Butler Opening Newsletter
Mrs. Nickoli, Principal
UPDATED 8/28/2020
School Starts Monday, August 31st
School Hours are 7:35-1:30
Walkers are released at 1:05
Car riders are released at 1:15
Buses roll in at 1:20
A letter from Mrs. Nickoli
I would like to thank our families for your hard work, flexibility, and commitment to your child's education this past spring. I know it was a challenge being thrown into an unknown situation with very little notice. Colt Pride took on a whole new meaning the last three months of school. I was so proud of our families and staff.
The 2020-2021 school year will continue to challenge us as well as force us to think outside the box. In this SMORE newsletter, I am going to outline our District Plan as it relates to the Ohio Public Health Advisory System, or color levels. I will explain the delivery models that our families may choose from; face to face and remote learning.
As you read through the newsletter, I will walk you through what a day will look like for students attending Butler Elementary on Level 1 YELLOW, Level 2 ORANGE DAYS, and Level 3 RED. Finally, when our county moves to level PURPLE, all staff and students will be working remotely from home.
We understand that families have a very difficult decision to make as we look toward our 2020-2021 school year. Please know we will respect your decisions and are here to support you in any way. We truly hope you will choose Clear Fork as the providers of your child's education.
Please email me at nickolil@clearfork.k12.oh.us if you plan on choosing our remote learning option. If I don't hear from you, we will look forward to welcoming you on August 31st!
Libby Nickoli, Principal
Click on the link below to pay online
In Person Payments
If you can have payment in an envelope with the child's name and grade level, we will send a receipt home with you.
Click here: https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?s=51ae7ba350371a941400031d
iPad, iPhone, and Android phones click here for the app https://www.classdojo.com/download/
Your teacher will provide you with classroom sign up information in your child's take home folder. Please make sure you sign up!
All incoming preschool and kindergarten students will receive instructions on how to sign up for their class REMINDS.
- Preschool Text 81010 Message @42f687
- Kindergarten Text 81010 Message @kind3e
- First Grade Text 81010 Message @gddkgh
- Second Grade Text 81010 Message @dkg9kb
- Third Grade Text 81010 Message @963d6c
- Fourth Grade Text 81010 Message @dc3b88
- Fifth Grade Text 81010 Message @9ACB9G
Face to Face Delivery of Instruction
Students are REQUIRED to wear a mask/facial covering during the school day.
Level 4
If Richland County is in Purple (Level 4), ALL students will transition to remote learning from home.
All students may have some remote style learning at school to make the transition from face-to-face learning at school to remote learning at home easier.
Remote Learning Open House Link
Grading: All assignments through remote learning will be graded and will be counted as part of the grade point average (GPA)
Attendance: Completed assignments will be used as the measurement for attendance. Once a student has completed an assignment and returned it to the teacher, the student will receive attendance credit for the specific course or class for the number of days the assignment took to complete. Each teacher will be maintaining a record of attendance through returned assignments. If a students decides to only complete certain assignments for one or more courses, but not other courses, the student shall be considered truant and treated as an unexcused absence. All attendance policies are in effect during this period.
The above link will take you to our K-5 Remote Learning Newsletter! If you have elected to do our remote option for the first semester, please take a moment to read this!
EVERYONE MUST COME AND PICK UP MATERIALS. We want you to be prepared in the event our Governor forces all Districts to start remotely.
They will be posted on the front doors of the school by 3:00 p.m. on August 12th.
Building Specific Implementation: Updated on 8/6/2020
The Students Daily Journey
Butler Arrival Procedures
Entering the Building:
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield during arrival.
All students (and staff) entering the building will need a “Daily Health Assessment” which will consist of a temperature check and answering 5 questions (appendix). The Daily Health Assessment will be implemented by teachers and aides. Car riders will be assessed before they leave their vehicle and walkers will be assessed as they arrive on the front sidewalk.
Students will be required to wash their hands or sanitize their hands upon entry to the building. Hand sanitizer will be provided to students at the entrance’s sanitizing stations.
