Tech Times
November 2021
Director's Message
From the Desk Joe Hernan
The Learning Tech Department was busy in October with the Canvas Writer's Kickoff Event....
Meet the Learning Tech Team Members
Canvas Circle
Canvas Circle
We are excited to announce the success of our Canvas Writers events. Enjoy the pictures.
Our wonderful writers
Our wonderful writers
Our wonderful writers
Professional Development Opportunities
Event Information
Blended Learning 101
Friday, Oct 22, 2021, 09:00 PM
Event Information
Canvas Learning 101
Friday, Oct 22, 2021, 09:00 PM
Google Gallery
Google Gallery
Google has totally changed the way they operating. We will be using the free versions but there are many updates.
Resource Round-up
Blended Learning and UDL by Catlin Tucker & Katie Novak
You can develop the skills to meet the needs of learners in any learning environment.
This approachable, in-depth guide unites the adaptability of Universal Design for Learning with the flexibility of blended learning.
This approachable, in-depth guide unites the adaptability of Universal Design for Learning with the flexibility of blended learning.
This is a great place to save resources as well as find resources. It is great for student or teacher use and can be embedded into Canvas.
Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers [Podcast]
This is by Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell and is a replay of a previous Podcast. This is also a great resource for all things tech.
Death by Powerpoint
Some Humor
Teaching with Tech
ISTE Inspiration
7 Ways | The ISTE Standards for Students Music Video