Wiley Way
Week of April 22, 2024
Welcome to Wiley ~ Home of the Wiley Coyotes
Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
School Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:50 PM; early dismissal @ 12:04 PM
If you need anything, PLEASE EMAIL or phone the office staff at officewiley@uticak12.org/
586-797-6700 ; someone will respond promptly.
24 hr. Attendance Line: (586) 797-6799
Office Staff:
- Mrs. Candice Merivirta, Principal
- Mrs. Cathy Baumgartner, Administrative Assistant
Dates to Remember
April 22: Earth Day!
April 23 and 25: Talent Show Try Outs @ Wiley, District Art Show @ Sterling Heights Community Center (see flyer below)
April 24: 4th Grade Recorder Concert
April 29: DNO Fundraiser @ Chic-Fil-A 4:30-8:30 PM
May 3: Wiley Carnival (5:30-9:00 PM, UHS)
Message From Mrs. Merivirta
M STEP Testing continues! At this time nearly every student has completed one of their assessments. Thank you for supporting your child by making sure that they get a good night's rest, eat breakfast, have their laptop charged, and are to school on time. If students arrive late and their class is testing they will have to wait in the office until that session is done to join their class. We ask that you do not schedule appointments or early dismissals on testing days as well. We appreciate your support. Our 5th graders made a video to pump them up as they complete their assessments ~ we will be able to share it soon!
Thank you to our Parent Volunteer Group for sponsoring our Donuts with Grown Ups. 😊 It was nice to see so many students with someone special enjoying a donut and cider. We appreciate all that our parent group does to support our school community!
We celebrate Earth Day today ~ many classes have planned activities and have learned about ways to help our planet. This year's theme is Planet vs Plastics. We challenge every family to find ways to reduce/reuse/recycle plastics throughout the year to support the effort.
We hope that you will have the opportunity to join the district-wide Art Show that is being held at the Sterling Heights Community Center this Tuesday through Thursday (April 23-25). The event showcases from students across the district. Quite a few Wiley students will have work on display. The work of our students, under the instruction of Mr. Stark, is some of the finest at the elementary level every year! We hope that you and your family can enjoy time visiting the show. The flyer below provides details on times you can attend.
We are excited that the Parent Group is also sponsoring and will be hosting a Wiley Talent Show this year. Try outs will be held after school on Tuesday, the 23rd and Thursday, the 25th. The talent show will be held on the evening of May 28th. We are so excited!
As you know, construction will begin in the very near future for the major outdoor renovations happening at Wiley! We are excited about the plans for a reconfigured parking lot, a bus loop in the back to improve student safety, new playground structures, landscaping, and a new electronic sign. There will be some improvements within the building as well. We will keep you updated as things progress. If you have questions along the way, please contact the office and we will connect you with the people who can answer your questions.
Thank you for your help with traffic flow in the morning. PLEASE be sure to pull up as far as you can (up to the sign that says NO PARKING/NO STANDING), have students exit ON THE PASSENGER SIDE ONLY, and then pull away. If you/your child are unable to do so, please park and walk your child to the school. We need to ensure everyone's safety.
As a reminder, PLEASE do not drop students off on 21 Mile Rd, just east of Shelby. This is very dangerous, especially if you are allowing students to enter your car out of the driver's side, near traffic. Although it takes time, please pull into the school parking lot to drop off your child.
As always, thank you for all that you do to support and enrich your child's education and our school community. Together, we are achieving great things!
Mrs. Merivirta
Planet vs Plastics
The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs Plastics. The theme aims to bring attention to the serious issue of plastic pollution and how it harms nature. For Earth Day 2024, EARTHDAY.ORG aims to end plastic for planetary health and demands a 60 per cent reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040.
Each of us has the power to make choices that will positively impact our world. What can you do to help?
Please take time to listen to one or both of these stories to learn about Earth Day and the ways you can help.
Mrs. Vollmert's First Graders at Wiley had a fun time putting together our "Earth Day Math Mystery Mural" where each student had to solve math problems and follow their own unique color code to fit in their piece of the puzzle. Happy Earth Day!
Donuts with Grown Ups
Mark Your Calendars ~ The Wiley Carnival is Coming!
The Wiley Carnival will be here before you know it! It will be held on Friday, May 3rd. In preparation, the Volunteer Group will be building baskets for a raffle. Please see the grade level list below to find out what you can donate to support your child's grade level basket.
Wiley Volunteer Group
Stay Connected with our Wiley Volunteer Parent Group
Wiley Spirit Wear is now available for purchase. Please view the flyer below and scan the QR code to check out the available items. Show your school spirit!
Class of 2037
It is hard to believe but we are already planning for next year! If you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next year, please take this opportunity to begin the enrollment process! UCS offers both Kindergarten and Young 5's. Additionally, applications are now being accepted for the Great Start Readiness Preschool Program. Please check out the flyers below.
Looking Ahead to the 2024-2025
The district has just released the tentative calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note that the calendar is contingent on the state approving the request for an early start (before Labor Day).
Often times parents have questions or concerns but do not know who direct them to. Below is information from the UCS handbook in regards to communication flow and creating a winning team. Please read below to help direct you to the correct person.
Your Child’s Teacher
- Classroom curriculum, materials, instruction, and/or assessment questions
- Questions regarding your student’s progress
- Information that may impact your child’s learning
- Minor classroom discipline concerns
Your Child’s Principal
- Program and classroom concerns, following conversation with teacher
- Office Referrals (discipline concerns)
- Building management questions
- School and classroom curriculum, materials, instruction, and/or assessment questions
- Concerns that were brought to teacher's attention but were not resolved
School District - Executive Administrator of Schools
- If questions/concerns have not been addressed after speaking with the building principal, please contact the Executive Administrator of Schools Office at (586) 797-1114
- Parents and eligible students who have questions or concerns regarding pupil rights may contact the Executive Administrator of Schools Office at (586) 797-1114
Reminder About Birthdays
Birthday Celebrations
The teachers and staff at Wiley support and encourage the recognition of a child’s birthday during the school day. It is an annual milestone in every child’s life that should be celebrated not just at home, but in school as well, where children spend one-third of their day with teachers, classmates, and peers. While there are many wonderful and creative ways to celebrate a child’s birthday in school, birthday celebrations at Wiley will not include food treats. Instead, the focus at Wiley will be recognizing the day in a variety of special ways that do not include food treats. Some possibilities include:
· Class sings “Happy Birthday”
· Happy Birthday Recess/Gift
· Morning “Happy Birthday” PA announcement
· Parent makes a donation of book to class library or a classroom game
· Student reads favorite book to class
· Parent/special someone reads story to class
Your child’s teacher will have more information on how birthdays will be celebrated in the classroom. As educators, caregivers and loved ones we all want the best for our students. Thank you for joining us in giving students healthy opportunities to celebrate important events and achievements.
At this time they are not accepting any more donations. If you would like information or would like to schedule a visit to the Closet please email Mrs. Kurmas at karrie.kurmas@uticak12.org.
Extended Day Opportunities
Too Sick to Come to School?
Take a Peek at These Health Department Guidelines
When is your child too sick to attend school? The following guidelines, along with the advice of your family doctor, will help you decide when your child should stay home:
• Cold and/or cough – a child with deep mucus that causes a cough and heavy nose drainage cannot function at school.
• Fever – fever is a warning that something is wrong. A child should remain at home for 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of medication.
• Rash – a rash, spots or blotches on the skin can be the first sign of many illnesses. Rashes require a physician’s release stating they are not contagious.
• Stomachache/Upset – a child who is vomiting or has diarrhea should be kept at home and may return 24 hours after the symptoms are gone.
• Head Lice – a child with head lice must remain at home until treatment is complete and school officials confirm he or she is free of lice. Check your child’s head before school begins in the fall and routinely during the school year or if he or she complains of an itchy scalp. Look around your child’s ears and back of the neck for nits, which are tiny, white, oval-shaped lice eggs that are attached to the hair near the scalp. Nits may look like dandruff or scalp flakes, but nits do not move and are difficult to dislodge. Notify the school office immediately if your child has head lice. Begin treatment immediately by contacting your doctor or purchasing over the counter medication from the drug store. To prevent spreading head lice, wash all infested garments, hair accessories, bedding and other surfaces with hot water and disinfectant. You must sign your child in at the office when he or she is returning to school after treatment for head lice.
Utica Community Schools has a no pet policy on school property.
Students will have the opportunity to go outside with their classmates during designated times throughout the day. Recess helps to promote social and emotional learning and development for all children. Allowing time for our students to engage in peer interactions provides them with an opportunity to practice essential social skills. Recess also benefits our students by increasing their level of physical activity improving their memory, attention, and concentration. Each class will have a recess attached to the lunch program. We go outside whenever possible and stay inside if it is raining or the temperatures are below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Students will have an optional second recess each day with their classroom teacher. Please have children dress for the weather.
Previous Newsletters
Email: candice.merivirta@uticak12.org
Website: wiley.uticak12.org
Location: 47240 Shelby Road, Shelby Charter Township, MI, USA
Phone: (586) 797-6700
Facebook: facebook.com/ucswiley