Oak Hills Newsletter
Weeks of December 2, 2024 & December 9, 2024
Message from Ms. Do
Dear Oak Hills Families,
We hope you had a restful Fall Break and holiday weekend! It was wonderful to welcome students back to school today. They shared sweet stories about family time, what they ate, down time, and other memories. Look forward to hearing more this week.
A reminder to students to bundle up to school. The days are chilly now-- coats, beanies, and gloves can be really comforting when they are at recess or walking to and home from school. Please label the items with your child's name. We can reunite the loose items or coats much more quickly if left behind at recess or the classroom.
One of the highlights of the week will be the Winter Music Showcase! Ms. Boling and Teacher Sally have joyfully prepared students for a lovely performance on Wednesday. Rehearsals started today; students are ready to show off their learning. We look forward to welcoming families and guests of our 4th/5th graders and students in Ms. Therrien's ALC class.
The Book Fair kicks off this week! Thank you in advance for supporting the Oak Hills library.
On Friday, the PTO hosts our Family Movie Night. More details below in the PTO section. It's always fun to see students excited to hang out at their school and gym with family and friends. Bring a comfy blanket/chair to this family event! Concessions will be available.
A reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, December 9th.
Have a great week!
Ms. Do
News from Ms. Larsen
Book Fair : Dec 4th - 6th
Shopping Hours:
Dec 4th - During Lunch Recesses and afterschool from 2:30–6:30
Dec. 5th- 6th - During Lunch Recesses
Online Book Fair: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/oakhillselementaryschool2 A great way to order books for gifts. Also share the link with friends, family and on social media too! Link Opens Dec. 4th and closes Dec 17th
Create an E-wallet for your child to shop safely at school. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/oakhillselementaryschool2
Thank you for your support!
We need volunteers to help with Lunch Recess Practices on Dec. 11th, 13th, 16th and 18th. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up for OBOB Lunch Practice HERE.
You will find practice questions on the resource pages linked below.
Visit our OBOB Resource page HERE
OBOB Hall of Fame (3rd - 5th grade) - If a student reads all 16 OBOB books and completes THIS QUESTIONNAIRE, they will be entered into the OBOB Hall of Fame, get their picture in the Parent Newsletter and Library website, receive a free book and certificate!
Overdue Notices
With so few days of school in November, many books are beginning to go overdue. You will be receiving notices from BSD Library Services. If you receive one of these emails, please remind your child to return their books or go to Open Library to renew them. Please help your child return their library books as soon as they are finished with them. Books are picked up and checked in daily. Thank you for your help! Below are the steps to see what books your child has checked out on their accounts and which books are overdue. If you have any questions about the email notices, please contact Ms. Larsen.
Library Volunteer Needed: We are in need of a parent to come every other Thursday to help shelve books. Training provided. If you are interested please contact Ms. Larsen
Please check out the LIBRARY WEBSITE for:
Helpful Library Links for students and parents
How to View Your Child’s Library Account (Slides 1-7), View the Library Catalog (slide 8), Put Books on Hold (Slides 9-10), Renew books (slides 11-12), Pay Library Fines (Slide 13)
OBOB Information
Ordering Books From Scholastic for your home collection
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Ms. Larsen at leilani_larsen@beaverton.k12.or.us
Lego STEM Club - Winter Term
We’re thrilled to announce that registration is open for the Journey to STEAM after-school program at Oak Hills! This engaging program, perfect for students in grades K-5 (now open to Kindergartners!), combines STEM learning with fun LEGO projects. We’ve introduced new curriculum topics this term, so returning students will enjoy fresh and exciting content. Spaces are limited and fill up fast, so don’t miss out on this chance for your child to explore, learn, and create with Journey to STEAM.
PTO News
Family Movie Night - Friday, December 6th
Join us on Friday, December 6th to watch the movie Migration. Doors will open at 5:45pm and the movie will start promptly at 6:15pm. The 5th Grade Celebration Team will be selling concessions, including PIZZA. All students, their families and friends are welcome. This is not a drop off event. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
5th Grade Student & Adult Volunteers Needed for Movie Night
Our Friday movie night can’t happen without volunteers. Fifth grade students with an adult can sign up to help sell concessions. Concessions benefit the 5th Grade Celebration. See more information and sign up for a shift here.
Thank You - Bottle & Can Drive
Thank you to families who collected bottles/cans and dropped them off before Thanksgiving break to help benefit the 5th Grade Celebration. Keep saving your empty containers! Another drop off date in December is forthcoming. If you have questions or would like to arrange a pick-up/drop-off at a different time, email the 5th Grade Celebration team at vicepresident@oakhillspto.org.
5th Grade Celebration Fundraiser - Mapel Gives Back - December 5th
Mapel Boutique in Bethany Village will donate 20% of sales to the 5th Grade Celebration. Join us for some holiday shopping. Drinks and snacks provided from 4pm to 7pm.
PTO Volunteer Updates and Needs
Club Updates
Chill Chess Club (grades 3-5) and Friendship Bracelet Club (grades K-2) will continue to run on Tuesdays during lunch recess until Winter Break. Please sign up on Parentsquare if you would like to volunteer.
When we return from break in January, we'll have a 6-week session of Lego Challenge Club during lunch on Tuesdays for ALL grades. Students will be given a Lego challenge or game for the day and be able to play and build. Before the PTO uses funds to buy new Legos, we will be collecting donations of used and random building bricks (any kind, but no large Duplos please). Donations will be collected in the front office. Thank you!
Volunteer Updates
Click here for this week’s volunteer updates and opportunities.
Club Reminders
Rose City Chess Club (2:20-3:20pm)
Lunch clubs
RAZ Tennis Club (2:30-3:30pm) - Cancelled due to Music Showcase - rescheduled in 2 weeks - Dec 18th
LEGO STEM Afterschool Club - (2:25-3:25pm)
No school for students
Lunch Clubs
LEGO STEM Afterschool Club (2:25-3:25pm)--Make-up from 11/29
RAZ Tennis Club--No class today - Rescheduled next week Dec 18th
LEGO STEM Afterschool Club - (2:25-3:25pm)
Spiritwear Sale
The 2024 Holiday Sale is on now thru mid-December. 25% off all merchandise with delivery guaranteed before the holidays.
Important Dates in December-February
December 4-6 Book Fair
Wednesday, December 4 Music Showcase 4th Grade, 5th Grade, and ALC (Ms. Therrien's class)
Friday, December 6 PTO Family Movie Night 6-8pm
Monday, December 9 No school for students; Staff Development Day
Thursday, December 19 Spirit Day
Friday, December 20 Winter Classroom Parties
December 22-January 3 Winter Break
Monday, January 6 School Resumes
Tuesday, January 14 PTO Meeting 7pm
Friday, January 17 Staff Development Day - No school for students
Monday, January 20 MLK Jr Day - No school for students and staff
Friday, January 24 End of Semester
Monday, January 27 Grading Day - No school for students
Thursday, January 20 Padres Unidos 6pm
Thursday, February 6 Global Fair 5-6:30pm
Tuesday, February 12 PTO Meeting 7pm
Friday, February 14 Friendship Day--Classroom Parties
Monday, February 17 Presidents Day - No school for students and staff
Tuesday, February 18 Staff Development Day - No school for students
Oak Hills Important Dates 2024-2025
School Menu Information
This year, all students are eligible for free Breakfast and Lunch here at school. Here is the link to the current month’s food menus.
Join Us on Social Media
Thao Do-Gwilliam
Email: thao_do_gwilliam@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://oakhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 2625 Northwest 153rd Avenue, Beaverton, OR, USA
Phone: 503.356.2410