Medicaid Messenger
March 2025
How to See Exited Students on Your Caseload
Service Tracker Tips When Students Are Not Visible on Your Caseload
When students are exited from school, or are moved to another service provider, but you still need to enter billing for them in Service Tracker, follow these steps:
Case Managers and Direct Service Staff
Step 1
In Service Tracker, click the Include dropdown arrow and select Both. Next, click the checkbox to Include Exited.
Step 2
If you still cannot see your former student(s), change the calendar date in MISTAR to the last date the student was on your caseload by clicking the calendar icon in the top right corner, just above your name.
Step 3
The calendar will pop up. Using any of the arrow keys available, select the date you need in order to see an exited student in Service Tracker.
Paraprofessionals and Personal Care Aides
Click the Month/Year drop down arrow to select any of the previous months in the current school year.
If you still cannot see your former student(s), click the box next to Show All Students.
School Health Services
School staff wear many hats throughout their day. Sometimes questions come up regarding what services that are provided in school are considered medical and behavioral health care services. Medicaid considers each of the services listed here to be medical/behavioral health care services, even though they are provided in the school setting, at no cost to families:
Audiology Services
Nursing Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Orientation and Mobility Services
Physical Therapy Services
Social Work Services
Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy Services
Physician and Psychiatrist Services
Psychological and Counseling Services
Personal Care Services
Targeted Case Management Services
Developmental Testing Services for medical purposes
Evaluations and tests performed for health assessments
Assistive Technology Device Services
Specialized Transportation Services
Authorization for Medicaid Services
Tips for Direct Service Staff for Completing the Form and What to Include
Whether you are completing an Initial, Annual, an Amendment to an IEPT/IFSP, or a Three-Year IEPT, you must consider the Authorization for Medicaid Services form for all students.
When you open the form, you should turn on the validation rules. The first validation rule requires you to identify if the student meets the age requirements for Medicaid billing.
At the time of the meeting, was the student under the age of 21? ☐ Yes ☐ No
- If the student is 20 or younger, you will click the Yes checkbox.
- The next validation rules will require responses regarding the student's IEPT/IFSP service supports and personal care:
- If the student is 21 or older, you will check the No checkbox.
- The validation rules will indicate that the form is complete.
- Click Finalize Form to lock in the data.
- Click OK to Finalize the form.
This student needs one or more direct medical/behavioral supports. ☐ Yes ☐ No
- If the student's IEPT/IFSP lists one or more direct medical/behavioral service support (speech/language, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, etc.), you must check the Yes checkbox.
- The validation rules will require you to complete the entire form.
- If the student's IEPT/IFSP does not list one or more direct medical/behavioral supports (speech/language, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, etc.), you must check the No checkbox.
- You will still be required to respond to the statement about personal care.
This student's IEPT lists daily personal care services. ☐ Yes ☐ No
- If the Yes checkbox for personal care services is checked on the IEPT, you must check the Yes checkbox on the Authorization for Medicaid Services.
- Checking the Yes checkbox activates the form's Add button for personal care services.
- Because the form will authorize the student’s personal care services, you must add the student's personal care service to the form.
- The validation rules will require you to complete the entire form.
- If the No checkbox for personal care service is checked on the IEPT, you must check the No checkbox on the Authorization for Medicaid Services.
- Because the form will not authorize personal care services, the add button cannot be selected.
4. When the student's form is considered valid, Submit your completed form.
5. Click Finalize Form to lock in the data. Click OK to Finalize the form.
Medical Plan of Care requirements say IEPTs/IFSPs must always be accompanied by a Medicaid Qualified Provider signed, titled, and dated Authorization for Medicaid Services.
MISTAR Lite users or schools who do not use MISTAR<Programs<Forms for IEPT/IFSP and Medicaid Forms should contact a member of the Medicaid Team for a fillable PDF Form.
REMEMBER: In case of a Medicaid audit, schools must keep all Medicaid forms (signed, titled, and dated IEPTs/IFSPs and Authorizations for Medicaid Services) on file for SEVEN years.
Medicaid Contacts
Wayne RESA Medicaid School Services Program Contacts
If you need assistance, have questions or would like to schedule training, please contact a member of the Wayne RESA, Medicaid School Services Program Team.
We're here to help!
Michelle Maxfield - (734) 334-1461 ~maxfiem@resa.net
Leanne Smith - (734) 334-1464 ~smithle@resa.net
Tia Williams - (734) 334-1397 ~williat@resa.net