Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Spring EOC Testing
Spring EOC testing is right around the corner! Please review this info to ensure you and your students are prepared.
Class testing:
*Students taking any of the following classes will test on Tuesday & Wednesday for 3 consecutive weeks. Specific testing locations will be established and shared with students/families & staff once established. Please note that each EOC test has a part 1 and a part 2.
ELA II: 4/16-4/17 (one part each day)
ALGEBRA I/ GEOMETRY: 4/23-4/24 (one part each day)
BIOLOGY: 4/30 (both parts on the same day)
AMERICAN HISTORY/ GOVERNMENT: 5/1 (both parts on the same day)
We will use the above rotating schedules on class testing days and bells will be programmed accordingly. Tuesday’s you will have bells 1, 3, 5, 7. Wednesday’s you will have bells 2, 4, 5, 6. Non-testing students do not need to be here during the testing session, they will be permitted to arrive at their delayed start time. Should a non-testing student arrive prior to their delayed start time, they will be held in the cafeteria until testing concludes (10:15/11:30) before being released to bell 1/2.
Re-testing/ Make-ups:
Students re-testing to demonstrate competency and students completing make-up testing will be pulled from their regular class schedule to complete testing throughout the testing window. Additional information will be shared with these students/families as we get closer to testing.
Questions about EOC testing can be directed to Mrs. Hess at hessb@talawanda.org
Senior Pictures
If you DO NOT supply a picture, your most recent school portrait will be used!
You can navigate to this site and use the access code Talawanda2024 to upload your image!
Please make sure you follow these rules for submission!
- PORTRAIT orientation please, cropping is hard with landscaped photos
- NO snapchat filters or anything beyond coloring options (no cat faces, etc)
- Image file greater than 1 MB
- Image CAN NOT violate the student code of conduct, no guns, drugs, etc
- Black and white images are discouraged
If you can't access the site or the access code doesn't work for you, please email your image to yearbook@talawanda.org to submit yours today!
If you would like to purchase a SENIOR AD in the yearbook, please contact yearbook@talawanda.org for pricing and details. It is a great way to honor your senior in the record of history at Talawanda High School!
BUY YOUR THS YEARBOOK! The deadline to order your yearbook is May 31st. Please visit this link to purchase yours before it is too late. Graduating seniors will have their ordered book mailed to their address on file with the school during the fall, all other classes will have their books distributed when they arrive at THS.
NHS Seniors: NHS graduation stoles may be ordered from Ms. Klovekorn in room 220 at THS by no later than April 19, 2024. The cost is $25.oo each, and the graduate keeps the stole. This year, we will wear white stoles to contrast with the blue graduation gowns everyone will wear. It is fine to borrow an NHS stole from an older sibling or friend, but please make sure it is white. We will NOT wear the light blue stole from the past. Please contact Ms. Klovekorn directly with questions at klovekorna@talawanda.org
Please bring $25.00 cash or a check payable to Talawanda High School by April 19.
*If you have not paid your $10 dues, you may put that on the same check for a total of $35.
The 2024 PROM is just 8 weeks away! The Prom will be hosted in the Hamilton Ballroom of the Spooky Nook Conference Center, Hamilton, Ohio. The event is 7:00-11:00pm, followed by the classic Afterprom located in Miami's REC Center here in Oxford. The Prom features a buffet dinner and dancing. The ticket price will include: Dinner, Dance, and Afterprom! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
Setting Stone
Setting Stone has been working on updating its website. Check out new writing and artwork from THS students on the site: http://settingstone.org/
Additionally, Setting Stone is looking for original photography, short stories, and creative nonfiction! Submit your work to settingstone@talawanda.org
Club Meetings/Information
Monday, March 18th
Tuesday, March 19th
5:30-7:30pm Moot Court, Room 315
Wednesday, March 20th
2:55-3:45pm Chess Club, Room 603
2:55pm Diversity Club, Room 400-Please attend if you are interested in ALL PEOPLE feeling welcome here at THS. We have food!
TBA Tribune, Room 315
Thursday, March 21st
3:00-4:00pm Robotics Club, Room 412
5:30-7:30pm Moot Court, Room 315
7:30-8:15pm Tribune, Room 315
Friday, March 22nd
Sunday, March 17th
2:00pm Frog and Toad Musical Production, PAC
Monday, March 18th
7-10:00pm NHS Dance, Cafe.
Tuesday, March 19th
No School For Students-Presidential Primary Election
Wednesday, March 20th
Thursday, March 21st
7:00pm Board of Education Meeting, PAC
Friday, March 22nd
Saturday, March 23rd
**Spring Break-March 25-April 1
Classes Resume Tuesday, April 2nd
Click here for the Know! to Create Strong Connections through Listening
Talawanda Student Services
Click HERE for all upcoming local events through the Student Services Department.
Check out the Oxford Parks & Recreation Summer Activities Guide HERE