Welcome Back Blackhawk Families
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025! August & September
Blackhawk Mission
Blackhawk is committed to partnering with families and the community to provide a welcoming, safe, and engaging environment where all students feel a sense of community, accountability, and purpose as they grow and develop into critical thinkers who desire to solve problems and have fun while learning.
This is the first Parent Newsletter for the 2024-2025 school year. I am happy that your child is a part of Blackhawk this year. All of us are eager and excited to begin what promises to be the best year ever. The staff at Blackhawk passionately dedicate themselves to the success of all our students. We will always put the best interests of students at the center of our purpose. High expectations, which our qualified and dedicated staff has established, will be maintained while providing a safe and nurturing environment. At Blackhawk, we will strive to make the learning process a positive and rewarding experience while maintaining a desire to develop curious learners who will become lifelong students.
It is truly a privilege to be part of a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth. Together, we S.O.A.R. by being Safe, On-Time, Accountable, and Respectful each day at Blackhawk Primary Center.
My door is always open and I welcome your ideas and input. I look forward to working with you as a team to help each student at Blackhawk meet their academic goals and have a safe and successful school year.
- Monday, August 21st - First Day of School Buses will begin their routes at approximately 8:15 a.m., breakfast will be served at 9:05 a.m., and classes will begin promptly at 9:25 a.m.
- Monday, August 21st-Friday, August 30th - There will be late starts school will begin at 9:25a.m
- Monday, September 4th - Labor Day-No School
- Wednesday, September 10th - 12:30 Early Dismissal
- Thursday, September 11th - Blackhawk Title 1 Meeting 5:30 and Open House 6:00
- Friday, September 15th - Blackhawk Summer Packet Celebration for students who met the summer iReady pathways expectations
- Tuesday, September 24th - 12:30 Early Dismissal
Welcome to Blackhawk Primary Center
1st Grade: Mrs. Hirosky
1st Grade: Mrs. Hall
2nd Grade: Ms. Wilson
PE: Mr. Ries
Speech Pathologist: Ms. Banaszak
Administrative Assistant Welcome
I am Ms. Albright the administrative assistant at Blackhawk Primary Center. Working at Blackhawk is such a joy and I have my lovely students, staff, and parents to thank for that. As the 24-25 school year approaches there are some things I would like you all as parents / guardians to know.
Attendance / Arrival:
- Earliest arrival: 7:50a.m
End of day: 3:00p.m
- During the first week of school, busses might be a few minutes early or late as drivers become familiar with the new routes.
- If your child(ren) cannot attend school, please call me at (708)668-9502.
Late Arrival
- If your child is late to school a person 18 years and older must sign them in
- If an emergency arises and you cannot send written notification, please call the school by 2:15. This gives me ample time to notify your child's teacher of the change.
- If someone besides you is picking you child up from school, I must be notified. The person who is picking up your child must be 18 years or older with their I.D.
- If your child is going home with another student both parents must contact me.
Bus / Daycare Services
- If you would like your child to be provided bus services, please contact Sandi Gordon at the district office and she will assist you. Contact info: 708-668-9425 Email: Sgordon@sd163.com
- If you would like your child to be a daycare rider that is your responsibility to contact the daycare for transportation services, after arranging daycare services you must notify me.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please call 708-668-9502 or email
Dismissal Bus Information
Each child in Blackhawk is receiving a tag on their backpack on their first day of attendance to identify their dismissal group. It is important that the tag remains on the backpack to help us in our dismissal process. Our goal is to ensure that each student is safe and in the right place each day.
*School Bus Riders (Bus 9, Bus 10 and Bus 11)
*Parent Pick Ups
*District transportation
- Each day we will prepare students to be dismissed based on the current information in our school office.
Parent Communication
This year, Blackhawk Primary Center will use Thrill Share and Classroom Dojo to communicate with parents, Important school information via Thrill Share as well as Classroom Dojo weekly to keep you informed of events occurring at Blackhawk. Your child's teacher will share more information regarding Classroom Dojo.
Blackhawk Means of Communication
- Thrill Share messages
- Classroom Dojo
- Monthly Blackhawk Parent Newsletter
- Flyers
- PTO Meetings
- Phone Calls
Safety and Security
Please be advised that all doors entering the school are locked. Visitors will be buzzed into the building and also will have to show an ID to enter the school.
Theme for the Year: Every Student, Every Day!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
September 11th Title 1 Meeting and Open House
Title 1 Meeting-5:30-6:00pm Open House-6:00-7:00pm
- Parents can receive valuable information on the school's curriculum, extracurricular activities, and educational offerings. They can also gain insight into the school culture and atmosphere by speaking with the faculty and staff. Additionally, parents can build relationships with teachers and administrators that will be important for their children's educational journey.
- At a school open house, parents can also observe classrooms and facilities, giving them a better understanding of the quality of education being offered. This can often help parents choose the best school for their child.
- On top of this, attending an open house is a great way to meet other families from the school community who may have children of similar ages. This can be especially beneficial if parents are new to the area and looking to get involved in the community.
Overall, joining an open house event has many benefits for parents. By attending, parents can gain invaluable insights into the educational environment and learn more about the available resources. Additionally, they can make connections with the school community and other parents.
PBIS Station Rotation
We will do a Station Rotation with all students at Blackhawk School during the first two weeks of school. Students will rotate through various locations throughout the building where the staff will act out the appropriate behaviors relevant to each area. After staff members model the appropriate behavior, students emulate the new behavior before they rotate to the next learning station. During our station rotation, the students will learn the expected behaviors of the hallway, bathroom, recess, cafeteria, entering/exiting, and bus. We will do the station rotations on a quarterly basis to reinforce the behavior expectations at Blackhawk Primary Center.
The first reason to join the Parent Teacher Organization is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. There are monthly meetings for all parents and guardians to come and share great ideas. Our PTO did a FANASTIC job last school year providing fun activities for our children! Our PTO worked hard but they are always looking for more parents to become an active part of PTO. There are many PTO advantages:
- Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
- Tap into a Network. PTO functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, build rapport, and discuss issues on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences.
- Watch Yourself Grow. Volunteering with your PTO allows you to use your skills and hobbies for a noble cause—your child and all children in the community.
- Speak Up. PTO can be a way for you to suggest change at your child’s school more effectively. Witness Improvement. You'll be part of the solution by getting involved at your child’s school and helping make positive changes. Our PTO plays a vital role by supporting building improvements through advocacy and is essential in fundraising for curriculum-based programs and social/family events.
- Be a Role Model. Becoming a PTO member will demonstrate to your child the importance of education.
August Breakfast and Lunch Menus
August Breakfast
August Lunch
phone: 708-668-9503