Butler Start Times
7:35 Students begin to arrive
Bus Riders
Staff member (1)) will greet bus and ensure students are observing social distance guidelines while entering the building
Staff members (3) will intercept students and oversee handwashing in the restrooms in the main entry, primary wing, and upper elementary wing.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available in the school entry as well.
Staff members (4) will greet students and take their temperature before entering the building.
One staff member will take the temperature and the other will document on the National Federation of Sports document.
If the temperature is above 100.0 the child will not be allowed in. The school secretary will be informed and will call the parent and ask if they would like the child to walk home or if they will come and pick their child up.
If a student is showing signs of illness, they will be put in the school clinic until parent contact is made.
Staff members (3) will intercept students and oversee handwashing in the restrooms off of the cafeteria, primary wing, and upper wing. The staff members will then instruct students to walk to their classroom while observing social distance guidelines. Airplane arms will be a common phrase used to visualize social distancing.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available in the school entry as well.
Car Riders
School resource officers will manage cars and ensure social distancing guidelines are in place.
Staff members (4) will greet students and take their temperature from inside the car before allowing them to enter the building.
One staff member will take the temperature and the other will document on the National Federation of Sports document.
If the temperature is above 100.0 the child will not be allowed to exit the vehicle.
Mrs. Nickoli will intercept students and direct them to handwashing stations.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available in the school entry as well.
Tardy Students
For students who arrive tardy to school, parents will be required to call the secretary and an office staff member will go to the car.
School resource officer or staff member will take a clipboard to the car for parent/guardian to sign child(ren) in. Parents will remain in their vehicle while student has their temperature taken/daily health assessment completed by an educational aide.
If the child’s temperature is 100.0 or above, the parent will be required to take the child home.
Butler Dismissal Procedures
Butler Dismissal Times
1:05 Walkers will be released first
1:15 Car Riders will be dismissed
1:20 Bus Riders will be loaded
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield during dismissal.
Classroom teachers will ensure that students have washed their hands prior to reporting to dismissal areas.
Bus Riders
Staff members will walk students to the gym where they will be socially distanced and seated on the floor waiting for their bus to arrive.
Families may sit together in a designated area within their bus line.
Students will be lined up according to a list provided by the transportation coordinator ensuring loading is completed back to front.
Staff members will walk students to each bus while observing socially distanced guidelines.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available for student use prior to leaving the building.
Walkers will be dismissed first, before buses and car riders.
Staff members will walk students to B wing while observing socially distanced guidelines.
Staff members (2) will escort students out the door by Mrs. Kasper’s classroom and ensure that students are walking while socially distanced to the crosswalk at College and Morgan Streets.
Car Riders
Staff member will walk students to the cafeteria where they will be socially distanced and seated on the floor or on benches waiting to be called to the front door.
Families may sit together in a designated area within the lines.
Staff member will tell building principal the names of students whose parents are in line and building principal will use microphone to call students out to be placed in the car while observing socially distanced guidelines.
Hand sanitizing stations will be available as students depart the building.
Social Distancing in the Hallways and Traffic Flow Throughout the Building
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield in the hallway during transitions.
Students will continue to stay to the right side in the hallways.
We will schedule transitions to ensure students are not passing one another in the hallway.
Social Distancing and monitoring: Teachers will monitor their students as they move through the hallways for restroom breaks. Students will line up using airplane arms and move through the hallways accordingly.
Control of Movement: Students will remain with their teacher and classmates for the entire school day. Teachers will not switch classes, but will use virtual learning to teach classes when departmentalized.
Locker and Cubby Usage/Student Possessions
Lockers will not be utilized as there is no way to social distance.
Cubby usage will only be utilized if students can hang their coat and backpack up without assistance from the teacher and get their things at the end of the day without teacher assistance. If cubbies are not used, a coat and backpack will be placed on the back of the student chair. All students will manage, control and keep all supplies in his/her possession.
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield in the classroom when working within six feet of another person. Mask breaks may be provided by each teacher when social distancing is able to occur.
Class Sizes: Class sizes will range from 15-20 students and social distancing will be managed throughout the day. Students will stay in their 6 foot diameter to ensure social distancing from one another.
Classroom Setup: The maintenance and custodial staff will set up student desks in classrooms to ensure social distancing guidelines are adhered to.
Social Distancing: Students will remain in the 6 foot diameter, and if they need to leave their assigned space, they will use airplane arms to ensure they do not encroach in another individual’s space.
Shared Equipment and Supplies: There will be no shared equipment or supplies. Students will have access to their own supplies, and will not share with classmates. This goes for math manipulatives, pencils, scissors, glue, markers, etc.
Updated Supply Lists: Supply lists are being updated to respect parent situations and to ensure students have only what they need and will be able to manage at their desks.
Procedures for Supplies brought in for class use: Any supplies brought in for classroom use such as paper towels, wipes or hand sanitizer will set for 72 hours before touched.
Specialty Classes and Considerations
Physical Education: 20 minute P.E. recess breaks will be provided to all classrooms daily.
A mask break will be provided during this time. Social distancing guidelines will be observed.
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield in the hallway during transitions.
Recess: The PE teacher will plan and prepare for games where students are socially distanced. Equipment used will be items that can only be used by one student. After class, the items will be sanitized with a cleaning solution provided by the head of maintenance. Airplane arms will be a common term used when students transition to and from recess/gym. This will provide a visual for social distancing.
Music: The elementary music teacher will be housed at Butler Elementary where they have a classroom, technology, and the means to video lessons. These lessons will be shared via Zoom into classrooms on a weekly basis. The classroom teacher and educational aide will facilitate the lesson.
Art: The elementary music teacher will be housed at Butler Elementary where they have a classroom, technology, and the means to video lessons. These lessons will be shared via Zoom into classrooms on a weekly basis. The classroom teacher and educational aide will facilitate the lesson.
Community Spaces
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield shield in the community spaces around the building.
Gym will be used for recess breaks with the PE teacher and for bus dismissal at the end of the day
Fields will be used for movement breaks and fresh air breaks with students
Field Trips: There will be no field trips.
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be required to wear a face covering as defined as a mask or protective face shield face shield when using the community bathrooms.
Preschool and kindergarten classes will use the bathroom in their classrooms. First and second grade classrooms will use the community bathroom in their wing. Third and fourth grade classrooms will use the community bathroom in their wing. Fifth grade classrooms will use the community bathroom in the main hallway.
Availability: 15 minute blocks of time have been scheduled and teachers have signed up for two slots during our 5 ½ hour day.
Procedure: 3 students may go in at a time (3 stalls available)
Sanitation:Mr. Buck, custodian, will clean bathrooms and sinks after each class takes a bathroom break.
Water Fountains
Students are expected to carry their own water bottle and may refill their bottle at school at the toucless bottle filling stations throughout the day. Water fountains will not be accessible and turned off. Students will take them home nightly to be washed.
Food Services
Severe allergy plan:
The school nurse will provide a list of students who have severe allergies to all classroom teachers. If a student in a particular classroom cannot be around peanuts or peanut butter, that student will be allowed to ask a friend to eat with them in the cafeteria.
Arrival: 7:35
Upon student arrival and after hand washing, there will be a breakfast station set up. Students will give staff members their name, grab a breakfast bag, milk and go to their classroom to eat. Students will eat their breakfast in the classroom at their seat, and will wash their hands once finished with their breakfast.
Teachers will submit student names on a Google Doc of who is purchasing lunch and collect lunch money (if necessary) when attendance is taken. School resource officer will pick up lunch money from each classroom and take money to the cafeteria when he is checking classrooms.
Students will wash their hands prior to eating lunch.
Students will eat at their own desks which will be spaced six feet apart.
Teachers will be made aware of any food allergies by the school nurse. A plan will be developed on how to limit exposure within the classroom.
Sanitation Procedures: Staff member will spray and wipe down each desk
Preventing the Spread/Health and Safety Measures
Education of procedures and process:CDC posters “Stop the Spread of Germs” and “Wash Your Hands” posters will be made available in each classroom and posted around the school as a reference for students when being taught proper handwashing procedures.
Minimum Hand Washing Requirements: Students will be required to wash their hands upon entry to the building, before lunch, after lunch, and before leaving the school.
Hand Sanatizer:Stations will be available throughout the building and in the classrooms.
Daily Health Assessments:
Teachers arriving at school between 7 a.m. and 7:30 will complete a health check with Mrs. Slavinski.
After 7:30 health checks will be with the school secretary
Staff with a temperature over 100 will be sent home
Temperature Checks:
Bus riders will be taken prior to getting on the bus
Car riders will have their temperature taken while they are in their car
Walkers will have their temperature checked upon arrival
Teachers will do a mid day check during lunch in their classrooms
Physical and Social Distancing:
The term airplane arms will be used to reinforce the proper social distancing space for students
Marked spots on the floor throughout the building will also be used as a visual to remind students.
Face Masks, Face Shields, Protective Barriers:
Teachers will be provided with two face masks, protective shield, and safety goggles
Masks or protective face shield will be required for students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade
Promotion of Good Hygiene Practices and Education of the Practices:
CDC posters will be given to each classroom teacher that outlines good hygiene practices. They will also be posted in common spaces. These posters will be used to educate students.
CDC handwashing posters will be in all classrooms above their sinks, in addition to all common area handwashing stations.
Cleaning and Sanitizing:
Students may assist in daily wiping/cleaning of desks and chairs at end of school day, or as requested.
School staff will be responsible for any disinfecting or sanitizing, (Students can be involved in cleaning, but not disinfecting or sanitizing due to chemicals.)
Ensure the workspace, door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms are kept clean and disinfected between students.
Prop doors open, when possible, to discourage high touch points. Clean doors and rails frequently.
Regularly inspect HVAC system for proper operation and fresh air flow.
Cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be readily available to all classrooms/offices/entrances.
Employee Training:
Employee training will take place during the five planned in-service days.
Student Training:
Proper handwashing procedures
Coughing, sneezing into elbow or tissue
Proper social distancing
Proper filling of water bottles at refilling stations
Building Visitors:
There will be no visitors to the building.
Students being picked up from school early will need to call the office and a staff member will walk them out to their vehicle. A sign out sheet on a clipboard will need to be signed by the approved adult picking up the child.
Symptoms of COVID-19 at School:
Daily wellness checks of students before sending to school. Students with temperatures of 100 degrees F or higher must stay home until fever free for 24-72 hours (without use of any medication to control fever) and no less than 10 school days from symptom onset.
Isolate students that are exhibiting any symptoms.
Students exhibiting any symptoms are required to wear a facial covering or a face shield until they are picked up by a caregiver.
Ensure there are multiple, pre-arranged methods of getting a student home from school should they become ill or exhibit symptoms.
Testing location sheets and advice for care with the child's primary care physician is to be given to the ill child’s guardian at time of pick up.
Diagnosed or Exposure to COVID-19:
Staff and students may not return to school until they are fever free for 24-72 hours (without use of any medication to control fever) and no less than 10 school days from symptom onset.
Return to School after Quarantine:
If students or staff must quarantine due to exposure to Covid-19, they will begin distance learning and teaching for the period of the quarantine. As long as no symptoms or fever exist after the required 14 day quarantine period, students and staff can return to in person learning and teaching.
Educational Considerations:
Library: The librarian will put together collections of books for students to checkout in the assigned homeroom. The librarian will be conducting zoom classes and covering how to request books. The librarian or aide will then pull books and have then delivered to the homerooms. Once books are returned they will sit for a minimum of 72 hours before they may be put back on the shelf.
Internet and Technology Accessibility:
Attached to this document is the acceptable use statement regarding the use of cameras on District Chromebooks. In addition, please refer to the acceptable use policy in the student handbook. Every student will be provided with a Chromebook. Teachers will utilize Google Classroom and Zoom as part of remote and face to face education.
