Bond Update #2

Welcome Back
The beginning of each school year is exciting as our students and teachers return and the campus is full of energy. This year has been even more exciting as we work through the preliminary stages of our extensive Bond Work. We have been busy hiring our leadership groups and completing site assessments. Hopefully this newsletter will help to keep you informed of our progress. As always, feel free to give me a call if you would like to talk any of this over in more detail.
Brian Sica, Superintendent
Our Partners
Our Construction Manager/General Contractor
The Banks School District solicited Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) Proposals for the Banks HS Project as part of the 2024 Bond Program with the issuance of Request for Proposals for CM/GC Services. The RFP was publicly advertised on August 16th, 2024 in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Proposals were received on September 12th, 2024 at 2pm. Nine (9) proposals were received that expressed interest in the RFP associated with the 2024 School Bond. Four firms were selected by the District Appointed Evaluation Committee for interviews on 9/25/2024 (P&C Construction, Triplett Wellman, Kirby Nagelhout and Bremik Construction). The interview committee consisted of Board Chair Ron Frame, Board Member Will Moore, Superintendent Brian Sica, High School Principal Jacob Pence and Vice Principal Ben Buchanan, Maintenance Supervisor Dale Virden, Julie Condon of Bric Architecture, and District Owner’s Representatives John Abel and Casey Cunningham. Upon completion of Interviews, the District Interview Committee recommended P&C Construction. On October 14, 2024 the Banks School Board Approved P&C Construction as our CM/GC by unanimous vote.
P&C joins Cornerstone Management Group (Our Owner's Representative) and BRIC (Our Architect) as our leadership team.
Cornerstone Management Group
Cornerstone Management Group has been selected as our "Owner's Representative" for the bond projects. They will guide us in the day to day operations as well as long term decisions needed to complete all of our work. John, Emil, Mary, and Casey have already proven to be great additions to our team.
BRIC Architecture
BRIC, a local firm that works exclusively on education projects has been selected as our Architect for the major projects of this Bond. Their work will begin with developing a comprehensive "Master Plan" that will illustrate the development of our campus for the next few decades. In addition, they will begin the outreach with the community that is necessary to design our immediate projects. One of the deciding factors in selecting BRIC is their commitment to community engagement. As they describe themselves: "We are a community focused architecture firm that works alongside students, educators, and other local community members. We engage in authentic and value-driven conversations to help them envision the future."
Please keep your eyes open for opportunity to have your voice heard!
The Early Timeline
BRIC Architecture has completed significant engagement with staff and community. On October 8th we hosted the community in the High School Gym. Community members heard general updates, were able to ask questions, and share their vision for a successful project. The feedback from these sessions is invaluable to the master planning process. We have another opportunity on October 28th @ 6:00 PM at the Hornshuh Creek Fire Station #14. Please join us!
Please be on the lookout for an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft of our overall campus master plan. We are planning on hosting an event in late November/early December. Please look for additional details following the November School Board Meeting.
Site Assessment
Engineers, surveyors, and other technicians have been busy investigating our 100 year old campus. This picture shows representatives beginning the due diligence process on the district office building. We are utilizing the Sazan Group for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing, Portland Construction Solutions for Structural, and 3J Consulting for Civil engineering/Site work. The Board has reviewed an initial summary of their work and will be presented with the full report in at the November Board Meeting.
Master Planning
Our planning team was able to meet with representative from the City of Banks and Washington County to discuss preliminary plans. Our goal was to understand what permitting and zoning needs will be required as we make progress. A special thanks to City Manager Jolynn Becker for organizing a great group of experts.
The Banks School Board is responsible for formally adopting the master plan, which will drive our facilities improvements for decades to come. The Board will receive initial drafts in November, refined drafts in December with a final vote scheduled for the January 2025 Board meeting. .
Community Oversight
Bond Oversight Committee
The purpose and authority of the Oversight Committee is to convene quarterly or as needed to review progress on the projects detailed in the Banks School District Bond Measure 34-336. The Committee will review program progress and will monitor program spending and schedules. A written report describing program progress will be prepared following each Committee meeting. This written report will be shared with the Board of Directors and will be published on the Banks School District website.
The Banks School Board has approved the committee membership. The committee is in the process of setting its first meeting where is will receive detailed updates on our preliminary work.
Two Upcoming Opportunities for Community Input
Provide Feedback on the Draft of the Master Plan
Please be on the lookout for an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft of our overall campus master plan. We are planning on hosting an event in late November/early December. Please look for additional details following the November School Board Meeting.