Blue & White Newsletter - 11/08/24
Week of November 4, 2024

Field of Flags
Last month, we shared information on two fundraising campaigns, Field of Flags, to recognize the veterans in our local community. The funds raised will benefit the Disabled American Veterans Organization (DAV).
This afternoon, the High School and the Middle School created their Fields of Flags. The High School raised $760 and will have 72 flags on their field. The Middle School raised $340 and have 24 flags on their field.
In your travels this weekend and next week, be sure to take a trip down Bannister Street to see West York's community acknowledgment of our military veterans.
Thank you to the campaign coordinators, Ms. Emily Corcoran and Ms. Yvette Ganoe (HS), and Mr. Andrew Johnson and Mr. James Snelbaker (MS), and to all those who donated to the Field of Flags fundraising campaigns.
A Fun Visit from a Local Meteorologist!
Meteorologist Jackson Chastain, from ABC27, visited Trimmer Elementary today to talk about natural disasters. He focused on hurricanes and tornadoes. This lines up with our ELA Module 3 and Science Phenomena module. Students had questions ready to ask!
- What causes hurricanes?
- Why are some hurricanes stronger than others?
- How long have you been a meteorologist?
- How many different natural disasters have you experienced while reporting on them?
At the conclusion of his presentation and Q&A time, he was presented with a thank you card signed by the students.
Ms. Kelly Murphy's and Mr. Nathan Markey's classes at Wallace Elementary were selected to participate in a taste testing experience. They got to wear hair nets, try new possible menu items, and got a tour of the kitchen at Wallace!
The focus of the taste-testing was a possible new menu item, EZ Jammers, they are sun butter and jelly Uncrustables. It was an awesome experience and a thumbs up on the EZ Jammers! Thank you, Ms. Panopoulos and Ms. Lau!!
MS Jr. Achievement YES! Program
Today, our Middle School students participated in the Jr. Achievement YES! Program. This half-day program included activities intended to help middle school students gain an appreciation for the importance that financial and career decisions will play in their lives as young adults.
The 6th grade students focused on entrepreneurship, careers, and the skills needed to be successful in the work place.
The 7th grade students focused on preparing for the working world while exploring manufacturing and distribution, career paths, qualifications needed, and soft skills.
The 8th grade students focused on personal finance and the importance of identifying education and career goals.
Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to make this fun and engaging learning experience possible for our students.
Alice in Wonderful - DATE CHANGE!
Please note the show dates have changed.
Join us at West York Area High School for a whimsical journey down the rabbit hole with our production of Alice in Wonderland! Get ready to experience a world of curious characters, magical adventures, and a story that’s sure to captivate all ages. Bring your friends and family for a night in Wonderland—you won’t want to miss it!
Show Dates:
- Saturday, November 23rd @ 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday, November 24th @ 2:00 p.m.
Location: West York Area High School Auditorium
Tickets: Available at the door or online at https://cur8.com/26190/project/127286
Faculty Participate in the Hot Cider Hustle!
This past Sunday, several WY staff members and friends participated in the Hot Cider Hustle in Harrisburg to raise money for United Cerebral Palsy of Central Pennsylvania. Participants included Middle School faculty members Mr. Wyane Dull, Ms. Olivia Gardner, Ms. Bella Irwin, Ms. Erica Jolly, Ms. Anne Maxwell, Ms. Isabella Myers, Mr. Tim Rundle, and Ms. Jill Striebig. Trimmer faculty members included Ms. Holly Holtzinger and Ms. Kristin Bielski, as well as our District Social Worker, Ms. Juliana Hickey.
Positive Energy Surprise!
Fourth grader Jacob Patrick, who is quite enthusiastic, couldn't resist bringing Ms. Tiffany Loucks, Trimmer Elementary Art Teacher, some "Positive Energy" from Bob Ross on Monday! While shopping with his family at over the weekend, Jacob spotted the can and decided to buy it to share with her. Students are aware that Ms. Loucks has an impressive collection of Bob Ross items and that she promotes and shares his positivity throughout the year with her students.