Attendance and Consistent Attendance:
Face to Face: as outlined by student code of conduct
Remote Learning: attendance and participation at Zoom meetings in addition to completed assignments/assessments. Individual teachers will be documenting both criteria.
Communication with Families:
Open House or Parent/Teacher Conferences will be done via YouTube videos, Zoom meetings, SMORE Newsletter, class DOJO, Remind, email or phone calls.
Family Engagement:
Butler Elementary will not be having in person family engagement activities through the pandemic. Any engagement with families such as Open House or Parent/Teacher Conferences will be done via Zoom meeting, class DOJO, Remind, email or phone call.
Supports for Staff:
Staff is being provided with training on:
Google applications, including creating and managing Google classroom
Use of webcams
Putting existing online curriculum on google classroom
Creating a YouTube video (for virtual Open House and for informational/training videos for parents to be posted on website to help with transition from in person to virtual.)
Zoom increased tools with licensed product (Recording, breakout sessions, etc.)
Renaissance Learning CBM program
Food Services
UPDATED 8/19/2020
Food Service Plan for Enrolled Clear Fork Students
● IN SCHOOL STUDENTS: All students will be able to purchase breakfast and a hot lunch in their buildings. Snacks will still be available for purchase, however, they must be purchased at the time of lunch pickup and have funds available. (Microwaves will not be available for students in grades K-12, however milk will be available for purchase for students who pack)
● ONLINE STUDENTS- Both breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase and must be picked up on Monday’s from 5pm-6pm at the HS and will include 5 days’ worth of meals. A roster will be kept for all online students and checked off each week for verification. Money is due at time of pickup. NO CHARGING will be permitted.
● Pick up is NOT available for students who attend daily in the buildings.
● When the district is moved into Remote Learning status, ALL students will be moved to the ONLINE STUDENT status (see above)
Additional Food Service Information
Starting 8/31, remote students/parents may pick up both breakfast and lunches* on Monday’s at the high school building between 5pm-6pm. These meals are ONLY for ENROLLED CF students who are on remote learning. (If the entire district goes to remote due to order, then all ENROLLED students will be eligible) A roster will be kept each Monday and verified before meals can be handed out.
Pick up on Monday’s will include 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches (T, W, TH, F, and M)
8/31 will include 5 days (T, W, TH, F, and T) due to holiday.
9/8 (Tuesday) will be the next pick up for 4 days (W, TH, F, and M) and then pickups will resume every Monday.
Each student will be charged accordingly to their meal status.
*Students who qualify for free meals, will receive the Monday pick-up for free.
*Students who qualify for reduced meals, will be required to pay for reduced meals AT pick-up. (CHARGING meals will not be permitted)
(5 breakfasts at $.30 each and 5 lunches at $.40). = $3.50 weekly
*Students who do not qualify for free/reduced meals will be required to pay for meals AT pick-up. (CHARGING meals will not be permitted)
K-5 (5 breakfasts at $1.00 each and 5 lunches at $2.75 each)=$18.75 weekly
6-12 (5 breakfasts at $1.50 each and 5 lunches at $3.00 each)= $22.50 weekly
Breakfasts and lunches MUST be purchased for a full week.
*These meals WILL NOT coincide with the in building menus.
**FREE/REDUCED APPLICATIONS: These are available at each school office, post offices in both Butler and Bellville and libraries. Every household should apply for these benefits. If your student(s) are enrolled in CF (online or in house), it is important to apply. Applications must be turned in EVERY YEAR for consideration.
If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Stallard at stallardj@clearfork.k12.oh.us
Clear Fork Valley Preschool
Preschool Supply List
All students and staff will be working remotely.
Students are strongly encouraged to wear a mask/facial covering during the school day.
Students using school transportation must wear a mask/facial covering at all times.
The school day shall be two and one half hours in Yellow (Level 1), Orange (Level 2), and Red (Level 3). Preschool’s day will be shortened by 15 minutes per day to fit within the hours that school age will be in session. Preschool’s hours will be different from the school age hours to help with social distancing at dismissal time.
