Pembroke School Newsletter
Week 4, Term 3
It is hard to believe that we are heading into the half way mark of Term Three already. Thank you to all the whanau who were able to attend Learning Conferences with their tamariki. A positive school-home partnership in supporting your child to reach their highest potential sets them up with the right mindset and skills to achieve their personal best and make the most of their education. You play an incredibly important role in this as the predominant and long term influence in your child's educational and life journey. Learning Conferences help us to better understand your child and the things we can collectively do to support them in getting the best from their learning.
Thank you also to the whanau who have returned the Community Consultation forms or filled it in online. There is still time to get the handed in or completed. Your voice directly influences the future ambitions and direction of Pembroke School. If you have not had your say yet please jump into the link provided and let us know what we are doing well and what your hopes are for the future of Pembroke School. PEMBROKE SCHOOL 2024 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION
We have been busy getting ready for some annual events on our school calendar (see dates below) such as the Pembroke Cross Country (we are looking forward to Eltham and Avon joining us next Monday), Pembroke Speech and Poetry Presentations and Competition and the Epro8 Challenge for our YEar 5-8s.
For the first few weeks of this term we have embraced the Olympic Values of Respect, Friendship and Excellence. Well done to our tamariki who particularly shone in displaying these values and achieved our special Olympic Awards.
Please continue to support your child in their home learning, it really does make a difference in their achievement outcomes.
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to take our amazing Head Students to the LEAD Conference in New Plymouth on Friday. The conference is all about empowering rangatahi in their understanding of leadership and inspiring them to keep thriving in this area. It was a great day with some really inspirational speakers and a lot of fun, finished off with honoring the special role these four important leaders play in our school with what has become the post LEAD Conference Macca's stop. Mr Sharp and Rimu hunkered down with some treats and enjoyed the conference online at school, even managing to message in first and score themselves some prizes!
We look forward to a busy and fun rest of term with plenty of great learning and events ahead.
Noho ora mai
Wendy Single
Happiness Highlights
All our classes have been getting stuck in to some cross country training recently. Some of our children have clearly been watching some Olympics at home and have seemed to have an extra dose of enthusiasm this year. Across the school we are focusing on challenging ourselves to try our hardest and get a little bit better every time we head out to train. As with all the different activities that we do throughout the year it is wonderful to watch the children who love the cross country have their time to shine and excel. It is also wonderful to watch the children who push on with determination and smiles on their face even when things are hard.
We had a huge dose of happiness last week when Mrs Drylie brought a lamb to visit all the classes. Drew Baaarrymore visited each class and spread a little bit of joy on a dreary rainy winters morning. Four students from our senior school who are keen writers got to go and listen to the author David Hill speak last week as well. David Hill is a New Zealand author with numerous published titles with one of the most recognised being See Ya, Simon.
In the Spotlight
You are probably all by now aware of Rimu classes fundraising efforts for their fast approaching camp. There has been so much generous support from our school community and it is so greatly appreciated by the students and parents of Rimu class. I hope one day I can return the favour when it is your younger children heading off on a week long camp. We have one more thing planned to try and raise money for camp. A Show and Shine Day that we will be holding at the Stratford A&P Showgrounds. If you know anyone who you think would be interested in this day either to bring a vehicle or come along and have a look at everything on the day sharing the details of this event with them would be such a help to us. I know there will likely be a bunch of friendly Pembroke faces there on the day and can't wait to see you then.
Winter Wellness
Spring has nearly sprung but it feels like Winter has only just set in. There are some particularly nasty bugs around including Strep Throat, Influenza A, Covid, tummy bugs and unfortunately some of those ones that make their way into hair. If you can please check your child's hair that would be much appreciated. Take care, and please keep your child home if they are experiencing more than a sniffle we have to keep our other tamariki and staff well too.
Rata: Nylah Chubb
Tawa: Elanor Valcoi
Kowhai: Brody Chesswas
Rimu: Tyson Kahui
Rata: Jas Singh
Tawa: Lincoln Chapman
Kowhai: Ashleigh Simpson
Rimu: Cooper Branson
Rata: Micah McGechan
Tawa: Dusty Smith
Kowhai: Jaxon Rayner
Rimu: Lochlan Bound-Walsh
For the rest of the year we will be collecting milk bottle caps to take part in a campaign the council is running to highlight recycling. So start saving your milk and cream caps and bring them along to school.
St Johns Youth Programme
If you are wanting to learn about First Aid, Life Skills, Communication, Caring, Safety, then the St John Youth Programme might be for you! Held Tuesdays during school term time. $25 per term, see poster below for more details.
Up and Coming Events
Some dates to mark on your calendar for Term Three.
Monday 26th August: Pembroke, Avon and Eltham combined schools Cross Country at Pembroke. Postponment Monday 2nd Sept.
Thursday 29th August: Year 7-8 EPro8 Challenge.
Friday 30th August: Year 5-6 EPro8 Challenge.
Friday 30th August: Hui-a-Kura, Rata class.
Wednesday 4th September: Speech and Poetry Finals.
Thursday 5th September: St John's First Aid Training for all classes.
Sunday 8th September: Show and Shine day, A&P Showgrounds Stratford.
Friday 20th September: Fancy dress Disco
23rd-27th September: Rimu class Wellington Camp