Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Sept 8, 2024 (Week 4)
September Learning in Block Classrooms
Concord Families,
We are thrilled to share the exciting learning adventures that lie ahead for our Concord students! Below, you'll find an overview of the upcoming topics in Art, Design Lab, Music, and P.E. We can't wait for your child to dive into these creative and enriching experiences.
Thank you for your continued support!
Brian and Liz
The first week of Art all students helped create an all school art piece in the hallway. We talked about/ read the book The Dot and created our own dots to be displayed.
In September students will be focusing on the Elements of art. We are starting with Line, Shape , and Color.
K= Students will identify, create, and cut different lines.
We will be practicing our cutting and gluing skills as well as learning to use drawing materials with control. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
1= Students will be able to identify and use different lines to create shapes and patterns. We will use a variety of materials to create lines such as pencil, marker, crayon, and paint. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
2= Students will use a variety of lines to create an original piece of art. We will use art vocabulary to discuss our work. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
3= Students will use their knowledge of lines to create a symmetrical piece of art. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
4= Students will identify and use lines to create an original piece of art. We will learn and discuss Subject Matter in artworks such as still life, landscape, abstract art, non-objective, and historical. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
5= Students will be practicing drawing from observation. We will be using lines to create some unique pieces of art. We will also learn and/or review how to safely use materials, tools, and equipment in the at room.
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
Mrs. Goedde
Design Lab Update
Hello Families,
This is an exciting year for the Design Lab; just like Art, Music, and PE your student will now be assessed on Design Lab standards. The standards will focus on the engineering design process, craftsmanship, and technology.
Donations Request
I am also looking for two types of donations. The first is any type of building toys, especially Legos, Duplos, and wooden blocks, but I’ll take anything you find while cleaning out the toy bin! I’m also collecting various recyclables such as toilet paper roll, cereal type boxes, plastic containers and bottles, and egg cartons.
Upcoming Units and Projects
Here’s a list of the projects and skills each grade level will be working on for September:
Kindergarten: architecture
First and Second Grade: simple machines
Third Grade: Minecraft and graphic design in Canva
Fourth and Fifth: Cinematography and Editing while making a “How To” video
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
Mrs. Zide
Music Notes
The first few weeks back in the music room have been wonderful! We’ve been working on making music joyfully and reviewing some concepts learned last year so we can build upon those foundations. While rhythmic and melodic notation is a large focus in my more detailed notes, I can assure you that those concepts are hidden within many fun singing games so the students have plenty of opportunities to play and enjoy singing!
Kindergarten: We are exploring basic non-pitched percussion instruments and working on finding our singing voices. We are also working on moving around the classroom safely and moving our bodies many different ways (jumping, skipping, galloping, tiptoeing, etc.) to a steady beat.
1st Grade: We are reviewing songs and singing games from Kindergarten and reviewing opposites in music (fast/slow, high/low, loud/soft, etc) as well as continuing to practice moving and playing instruments to a steady beat. We will begin learning the difference between steady beat and rhythm towards the end of the month.
2nd Grade: We are reviewing beat and rhythm and practicing being confident in playing one while half of the class does the other which is very tricky! We will review rhythms learned in first grade (quarter note, eighth notes, and quarter rest) and practice writing them. We will start preparing to learn our very first melodic notes on the staff (sol and mi).
3rd Grade: We are reviewing rhythms and melodic pitches learned in 2nd grade. We are practicing writing those rhythms and pitches and will start preparing for new rhythms this month as well. We will also begin working on learning music for our 3rd grade music performance in November towards the middle of the month! Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the date!
4th Grade: 4th grade is also working on reviewing rhythms and melodic pitches learned in 3rd grade! 4th graders learn some tricky rhythmic and melodic concepts before we begin recorders in the spring, so we use September to really make sure those rhythmic and melodic foundations are solidly in place.
5th Grade: 5th graders are also reviewing rhythmic and melodic concepts they have learned so far during their time here at Concord. This year I am starting something new for 5th grade where they have a Canon of the Month. This is a form of part singing where one group starts singing a known song and another group joins in singing the same song at a different time. We will be learning a new one every month and how we perform it will get harder and harder as we progress throughout the month. September’s Canon of the Month is Alfred the Alligator. Be sure to ask your 5th grader about poor Alfred! 5th grade will also be preparing for their performance in November soon. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the date!
There is nothing more joyful to me than the sound of children singing! Thank you for letting me make beautiful music with your children! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Linsey Calza
The first few weeks in PE have been exciting! We have been exploring the gym and reviewing different movement patterns. We are developing our classroom routines and getting to know each other through movement. Please make sure your student comes prepared for game play by always wearing proper footwear to P.E. class. Students are not allowed to play in Crocs, flip-flops, sandals, or any shoe with a heel.
Kindergarten: - We are learning the difference between personal space and general space. We are practicing moving with others in general space while maintaining our personal space. We are learning how to start and stop with music and developing our concept of boundary lines and safe play in the gym.
