Boys Town Skill of the Week
Sharing With Others
Sharing With Others
Planned Teaching
- Pass out materials to every other student and have them complete a task. Tell them they will need to share with the person next to them. For example, pass out a paper and pen/pencil and ask students to copy something from the board or pass out paper and scissors to every other student and ask them to cut out a certain shape. Keep it simple.
- Ask students to think about a time when they were asked to share something with someone.
Describe the appropriate behavior
- Let the other person use the item first.
- Ask if you can use it later.
- When you get to use it, offer it back to the other person after you have used it.
Give a Reason or Rationale
- People will be more likely to share something they have with you.
- You will be seen as being nice.
- Have students practice the skill with partners or small groups.
- Discuss with students that there are times when people are asked to share things that won't be returned such as food, paper, etc...It is important to talk about how it is different when we are sharing things that are consumable.
- Write about a time when you shared something of yours with someone else. How did you feel? How did the other person feel?
- Write about a time you did NOT share something with someone else who wanted you to share with them. How did you feel? How did they feel?
Role Play
- Your teacher asks you to share your book with a classmate who forgot theirs.
- Your friend asks if you will share your toys.
- Your mom asks you to share the remote control to the tv to take turns watching shows.
Literature Connections
- Selfish Sophie by Damian Kelleher
- It's Mine by Leo Lionni
- Praise specific steps followed and give feedback on areas of improvement
- Let students know you will be watching in order to "catch them" using the skill
- Continue to praise and re-teach as needed
Teaching generosity
There are so many little ways of teaching generosity and sharing with others. You can talk about examples you see in class, model it in your own behavior, build opportunities for kids to be generous in their daily lives at school, and share stories of generosity, kindness, and friendship.
The best way to instill an overall attitude of generosity and giving is to teach children to look for small ways to be generous with the people around them rather than waiting for opportunities for large and impressive acts to present themselves. That gives them lots of first hand experience and lots of accompanying good feelings!
Again you show them how to do this by modeling it yourself and by sharing stories of others doing it! Here are some examples of books that convey the spirit of giving and generosity.
My Friend Fred
(sharing with friends/families)
One of Each
(sharing with friends)
Giving Tree
(selfless nature of giving)
Chair For My Mother
(generosity in families)
(sharing with friends)
When Stories Fell Like Shooting Stars
(greed vs generosity)
Inspirational Videos on Generosity, Kindness, & Paying It Forward
Hether Darnell
Tech Academy @Pettit Park
Location: 901 W Havens St, Kokomo, IN, United States
Phone: 765-454-7075
Twitter: @HetherDarnell