they change different base words. They have studied the prefixes: Un, Dis, Pre, Re and Mis. The students have also begun to study different types of traditional literature including folk tales, fairy tales, and just so stories.
Writing: After learning the different elements that make up a just so story, the third graders have started to write their own stories. Each story will have an imaginative explanation of how a certain animal developed their unique characteristics.
Science: The third graders have started a weather unit. They have studied how to measure temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. They have also started to discuss different types of clouds.
Mrs. Jaimie Douglass
Hello From Fourth Grade!
In math, we are learning strategies to help us understand division. We have learned that division is the inverse (opposite) of multiplication and can use our multiplication fact power to solve equations. We have also practiced using base-10 blocks to decompose multi-digit dividends, explored making equal groups, and started using the area model to divide multi-digit numbers by a single divisor.
In our reader’s workshop, we have begun a book buddy unit. Each reading group is reading a chapter book of their choosing. We are exploring the author’s purpose, character traits, inference, making connections, and how an author uses sensory words to engage their audience.
Writing has been a review of complete sentences, correcting grammatical errors, and practicing grade-level spelling/vocabulary. Next week we will learn when and how to use commas in complex sentences.
We have wrapped up our US geography unit and started our energy unit in science. Do you know how height affects the amount of energy stored? Roller coasters are teaching us how to use height to store potential energy. We have created paper models and will be making larger foam models next week.
Remember NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday, and teacher inservice Tuesday (no winter sports due to no school). Also, JACKETS and BOOTS are needed in January despite what our strange winter weather looks like.
Have you ever played POP?
It is a fun counting game that involves standing in a circle with a group of people. Decide what you will be counting by to begin the game, as well as what number will be the POP number.
Choose someone to start counting, and when the counting sequence gets to the POP number that person in the circle jumps up, says POP and then sits down. The counting sequence starts all over again with the next person in the circle. Keep playing until one person is left standing.
Below are some ways you can play POP, based on where your child is in their math learning. The POP numbers below are only suggestions, you can choose which number to have as your POP number when you play the game.
- Count by 1’s starting at 1 (your POP number could be 10)
- Count by 1’s starting at a number of your choice (if you start at 13 your POP number could be 22)
- Count by 2’s (your POP number could be 18)
- Count by 5’s (your POP number could be 50)
- Count by 10’s (your POP number could be 80)
- Count by 3’s (your POP number could be 27)
- Count by 4’s (your POP number could be 40)
- Count by 6’s, 7’s, 8’s or 9’s
Have fun playing POP!
Ms. Dianne Clouet
The second and first grades are doing author studies in library. Second grade is learning to identify an author by looking at their style, and the first grade is learning to identify an author based on the characters the author uses. We began this study using books by Mo Willems, a perennial favorite of young children.
Kindergarten continues to learn about nursery rhymes using voice, movement and text. Jack Be Nimble, The Grand Old Duke of York, and Little Miss Muffet are all part of our oral language practice at the beginnings of Kindergarten library classes.
Mr. Benjamin Pickard
Mrs. Alisa Daigneault
Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades are on Week 6 of our second 12 Week term in First Steps of Music. I have been amazed at the singing progress since winter break. All classes have really found their voices!
Kindergarten: Ask your student to say "Here's A Cup of Tea" or sing "Frosty Weather" for you.
First Grade: Ask your student to say "Mr. Turkey" or sing "Grizzly Bear" for you.
Second Grade: Ask your student to say "How Do You Do Ti" or sing "Little Snowflake" for you.
Third and Fourth Grades continue to sing, play instruments and move. They are getting very good at playing their instruments on cue. All students have been playing boomwhackers (handheld pitched pipes) to songs such as "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Jolly Old St. Nicholas". Third Grade has just begun the "reading" portion of their duple rhythm study (we practice sound before sight) and Fourth Grade is on the "writing" portion of their 6/8 rhythm study. Both classes have been singing rounds and songtales.
Here are some pictures of our First Graders leading an echo song. Nearly every single student got up in front of the class in Mrs. Daigneault's big chair and led the class. I was SUPER impressed! Way to go, First Grade!
Mr. Jay Palmisano
4th Grade
These artists are working on self portraits to later create a self portrait distortion project! They are off to a great start and are working hard each class. Keep it up!
3rd Grade
These artists have been working with oil pastels to prepare for our Claude Monet inspired water lilies! They are working hard in each class to practice blending the colors together!
These hard working artists have begun working on an Eric Carle inspired animal! We painted on large paper like Eric Carle did for his works of art and next will collage them together to make our own animals!
We are back into full swing here at SRES ASP. We have started session 3. We do have some open spaces for sessions (see letter below for more information). If you are interested in signing your child up for ASP please email me at
Monday - Cooking Club: This week we baked blueberry, blueberry chocolate chip, banana chocolate chip and chocolate chip muffins. We are looking forward to making beet pancakes next!
Tuesday - Craft Club: This week Ms. Amanda led our crafters in making paper plate penguins.
Wednesday - Choice Club: Tonight's choices were Hula hooping, rock, paper, scissors and making popsicle stick snowman magnets.
Thursday - Rockingham Library Club: Sam Maskell let us in Toilet Paper Olympics. So much fun!!
Friday - Game night club: We always look forward to board games.
Hello SRES families,
My name is Tina White. I am the Site Coordinator for the After-School Programs (ASP) at Saxtons River Elementary School. Our ASP runs Monday through Friday 3pm to 4:45pm. Students in ASP stay for the entire afternoon.
Beginning Jan 3, 2023 SRES ASP will be offering the following clubs.
Monday - Cooking club
Tuesday - Craft club
Wednesday - Choice club
Thursday - Sam Maskell: Rockingham Free Public Library
Friday - Board Games
Example of an afternoon at ASP:
3:00pm : Outside/Movement on the playground
3:20pm : Snack
3:45pm : Club
4:45pm : Dismissal
We have some open spots in the SRES ASP.
Monday - 6 open spots
Tuesday - 10 open spots
Wednesday - 7 open spots
Thursday - 11 open spots
Friday - 4 open spots
How the sign-up for ASP :
Sign-ups will be on a first come first serve basis.
If you would like to sign your child up for ASP, please email me directly. My email is I will send you a sign up link to fill out.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Tina White
SRES ASP Site Coordinator
Location: 15 School Street, Saxtons River, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 869-2637