1st and 2nd Grade: We are working on our locomotor skills including: walking, running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding, and leaping. We are reviewing how to move safely in the gym and how to work cooperatively with others. In September, we will focus on throwing and catching skills.
3rd Grade - We will continue to develop and refine our locomotor skills. We will focus on dribbling and ball control using your feet and passing and receiving using your feet. Students will also be introduced to invasion games.
4th and 5th Grade: We will focus on developing and refining ball control using our feet. We will focus on passing, and receiving a ball in a dynamic situation. We will learn rules and practice game strategies in lead-up game situations. We will focus on sportsmanship and how to be a gracious winner and learn how to accept defeat.
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
Mr. Loos
Important Dates
September 2024
September 02 - No School Labor Day
September 11 - Picture Day
September 20 - Party in the Park at Watson Trail Park 5:30-7:00 pm
September 27- No School
October 2024
Sept.30-Oct. 4 Spirit Week for LHS Homecoming
October 3 - Local Farmer’s Tasting during lunch for students
October 9 - 75th Anniversary Open House 5:45-6:45 pm
October 9 - PTG meeting and Dr. Lake Listening and Learning 7:00 pm
Oct. 14-18 - Unity Week
October 17 - Fall parties 2:00-3:00 (amended schedule)
October 18 - PL Day No School
October 20- PTG Trunk or Treat 5:00-6:00
October 31 - End of Trimester 1
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
Picture day
Concord Elementary
Picture Day Is: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records.
Only online orders will be accepted.
(Please do not bring checks, cash, or order forms to school as they will no longer be accepted.)
Online Pre-Order Password: 3A6P4T4Z
Can’t order online or have other questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900
Counselor Corner
What a Fantastic Start to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Counseling Corner
This week, we had the pleasure of visiting Kindergarten (Mrs. Herrman’s) and 1st grade (Mrs. Niebur’s) to introduce ourselves and explain the role of the school counselor. We discussed how we support students throughout our Concord Community and how they can reach out for help when needed.
Looking ahead, we’re excited to visit 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. We’ll be reintroducing ourselves and leading engaging mini-lessons on problem-solving. Our focus will be on understanding the "size of the problem" and exploring our Concord Core Values, all while enjoying some fun activities with friends on the playground.
What's for Lunch
Monday, Sept. 9
Breakfast- pancakes or cereal
Lunch -Choice One: chicken and waffles Choice Two: berry parfait
Tuesday, Sept. 10
Breakfast - Egg & cheese biscuit or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: turkey taco nachos Choice Two: cheesy nachos
Wednesday, Sept. 11
Breakfast - breakfast pizza Or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: creamy garlic pulled chicken Choice Two: veggie ranch wrap
Thursday, Sept 12
Breakfast - donuts or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: pepperoni pizza Choice Two: cheese pizza
Friday, Sept. 13
Breakfast - breakfast burrito or cereal
Lunch- Choice One: grilled cheese Choice Two: chicken fajita ranch wrap
PTG News
Girls on the Run : Fall Session
Empower your girl’s next chapter by registering to Coach Girls on the Run at ConcordElementary. Through movement-based activities, group discussions and community impact projects, participants gain the confidence to stand up for themselves and others. In fact, 92% of participants said that because of Girls on the Run, they feel they can speak up and share their opinions.
We need Coaches to field a fall GOTR team! Coach registration & training is free! Register today at 2024 Fall GOTR Coach Registration
Questions? Contact Kate Miller at kate@gotrstl.org or Kate Alstadt at katherine.alstadt@gmail.com
District News and Notes
SSD Family Academy
Special School District of St. Louis County is sponsoring a Family Academy fair for school districts in the south St. Louis region, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at Southview School, 11660 Eddie and Park Road. This event will include fun learning, community vendors, and interactive classes on a variety of topics. Learn more at www.ssdmo.org/FamilyAcademy.
Sunday Night Lights - Celebrating 15 Years!
Sunday Night Lights is celebrating 15 years in the Lindbergh Community, and the entire Lindbergh community is invited to help fill the stands and cheer on children who have braved the journey of a serious childhood disease on Sunday, Oct. 13.
Do you know a hero who would like to experience a night under the lights? To register a child or learn how you can support this event, please visit https://www.snlheroes.org/.
Gifted Association of Missouri Virtual Speaker Series: “Parenting Your Gifted Child”
Parenting gifted children can be challenging, but new research shows that environments focused on strengths and talents are helping students to thrive. But what does that mean? Region 8 Representative and Lindbergh parent Aisha Hasan discusses what strengths-based means, how it can change your parenting, and ways to shift into a strengths-based mindset.
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
“From Stories to Service” is returning in fall 2024, and we are looking for volunteers to read and select books for consideration. Volunteers will be responsible for reading and completing a short evaluation of 15-20 picture books, and attending a committee meeting in late September.
“From Stories to Service” is an opportunity for community members to read with students and support service learning, with a culminating event to bring our community together. This year’s theme is “Intergenerational Relationships.”
Contact Information
Brian Moeckel, Principal
Liz Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman: Counselor
Mrs. Neibur
Mrs. Sanders, Nurse
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers