Youth Services News
April 28, 2017
Children's Services and Young Adult Services webpages.
Build a Better World
Encourage your families to "Build a Better World" this summer with Doing Good Together™! DGT is a Minneapolis-based national nonprofit that works to make volunteering and service, along with daily kindness, easy for every family. The organization has a number of free resources, free kindness activity printables, and a whole lot more. Check out the ALSC blog post on family service fairs for more ideas on how Doing Good Together can be used in your library.
Author Event: Celebrating Heroines in Fact & Fiction
Join acclaimed authors for young people KATHERINE PATERSON, RITA WILLIAMS-GARCIA, JEANNINE ATKINS, and HEATHER LANG and award-winning illustrator EKUA HOLMES for this lively event celebrating heroines in fact and fiction.
In addition to sponsoring this event, the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance has created education resource guides for each of the participating authors and illustrator.
Register online for your free ticket for Celebrating Heroines in Fact and Fiction.
Netflix's 13 Reasons Why Adaptation
The JED Foundation explains some of the issues surrounding the series and offers a printable "talking points" handout in both English and Spanish. To Write Love on Her Arms has issued a response and the Washington Post and CBS News also have articles with tips from leading experts on mental health and suicide prevention.
Just in case you missed it...
Grant and Award Opportunities
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1st - 15th of each month)
Dollar General Youth Literacy Grant (5/18)
YALSA 2016 Symposium Stipend (6/1)
Walmart Community Grant (12/31)
USSBY Bridge to Understanding Award (1/31/18)
Professional Development Opportunities
The Fight Against Fake News: How to Teach Your Students to be Super Sleuths (webinar, 5/4)
MA Library Association Annual Conference (5/22-24)
RI Library Association Annual Conference (5/31 & 6/1)
RI TeacherFest (8/8 & 8/9)
Literacy for All Conference (10/22-10/24)
NE Library Association Annual Conference (10/22-10/24)
National Summer Learning Association National Conference (10/23-10/25)
Upcoming Library & Reading Themed Events
RI Latino Books Month
National Foster Care Month
Children's Book Week (May 1-7)
Free Comic Book Day (May 6)
Kids Reading Across RI (May 13)
GLBT Book Month
Library Card Sign-Up Month
Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15)
International Dot Day (September 15)
Banned Books Week (September 24-30)
National Bullying Prevention Month
Teen Read Week (October 8-14)
International Games Week (October 29-November 4)
Star Wars Reads Day
Upcoming OLIS CE and Events
Raspberry Pi Basics
Speaker(s): Facilitator: Rhode Island Computer Museum
This workshop is for librarians who want to learn about the Raspberry Pi for possible new programming opportunities and makerspace activities for patrons. The Raspberry Pi® is a single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools. We will put together basic components; learn about input and output, basic python programming concepts and practices.
Come learn and play with our Raspberry Pi’s and help educate a new generation of programmers and electronics engineers! No experience necessary.
This workshop is being offered through a collaboration of Media Smart Libraries and the Digital Literacy Makerspace Working Group at Ocean State Libraries and is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Children and Teen Librarians, School Librarians
Monday, May 1, 2017, 04:00 PM
John Deering Middle School, Webster Knight Drive, West Warwick, RI, United States
AskRI: Explora Workshop
Speaker(s): Joe Ceterski, EBSCO Representative
Are you using Explora? Want to learn more about EBSCO's latest go-to resource for student and patron research?
Joe Ceterski, our EBSCO training rep, will lead this session and show us how Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality. And if you are a library media specialist or work with students at the library after school, Explora is already integrated with Google Classroom! Explora is designed to meet the many unique needs of users!
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own devices. Some laptops will be available.
AskRI is Rhode Island’s Online Reference Center.
Registration required. Limited to 20 participants.
Intended Audience: LORI Library Staff
Wednesday, May 3, 2017, 10:00 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, United States
Programming for Elementary School-Age Kids
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
You have toddler dance parties and pre-k storytimes. And maybe you have a tween afterschool group and a teen library lock-in. But what about the kids who have aged out of storytime but are a few years away from middle school? We’ll discuss fresh ideas for serving kids ages 6-10 and will share our favorite programs for this age group.
Please come prepared to share at least one idea and bring along any flyers or PR materials that helped make your program a success.
Feel free to bring your lunch to enjoy during our discussion!
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Children's Librarians
Thursday, May 4, 2017, 12:30 PM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, United States
Library Advocacy
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
“We have Google, why do we need librarians?” We have all faced this question. At a time when our President has proposed eliminating funding, school districts are cutting school library media positions, and academic libraries are having difficulty keeping fully staffed libraries, how do we answer this question? During small group discussions, we will gather the information and research we each use into a collective that we will share whole group at the end of the evening. After the conclusion of the program, a slideshow/pamphlet will be emailed to all participants that can be used for advocacy.
Please come prepared with research, flyers, or other materials that you rely on when answering the question of why we need librarians in today’s world.
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14 and awarded to the URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to the Access & Use, Analyze & Evaluate, Create & Collaborate, Reflect, or Take Action digital.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: All librarians
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 06:00 PM
East Greenwich Free Library, East Greenwich, RI, United States
New YA Books
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
We'll be discussing the newest in YA fiction. By May 11th, please submit titles you'd like to discuss to Brandi Fong (use subject line New Fiction) so they can be included on the reading list, which will be posted on the YART Reading and Resource page. Read as many of the books as you like and come prepared to share your own personal critique.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Youth Service Librarians
Thursday, May 18, 2017, 09:30 AM
Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, RI, United States
Inclusion Strategies for a Diverse Community
Speaker(s): OLIS Talking Books Plus Staff
Reach out to those in your community who may have physical disabilities, visual impairments or other challenges. Join OLIS Talking Books Plus staff as well as other presenters to discuss how to make sure your programs are inclusive and meet the needs of a broader audience.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Library staff
Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 10:00 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, United States
Digital Storytimes
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
Join us as we share tips and resources for integrating tablets, apps, and ebooks with traditional storytime activities.
We'll also select topics and meeting locations for 2017/2018 Children's Services Round Table meetings. Please bring ideas for discussions or presentations, as well as possible meeting dates if you're interested in hosting.
Feel free to bring your lunch to enjoy during our discussion!
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Children's Librarians
Tuesday, Jun 6, 2017, 12:30 PM
Davisville Free Library, Davisville Road, North Kingstown, RI, United States
Organizational Meeting & Annual Highlights - YART
Series: YART
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
This group discussion focuses on what has gone well in the past year and what we would like to discuss in the coming year. Please come with ideas for the 2017/2018 year.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Youth Service Librarians
Thursday, Jun 8, 2017, 09:30 AM
Jamestown, RI, United States
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri