Salem Public Schools

Weekly Update
Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
Superintendent's Message
SPS community,
As we are making progress on our plans for a new high school in Salem, it is critical that our families have a voice throughout the process. We fully expect that the new Salem High School will be a significant asset to the entire community, thus we are seeking your input and idea
The architectural team from Perkins & Will, who is leading the visioning and design of the future Salem High School, is asking that our families take a few minutes to complete a brief survey.
Our primary objective is to hear your perspective on priorities and potential challenges as we navigate this process. We encourage you to be open and honest about your reflections. All responses are anonymous.
The survey will take between 5-10 minutes to complete and is open to all Salem residents regardless of whether they have students in our schools. Please encourage all your friends and neighbors to respond!
The survey deadline is Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025.
As a reminder, our monthly building committee meetings are open to the public. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025 at the Salem High School IMC/Library. Previous meeting videos, agendas and minutes are available at the Salem Building Committee website.
Finally, we also need your input as we prepare our budget for the upcoming school year. More than ever, we need your feedback and insights. To this end, we invite you to two public budget forums. Please mark your calendars.
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. at Salem High School.
Monday, Feb. 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. | Virtual: Join the Meeting
We will also be hosting a separate session for staff. Thank you in advance for your participation and engagement in the process.
Stay warm and have a great weekend!
This Week's RockStar is...
Norm delivered homemade crossing guard signs to each student, presented pictures of all the crosswalks outside the school, and took questions from the Pre-K students. He always takes his responsibilities seriously and loves the kindness he feels during the interactions he has on the street. The school community feels safer because of Norm's presence each day.
Fifth-Graders de la Cruz Ureña, Tafua, San Named Winners in Salem State MLK Essay Contest
Salem Public Schools fifth-grade students Enmanuel de la Cruz Ureña, Erin Tafua and Johnny San – each students at the Horace Mann Laboratory School – were named the co-winners of Salem State University’s Center for Justice and Liberation Martin Luther King, Jr., Essay Contest, the Center announced Friday, Jan. 10. Rosely Mojica, also a HMLS fifth grader, was named a runner-up.
Six Salem High School Students Named to 2025 Salem Youth Commission
Six Salem High School students were appointed to the Salem Youth Commission and confirmed by the City Council Thursday night at City Hall. Named to the SYC were juniors Annalise Thornett, Alexia Coleman and Guywintz Jules; sophomores Kayla Fry and Yanalis Venture; and freshman Dever Cornell.
Salem Career Technical Initiative Honors 26 Students in Fall Automotive, Building & Property Maintenance Commencement
The Salem Career Technical Initiative, an adult education program at Salem High School, celebrated its fourth graduating class Friday, Dec. 13, 2024, in a ceremony at the Salem High School IMC Library. The Salem CTI awarded Automotive Technology entry-level certification to 18 students and Building and Property Maintenance certifications to eight graduates, each of whom completed the 12-week, 5-9 p.m. daily program at no cost.
The Salem Patch: Salem Students Honored At Curry, Emerson, ECSU, JMU, Regis, SNHU, WPI
These Salem students were among those recently earning academic or athletic distinctions at colleges, universities and schools across the nation. Eastern Connecticut State University released its Dean’s List for the fall 2024 semester, in which more than 1,300 students were recognized for maintaining high GPAs. Among the students on the list were: Danna Guerrero, a junior who majors in Business Administration, and Yosselin Guerrero Badillo a sophomore who majors in Computer Science.
Salem Public Schools is deeply dedicated to supporting our immigrant students and their families. This commitment reflects our core value of belonging: the belief that every member of our community is welcome, valued and respected. We recognize that this is a difficult and stressful time for our immigrant students and families. We want to reaffirm that you have our unwavering support and we are steadfastly resolved to uphold our commitments in the coming weeks and months.
Our responsibilities to immigrant students and their families in the Salem Public Schools are as follows:
The Salem Public Schools Early Childhood Expo Meet & Greet, which showcases kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and preschool programs, will take place Thursday, Feb. 6 (5:30-7 p.m.) at the Collins Middle School.
Additionally, SPS families can schedule in-person tours of each school that offers kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and preschool programming – Bates Elementary School, Bentley Innovation Academy, Carlton Innovation School, Horace Mann Laboratory School, Saltonstall School, Witchcraft Heights Elementary School and the Salem Early Childhood Center – on the following dates:
- The week of Feb. 10-14
- The week of Mar. 10-14
Eligibility for kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and preschool programs is as follows:
- Kindergarten: Children residing in Salem who will turn FIVE years old on or before Aug. 31 are eligible to start kindergarten in the fall of 2025.
- Pre-Kindergarten: Children residing in Salem who turn FOUR years old on or before Aug. 31 are eligible to enter the lottery for the SPS pre-K program in the fall of 2025.
- Preschool: Children residing in Salem who turn THREE years old on or before Aug. 31 are eligible to enter the lottery for the preschool program at the Salem Early Childhood Center in the fall of 2025.
For more information, contact the SPS Parent Information Center at pic@salemk12.org or telephone (978) 740-1225, or visit salemk12.org/families.
NEXT WEEK: Early Childhood Registration, On-Site Enrollment Dates
Salem Public Schools has announced its early childhood education registration dates and deadlines as well as five on-site enrollment events throughout the City of Salem.
Application Deadlines and Information:
- The Batch 1 deadline for applications is Monday, Feb. 24. Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten families will receive their school placement by Monday, Mar. 24. Any applications received after Feb. 24 will be processed in Batch 2.
- The Batch 2 deadline for applications is Monday, Mar. 31. Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten families will receive their school placement by Thursday, Apr. 24.
Applications received after Tuesday, Apr. 1 will be processed on rolling basis. The Preschool, Pre-K & Dual Language Lottery will take place Monday, Mar. 10.
See the below graphic for the five on-site enrollment events.
For more information, contact pic@salemk12.org.
Registration Open for Expanding Horizons After-School Programs
Lunar New Year is a meaningful holiday celebrated in many Asian cultures, including China, Korea, and Vietnam. It marks the beginning of a new year based on the moon’s cycles. Families come together to enjoy special meals, clean their homes to welcome good luck, and exchange red envelopes as symbols of fortune.
Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the Virtual Backpack. This is a space where we will place items that in the past may have been a flyer in your student's backpack from friends and partners to SPS.
- Salem Little League, Salem-Beverly Baseball, Youth Lacrosse, Witch City Elite Announce Registration
- Salem-Beverly Babe Ruth Baseball (ages 12-16) | REGISTER
- Salem Little League Baseball/Softball | REGISTER
- Salem Boys Youth Lacrosse | REGISTER
- Witch City Elite Flag Football | TRYOUT REGISTRATION
Download the ParentSquare App
ParentSquare is the communication platform for Salem Public Schools. Families receive communication from the district, school, and their student's classroom all in one space. Families can communicate 1-to-1 with teachers, register for parent-teacher conferences, and more.
If you are not receiving messages from ParentSquare or if you are having trouble, contact your school's front office. You can visit www.parentsquare.com for more information.