Check Out All of the Storybook Characters from Wallace!
Ms. Jennifer LaCour's first-grade class and Ms. Taylor Schlemmer's kindergarten class at Wallace Elementary dressed up as their favorite storybook characters.
Trimmer Students Make A Difference!
In conjunction with National Make a Difference Day (October 26, 2024), Trimmer Elementary held a 2-week food and supply drive. The drive ran from October 21-November 1 and all items collected were donated to our West York Bulldog Pantry. Trimmer's Guardian Bulldogs shared information about National Make a Difference Day and the drive in their classrooms. On Friday, November 1st, students held a "Wear Your Favorite Kindness Shirt" spirit day. Trimmer students and their families did an amazing job with this drive! They collected 311 items and are proud of the difference they made in their community. Students experienced that when they learn to help others, they not only make a difference in the lives of others, but in their own lives as well. What an AWESOME feeling!
Community Support for the Bulldog Pantry
A big shout out to Ms. Jaime Zinn and the Athletic Club for their generous donation to the Bulldog Pantry! As a community pantry, we are very appreciative of the support received by Bulldog families and our local community residents and businesses. It is this support that makes it possible for us to be a resource for those in need in our community.
Fun With Idioms
Trimmer Elementary students celebrated Idiom Day last week by dressing up as different idioms. They reviewed that an idiom is an expression that means something different than what is said, such as "It's raining cats and dogs" means that it's raining really hard outside. Teachers worked with students to come up with ideas of different costumes, and the students didn't disappoint! This was an AWESOME combination of whimsy and education. See if you can guess the idioms pictured below.
Earning and Saving DoJo Points - Cash-in for Fun Experiences!
Fifth-grade artist Journey Brooks at Trimmer Elementary redeemed 50 Dojo Points and enjoyed a painting session with Ms. Tiffany Loucks, exploring the Yayoi Kusama pumpkin theme. Journey did an excellent job and used her time to create a beautiful, colorful pumpkin.
Fall Fest - Fun and Creepy - Activities!
Ms. Lorrie Rodriguez's class at Wallace Elementary had a Fall Fest on October 31st. Ms. Sam Stover, a parent and guest reader, read The Creepy Underwear and then students made their own creepy underwear! Students also enjoyed making their own candied apples as a snack!
November 8, 2024
9th/10th Grade:
Grace Murray
For volunteering to clean supplies in your free time!
11th/12th Grade:
Aphasia Rasaily
For your dedication to your internship! Great job!
Ms. MaKayla McKenzie
For all you do to support our Bulldog Family every day! We're glad you're here!
The Bulldog Breakdown
The Weekly Athletic Department Newsletter
Stay abreast of the Athletic Department's weekly news with the Bulldog Breakdown, a weekly recap of the prior week's athletic accomplishments and the upcoming sporting events.
Simply click the Bulldog Breakdown bar below to view the latest issue!
Kinsley Engineering and Computer Science Recruitment Day
This in-person event is geared toward students who are interested in programs inside the Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology: Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
Students will have the opportunity to tour Kinsley Engineering and the Civil Engineering Center, meet with faculty, and learn more about their program of interest!
When: Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM
Where: York College of Pennsylvania - Yorkview Hall
Learn more and register at https://admissions.ycp.edu/register/engcs-2024
Give Thanks for Great Savings at the Bulldog Branch!
Students and Parents, we will be spotlighting a new product or service every month to help you get to know First Capital Federal Credit Union and what we have to offer you and your family!
This week we are spotlighting our Youth Accounts! First Capital offers great programs for kids of all ages! We have our Deep Sea Savers account which is for newborns to kids 13 years of age. Each Deep Sea Saver will receive a coin for every deposit of $25.00 or more. These coins can then be redeemed for prizes. For children 14 to 17 years of age, we offer the NextGen program. With every deposit of $50.00 or more the teen receives 50 points. After they reach 500 points, they receive an automatic $5.00 deposit into their account! Kids in both programs also receive a birthday post card every year which entitles them to a $5.00 birthday gift from us. Another benefit to the youth program is our Youth Add-On Certificate and our College Club.
Through our partnership with WYASD, students automatically qualify for membership at First Capital Federal Credit Union, and we would love to have you as a member! We will even make the initial opening deposit of $6 ($1 membership fee, $5 share savings deposit) for you!
Students, if you would like more information on these accounts, please stop by The Bulldog Branch to learn more about what First Capital has to offer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or reach out to School Branch Coordinator, Ms. Kayla Weaver at kaylaw@firstcapitalfcu.com with any questions!
Shopping Helpers Needed
The West York Elementary PTO is looking for volunteers to help students shop for the perfect holiday gifts on Saturday, November 16th at the PTO Holiday Shop that will be at the Middle School from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
If you can help with Friday set up, Saturday shopper assistance, or Saturday tear down, please use the link below to sign up.
High School Year Books!
November 15th - Last Chance Before Price Increase!
A student's high school yearbook is a way to capture all of the amazing memories that students experience during their final years here at West York - home of the Bulldogs!
Purchasing a yearbook early in the school year assures you the best pricing, currently $75, and an item off your "To-Do List" that builds as the end of the school year approaches!
Starting November 16th, the price will be $80 - so don't miss the $75 early purchase price!
Also available now is the opportunity to place a special message/ad in the yearbook just for your child. More information on this, and all things yearbooks, can be found by visiting the West York page of Jostens website by clicking the image above.
Calling all Middle School Students - Be Sure to Order Your Yearbook Early!
Don't miss out on ordering your Middle School yearbook! Order your copy today and check that off your to-do list before it's too late!
Click the flyer below to visit the Jostens website and to place your order.
York County Food Bank - December Give-A-Meal Program
We are excited to share that West York Area School District is participating in this year’s December Give a Meal Program with the York County Food Bank. Families have the opportunity to sign-up to receive a December holiday meal kit and a $20 gift card through a partnership with the York County Food Bank’s Hunger Free York program. The kits will be available for pick up on Thursday, December 12th from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, at Door 10 of the Middle School, for those who have pre-registered via THIS LINK. The registration link is open through November 24th. You must complete the registration to receive a holiday meal kit. Extra kits will NOT be available.
More information can be found on the York County Food Bank’s website by clicking HERE. You can also click HERE to donate to West York’s virtual food drive.
Fundraiser and a Night Off from Cooking Dinner! Win-Win!
Take a night off from cooking dinner with some delicious Panera Bread items!
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
1221 Carlisle Road
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
In Cafe - Drive-Thru - PickUp - Delivery
Enter promo code FUND4U at online checkout.
The content below was in last week's issue but it bears repeating as a reminder or for anyone who may have missed it. If pertinent details of an article are changed, we will pull the article above this section and highlight any changes.
FREE Summer STEM Program for Current Juniors!
Current high school juniors have the opportunity to apply for acceptance into the 2025 PA Governor's School for the Sciences program at Carnegie Mellon University. This 5-week residential program is free to those accepted, including tuition, lab fees, room and board. The application window is now open and closes on January 31, 2025.
Click the image below to see the full program flyer. You can learn more about the courses, activities, and the application process by visiting their website at www.cmu.edu/mcs/pgss.
VisionCorps - Eye Exams & Glasses
Back to School Vision Voucher Program
VisionCorps and PA Vision Foundation have teamed up to offer free vision examinations
and glasses to qualified families in South Central PA.
Vouchers are accepted by Vision Benefits of America (VBA) network eyecare providers.
For more information and to see if you qualify for this program,
please call VisionCorps at 717-925-7275 or email vouchers@visioncorps.net
Important Information from our School Nurses
Does your child have signs or symptoms of the flu, Covid or RSV? Did they test positive?
The recommendations are that your child stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication and that they feel good enough to return to school. The CDC also recommends (it is optional) that a mask be worn for 5 days after their return if they tested positive for Covid.
Students who have been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid do not need to stay home from school unless they come down with symptoms or test positive.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your school nurse.
Submitting a Student Absence Excuse Form Online
Using Your Computer to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
From the District WEBSITE Home Page
âž” Scroll down to the vertical gray boxes just under the changing highlight pictures at the top of the District website's home page
âž” Click on the Attendance box
âž” Underneath Online Attendance click on Sapphire Community Portal Login
âž” On the login page put in your username and password (this must be set up prior to you using this page)
âž” On the left side is your student(s) name(s)
- If you have multiple students, please make sure you are at the correct student
âž” Under MY BACKPACK click on Student Data Forms (making sure it is the correct student)
âž” Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
âž” Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Using the District App from Your Cell Phone to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
âž” From the WYASD App Home Page, click on the More waffle icon on the right side of the screen
âž” Click on the Sapphire Portal icon on the right side of the screen
âž” Log in to Sapphire
➔ If you have multiple students, make sure you are in the correct student’s account
âž” At the bottom of the screen there is a purple circle with 3 white lines, click on the circle
âž” Click on the green circle marked Student Data Forms
âž” Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
âž” Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Don't Miss Out on the Many Scholarships Available!
Our West York Area High School's Counseling Center compiles lists of available scholarships as our high school students prepare for their post-secondary educational plans and funding.
An updated list will be posted at the High School as new scholarships become available. Each time the bulletin is revised, it is printed on a different color of paper from the previous bulletin, making it easy to tell when new information has been added.
PLEASE NOTE: The date due is very important. Please have applications submitted to the Counseling Center at least 6 days prior to due date. This allows the Counseling Center staff sufficient time for review of the application and transcript preparation, ensuring that the application is sent out in a timely manner.
All hard copies of scholarship applications are located inside the Counseling Center in the waiting area in the drawer marked SCHOLARSHIPS. The Counseling Center also emails each scholarship and updated bulletin directly to students' school emails.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Gail Wildasin in the Counseling Center.
Golden Bulldog Passes!
If you are new to West York, you might be saying, "What is a Golden Bulldog Pass?" Exclusively for West York Area School District residents 65 and older, the Golden Bulldog Pass is valid for one admission to all District-sponsored events, including athletic events (excluding playoff events), fine arts events such as concerts, plays, and musicals, and special invitation-only events for senior citizens.
Our annual "Lunch and a Show" is our most popular invitation-only event and seating is limited! So, don't miss out on this and other opportunities! To learn more, please click the Golden Bulldog Pass card to the left.
Be Sure to Follow Us on Social Media!
Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don't experience FOMO - Fear of Missing Out! Simply click the images below.
Important Dates - October & November 2024
- Friday, November 8, Early Dismissal
- Tuesday, November 12, EPC Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, November 12, Work Session of the Board (7:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, November 14, Wellness Committee Meeting (3:15 p.m.)
- Tuesday, November 19, Cocurricular Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, November 19, Board Voting Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Saturday, November 23, HS Fall Play - Alice in Wonderland (7:00 p.m.)
- Sunday, November 24, HS Fall Play - Alice in Wonderland (2:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, November 27 - Monday, December 2, Thanksgiving Holiday Break - No School
- Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29, District Offices are closed
Community Corner
Be Sure To Check It Out Often!
The Community Corner of our website offers families many helpful links to organizations or flyers about upcoming or ongoing community activities, clubs, and events. The information on this webpage changes frequently and those changes will be highlighted here as they occur. The latest updates are pictured below.
From our Home webpage, click on Community to access links to various organizations/community events.
Here are just some examples:
- Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls ages 5-12)
- Girl Scouts
- West York Boys Club
- YMCA of York
- YWCA of York
Community Resources such as:
- Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps
- Community Progress Council
- Dream Wrights Center for Community Arts
- United Way