Students using school transportation must wear a mask/facial covering. Social distancing is very difficult on a school bus. We will be sitting students two to a seat. We will put three to a seat if necessary when we are less then fifteen minutes away from drop off or pickup. Families will sit together. All students will have assigned seats on school transportation. Buses will load from back to front and unload from front to back.
Car rider parents shall not exit his/her car and enter the building during drop off or pick up. Parents must stay in their vehicle during drop off and pickup. Drop off will be at 8:00 a.m.
All students will receive a one-to-one device (iPad) to use at school and at home.
A “One Room School House” approach to limit points of contact between people will be used throughout the school day. The fewer interaction between classrooms will keep our doors open longer.
Every student will be assigned to a classroom to spend the day with. Students will not travel between classrooms. All classes will be held within the classroom. More information will be coming from each individual building closer to the start of school. While not ideal, this method does allow for individual classrooms with a possible exposure to COVID19 to be sent home to quarantine for fourteen days and avoids closure of an entire school building. Of course, during quarantine students and teachers will be required to participate in remote learning from home.
Your child will be assigned a six-foot in diameter circle or square in his/her assigned classroom for social distancing. Within the circle or square your child may keep all of his/her books, water bottle, etc… Each preschool child will be assigned a cubby to keep their backpack and coats. These cubbies will be spread out to ensure social distancing during arrival and dismissal. We expect all children to adhere as much as possible to social distancing at all times in the school buildings and the classrooms. We understand this may be difficult, but this can be the difference between keeping the building open and not keeping the building open.
Daily temperature checks will be completed on the bus or from a parent’s vehicle during drop off. Students with a temperature over 100 degrees will be required to stay home or return to home immediately. A second temperature check will be completed prior to leaving the building at the end of their scheduled class. We are requesting parents to NOT send your child to school when he/she has a fever. Do NOT send your child back to school until your child has been fever free for 72 hours without the use of any medications to control fever. We will not be able to keep the buildings open if we have an outbreak either of COVID19 or the flu. Please help us keep the doors open. If we work together all of us will get to the other side of this situation.
Students will be required multiple times a day to wash their hands with soap and water. Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances, and in buses, offices and classrooms. Students shall be required to wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival at school, prior to snack, after snack, before recess, after recess, and before leaving the buildings at the end of the day.
Every student must bring his/her own water bottle to school. We have touchless water bottle fillers in all of our school buildings. Water fountains will be de-activated for the 20/21 school year.
Classrooms will be assigned a bathroom to use throughout the day. We can reduce the spread of the virus by assigning bathrooms to be used by specific classrooms. We will be cleaning the bathrooms multiple times during the day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a pass/fail option this year?
No, grades will be earned in accordance with the student handbook. Is this applicable to on-line or in person attendance?
If my child needs to do remote learning due to a required quarantine when will they be permitted to return to ‘in person’ learning?
If the student is under a 14-day quarantine the student may return after the quarantine is over, as long as he/she is fever for 72 hours and symptom free.
If I enroll my student(s) in remote learning, does my student have to stay on remote learning for the entire first semester?
If a family selects remote learning, a student will not be permitted to return before the next semester without administrative approval.
If I choose to put my student on remote learning, do I need to have reliable internet access or can my student have paper copies?
Your student must have access to reliable internet if you choose remote learning. There will be no paper pencil options.
In the building, does my student have to wear a mask? Is there a specific mask that must be worn?
It is highly encouraged that students wear mask/face coverings. Students are required to wear face coverings while on school transportation.
What should I do if my student shows symptoms of COVID19?
Notify the school as soon as possible. Self quarantine and get tested.
What should my student do if they have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID19?
Notify the school as soon as possible. Self quarantine for 14 days.
If another student in the district tests positive for COVID19, will everyone have to stay home?
No, only those who have been in direct contact with the individual.
What if a teacher tests positive?
The teacher will work from home if symptoms allow until they are cleared to return (at least 14 days). Students who had direct contact will also join remote learning for 14 days.
How will student health be monitored?
Parents are expected to do health checks (temperature and look for symptoms) before sending students to school. Staff will also do daily temperature checks at the beginning and middle of each day.
Will students attend as regularly scheduled?
Yes, the school year will be as it is on the board approved calendar. Although, the students will only be on campus for five and a half hours a day, teachers will be provided a thirty minute uninterrupted lunch (as required by in law). The teachers will also be providing feedback to students and designing future instruction and lessons for the reminder of their seven and a half hour workday.
What if my student’s teacher is absent and a substitute teacher cannot be employed?
The District may contact you and ask you to keep your child home for the day and participate in remote learning.
Will there be no in-person Open House?
No, there will not be ‘in person’ open houses. We are planning virtual Open Houses.
What IF Scenarios
The following scenarios can be found on the Richland County Schools COVID-19 Reopening Guidance which was developed by the Richland County Health Department and area Superintendents. A hard copy will also be provided at the beginning of the year.
The student would be considered a direct contact and would be required by the local health department to be quarantined for 14 days. If student is asymptomatic after 14 days, they can return to school. If the student develops symptoms before the end of the 14 days, student will now go into isolation and not be returning to school until RPH nurses feel he/she has recovered. Our nurses will reach out to anyone that meets definition of a close contact of the student to require them to quarantine. If the student developed symptoms, the room should be cleaned and disinfected.
A student tests positive.
The student is required to be isolated and our office will contact anyone that meets definition of a close contact. Any siblings that live with this student will also be required to be sent home to be quarantined. This may or may not require an entire classroom and teacher be sent home for two weeks to be quarantined. Our nurses will do the contact tracing investigation to determine who all needs to be quarantined. The student that tested positive may return to school once our nurses have deemed them recovered. If the others that were quarantined never develop symptoms, they may return after the 14 days have passed. The room should be cleaned and disinfected.
A teacher tests positive.
The teacher is required to be isolated and our office will contact anyone that meets definition of a direct contact. This situation may or may not require an entire classroom/grade be sent home for two weeks to be quarantined. RPH staff will do the contact tracing investigation to determine who all needs to be quarantined. The teacher that tested positive may return to school once a RPH nurse has deemed them recovered. The room should be cleaned and disinfected.
A bus driver tests positive.
The bus driver will be required to be isolated (at home or in hospital depending on severity of symptoms) until recovered. This will not necessarily require all students that ride this bus to be quarantined. RPH staff will do the contact tracing investigation to determine who all needs to be quarantined. The bus should be cleaned and disinfected before put back into use. (Or the bus can be removed from use for 4 days.)
A teacher’s spouse tests positive.
The teacher is a direct contact of the spouse and will be required to be quarantined for 14 days. If the teacher never develops symptoms, the teacher can return after the quarantine period. If the teacher does develop symptoms, they are now required to remain in isolation until they are deemed recovered. RPH staff will do the contact tracing investigation to determine who all needs to be quarantined. The room should be cleaned and disinfected.
A cafeteria worker or maintenance staff tests positive.
The staff member will be required to be sent home for isolation until recovered. This will not necessarily mean any students will be impacted. If the interactions with students are brief, they will not be required to be quarantined. It may impact co- workers at the school depending on staff interactions. The primary work area for this staff member should be cleaned and disinfected.
Notification to Parents/Caregivers
We will be working with the school nurses on proper notification. We foresee this being similar to the head lice letters used to let parents know they should pay extra attention to their child and check their child daily when someone in the class has head lice. Something like, “Someone in your child’s school has been identified as testing positive for COVID-19. Public health nurses have contacted everyone meeting the definition of being a direct contact that needs to be quarantined. If you have not been contacted by Richland Public Health directly, your child is not a direct contact and does not need to be quarantined and may continue coming to school. However, please be sure to check your child daily to assess if symptoms of COVID-19 develop. Symptoms of COVID-19 include:……” (template currently under development)
We do not intend to close your school or quarantine an entire class/grade unless absolutely necessary.