Stonybrook School Weekly Update #37
June 9th, 2024
Welcome to the Last Week of School!
Welcome to the last week of the 2023-2024 school year.
Thursday, June 13th - Minimum Day for all students. Dismissal is at 1:25 p.m.
Friday, June 14th - Minimum Day for all students and staff. Dismissal is at 1:25 p.m.
Thank you to our amazing families for making this an incredible school year. Thank you for all of your cooperation and support throughout the school year. We could not have done this without you!
Stonybrook 4th and 5th Grade Spring Band Concert
Thank you to all of our families who attended our 4th and 5th Grade Band and Jazz Band Spring Concert! Our students did an amazing job and we are so proud of their hard work this year. Thank you to Mr. Tedesco for putting together a wonderful program for our families!
Stonybrook Ice Cream Social
Thank you to KEHSA for hosting our 1st Annual Ice Cream Social. Thank you to all of our families who attended and enjoyed ice cream sundaes. It was a beautiful evening!
5th Grade PEEC Trip
Our 5th grade students have been waiting all year for their trip to PEEC and they had a great time! Thank you to Mrs. Tadros for organizing the trip, to all of our staff members that attended, and to all of our parent chaperones. The students had an amazing time!
Stonybrook School Spring Choir Concert
KEHSA Sponsored Pizza Day at Stonybrook
Since it is a Minimum Day and lunch will not be served, KEHSA will be hosting a pizza lunch fundraiser on Thursday, June 13th.
Cheese pizza slices, chocolate chip cookies, and fruit punch juice boxes are available for purchase.
Stonybrook's pizza will be ordered from Ferati's Pizzeria.
Orders MUST be placed via the QR code in the flyer or using this link:
Sales close at 11:59 pm on June 11th.
*Fifth grade families: please note that Thursday, June 13th is the 5th grade BBQ, so please don’t purchase pizza for your child.*
KEHSA Sponsored Bagel Day at Stonybrook
Since it is a Minimum Day and lunch will not be served, KEHSA will be hosting a bagel lunch fundraiser on Friday, June 14th.
One plain bagel (sliced) can be purchased with butter or cream cheese (both will come on the side). Chocolate chip cookies and fruit punch juice boxes are also available for purchase.
Bagels will come from either Five Brothers Bagels or G&A Bagels.
Orders MUST be placed via the QR code in the flyer or using this link:
Sales close at 11:59 pm on June 12th.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
June 10th and 11th - Our 5th Grade students will be visiting PRM for their Move Up Day.
June 12th: 5th Grade Promotion Celebration at 10:00 a.m. at Kinnelon High School Auditorium - A Google form was sent home if you are taking your child home after the ceremony. The link is also attached here for your convenience. Please complete that form by Monday, June 10th.
June 13th: 5th Grade Barbecue for students only.
June 14th: 5th Grade Clap Out at 12:30 p.m. Here is the form that needs to be completed if you are taking your child home immediately following the Clap Out.
Important Upcoming Dates
June 10th and June 11th: 5th Grade Move Up Days to PRM (This visit is for students only)
June 10th: Choir Concert at 6:30 p.m.
June 11th: Board of Education Meeting at KHS
June 12th: 5th Grade Promotion Celebration at 10:00 a.m. at KHS
June 13th: 5th Grade Barbecue (This day is for students only)
June 13th: KEHSA Sponsored Pizza Day for students in Grade 3 and 4
June 13th: Minimum Day for students - 1:25 p.m. dismissal
June 14th: KEHSA Sponsored Bagel Day
June 14th: Last Day of School! Minimum Day for Staff and Students - 1:25 dismissal
June 14th: 5th Grade Clap Out - 12:30 p.m.
June 14th: Report Cards released to families
Chromebook Reminder
All Chromebooks and chargers should be returned to school this week. Collection times have been provided to each homeroom teacher. Thank you.
Library Books to be returned
Please make sure that your child returns all library books to Mrs. Bosch by Thursday, June 13th.
Thank you.