Eastview Update
January 30, 2025
Reporting Procedure for Absence/Appointment
When students are absent or have an appointment, parents/guardians are asked to call the Attendance Line (440) 930-8294 before 9:00 am on the day of the absence/appointment. The following information must be provided when reporting an absence. (Email should not be used to report student absences)
· Student name
· Date of absence
· Teacher’s name
· Reason for absence
If your child’s absence requires a doctor’s visit, please turn in the medical excuse when you child returns to school.
Students who arrive tardy to school are to report directly to the office with a parent or adult. No student should go to class without reporting to the office first. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day (440) 930-8294
2nd Grade Inview Test Feb. 24-26
Every year, second grade students are given the InView test. This is a cognitive assessment that helps define and focus on individual student needs more effectively. The InView provides information over and beyond achievement test scores about crucial cognitive skills like: verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning. This is a paper/pencil standardized test that will be machine scored.
The InView tests will be administered at approximately 9:15 am on the following dates:
Monday, February 24, 2025
Test 1: Sequences
Test 2: Analogies
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Test 3: Quantitative Reasoning
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Tests 4: Verbal Reasoning – Words
Test 5: Verbal Reasoning – Context
Spirit Day-January 31
Kids in the Community Club is teaming up with our PTA to sponsor a Spirit Day this Friday. Students will be donating needed pet supplies to our local Friendship APL. Students will celebrate our love for animals by bringing in a small stuffed animal from home to learn with them for the day.
MAP Reports
MAP Reports will be sent home Friday.
PTA Update
Cupid Shuffle: Don't forget to register your child for the Eastview Cupid Shuffle. This fun dance-fit event will take place on February 13 during school. Students can start requesting donations from family and friends now through the event date. We are raising funds for a Recess Refresh to update some of the items used for both indoor and outdoor recess. MyBooster.com
*Please keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities for the Cupid Shuffle. A sign-up will go out once the schedule is finalized.
Volunteers Needed: A former Eastview student, now in high school, is working on an incredible service project that will be hosted right here at Eastview. She has organized Disability Awareness Week, packed with fun and engaging activities for our students to enjoy. The week will wrap up on March 13 with an assembly and stations for the students, which will require some parent volunteers to help things run smoothly. Please click here for more information and to sign up.
February PTA meeting: This meeting will be an evening mixer at Sibling Revelry Brewery. Bring a friend and join us on Tuesday, February 11, 7-9pm! Light appetizers will be provided.
Upcoming Dates:
2/6 - Marco’s Pizza Night
2/11 - PTA Mixer, Sibling Revelry Brewery, 7pm
2/13 - Cupid Shuffle
2/14 - No School, In-Service Day
2/17 - No School, Presidents Day
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Springer: jessica.springer1231@gmail.com