7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Habits and Personal Bank Account
Overview of the 7 Habits
- Be Proactive: Take responsiblity for your life
- Begin with the End in Mind: Define your mission and goals in life
- Put First Things First: Prioritize, and do the most imiportant things first
- Think Win-Win: Have an everyone-can-win-attitude
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: Listen to peoplel sincerely
- Synergize: Work together to achieve more
- Sharpen the Saw: Renew yourself regularly
What are Habits?
7 Habits can help you:
- Get control of your life
- Improve relationships
- Make smarter decisions
- Get along with others
- Get more done in less time
- Increase self-confidence
- Be happy
- Find balance
- Define your values and what matter most
What are your good habits/ bad habits? What do you want to change?
Paradigm = Perception
- The way you see something, point of view, frame of reference, or belief
- Paradigms are like glasses
- How do you view yourself, others, your surroundings?
Personal Bank Account (PBA) = How You Feel About Yourself
Baby Steps
1. Get up when you planned to for 3 days in a row
2. Identify one easy task that needs to be done today. Decide when you will do it. Keep your word and get it done.
Do Random Acts of Service
3. Sometime today, do a kind anonymous deed.
4. Look around and find something you can do to make a difference.
Tap Into your Talents
5. List a talent you would like to develop this year. Write down specific steps to get there.
6. Make a list of talents you most admire in other people.
Be Gentle with Yourself
7. Try to go an entire day without negative self talk. Each time you catch yourself putting yourself down, you have to replace it with 3 positive thoughts about yourself.
Renew Yourself
8. Decide on a fun activity that will lift your spirits and do it today.
Be Honest
9. When your parents ask you a question, don't leave out information. Tell the whole story.
10, For one day, try not to exaggerate or embellish!
Source: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, p. 45-46