Longhorn News
MAY 2024
May and June
We only have 4 more Mondays in the 2023-24 school year! Graduation will be here in 34 days! All senior parents are reminded to check the Senior Class Information page on the UHS website. The Senior Class Information page is a one-stop shop for all the information and resources you need. We are ready to celebrate the class of 2024 and welcome the class of 2028 to UHS.
This will be our last family s'more of the 2023-24 school year. We hope everyone has a great summer and we look forward to 2024-25. We will send another s'more in August 2024 to kick off the 2024-25 school year.
Upcoming Events
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-17 AP Exams
May 13 & 14, 21 & 22- Keystone Exams (see schedule below)
May 14- Class of 2024 Senior Videos due
May 18- UHS Prom
May 20- ESPY Awards
May 23- Senior Awards Night
May 24- TCHS last day for SENIORS
May 27- School Closed
May 28- Octorara Homeland Security last day for SENIORS
May 28- TCHS Pennock's Graduation
May 29- Octorara Graduation
May 28 & 29- Sincerely, Seniors Event
May 30- Seniors Last Day
May 30- Octorara grades 9-11 last day of TCHS
May 31- SHOC Day
May 31 & June 1- May Play
June 3- TCHS grades 9-11 last day of TCHS
June 3- Senior Breakfast, Senior Stroll, Senior Dinner Dance
June 3, 4, 6, 7- Final exams for grades 9-11 (full schedule linked below)
June 4- Class of 2024 Graduation Rehearsal at UHS
June 5- UHS Commencement- Class of 2024
Cell Phone Free Day on 5/22
This year the staff was focused on the teenage brain of 2024. The research has shown that when a cell phone, watch or other electronic device goes off, dopamine is released. Dopamine acts on areas of the brain that provide pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. We want our students to see that they can have feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation without the use of electronic devices. What does this mean for UHS?
Our teachers will ask students to place their phones in holders for the class period. We are asking students to be phone free during all classes. The phones will be returned at the end of the period. During Lunch and Learn, our staff will encourage students to come to their classrooms to socialize with classmates. We will have activities available for students to do. Even though students will have their phones during lunch and learn, we will encourage students to keep them away and enjoy the company of their friends and classmates.
The support of our parents is so important to make this day successful. Please encourage your student to keep their phone away and talk to their classmates. Also, please try to not text or call your student during the day. Our main office staff is aware that we are asking students to be cell phone free so it you need to reach your student for an emergency, please call the main office. Thank you for helping us to make this day successful and fun.
PTO is celebrating the staff during teacher appreciation week
Important reminders about AP testing:
Exams start Monday, 5/6/24 and conclude Friday, 5/17/24. AP Testing Schedule
Morning testers must arrive by 7:30AM and afternoon testers must arrive by 11:30 AM via your own transportation. In order to be excused from classes for the day you must provide a parent note and sign in and out via the main office.
Please review the AP Exam Policies & Guidelines for information about what to bring and what not to bring to the exam room.
If you are taking a digital exam (English language, English literature, Computer Science Principles, U.S history or World history) you must bring a fully charged chromebook as well as your charger.
Scheduling Update for 2024-25
We are in the process of finalizing our schedule for next year. Families will have a chance to request level changes when final grades are released in June. Student schedules will be shared in mid- August.
Junior Parents- College and Career Readiness Requirement- Final Push
We are in the homestretch for completing 11th grade College and Career requirements.
If your student still needs to complete and upload their 8 artifacts, we will be requiring mandatory lunch and learn sessions next week.
PDE requires that all students demonstrate College and Career Readiness by the end of 11th grade. A majority of our students have completed this requirement, but we still have juniors who need to complete and submit 8 artifacts within the next month.
Please note that there are assignments within your student's courses that meet this requirement, and in some cases all that has to be done is to upload into Naviance. There are also supplemental assignments that students can complete to meet the state requirement. This information can be found at the link above.
We will begin holding mandatory Lunch and Learn sessions for students who still need to complete their portfolio.
Keystone Information
Unionville High School will be administering the Keystone Exams for students enrolled in Biology, 10th grade English, Algebra I, and Algebra I B. All students enrolled in these courses must sit for the exam. This year all Keystone Exams will be given online. Students must use their school issued chromebook on the day of the exam. It is imperative students bring their school issued chromebook charged on the day of the exam. Additionally, any student who has not taken or passed the Keystone will take the exam during May. The dates of each exam are listed below. You will receive communication before the exam with a specific time and place of the exam.
Altered Schedule May 13 and May 14-For ALL students
Keystone Exam Schedule Information 2024
May 13 and 14- altered schedule
May 21 and 22- regular schedule for all students
Below is the information for the altered schedule on May 13 and 14 and regular schedule on May 21 and 22.
Altered Schedule Information:
For students taking the Keystone Exam all busses will run at the normal time and students should arrive at school by 8:00 am
Students who are not taking the Keystone Exam on May 13 or 14, will have a 2.5 hour delay and should arrive at school by 10:30. The district will provide transportation for late arrival students. Buses will pick up non-testers 2.5 hours later than normal pick-up time. Upon arrival all students should report to lunch and learn by 10:30.
Additionally, students enrolled in Algebra 1 will take the Keystone Exam on May 21 and May 22. This will be a normal school day for all students, and everyone (testers and non-testers) should report to school at the regularly scheduled time (8:00).
Below is an outline of each day
Monday, May 13 and Tuesday May 14
Students taking the Biology and Literature Keystone Exam should report to school at the normal time (8:00) and begin testing by 8:00 am. When testing is complete, testers will attend lunch and classes for the afternoon.Students must bring their charged, school-issued chromebook for the exam.
11th and 12th grade students not taking the Biology or Literature Keystone, should report to school by 10:30 am. Buses will pick students up 2.5 hours after their regularly scheduled time.
Tuesday, May 21
ALL Students 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade will report to school at the normal time 8:00
Students taking the Algebra 1 Keystone exam will take Module 1 beginning at 8:00
Wednesday, May 22
ALL Students 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade will report to school at the normal time 8:00
Students taking the Algebra 1 Keystone exam will take Module 2 beginning at 8:00
Bell Schedule for Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14
Monday, May 13 (additional bus route will pick up non testers late)
- 8-10:30 Testing
- Lunch and Learn 10:30-11:30
- Period 1 11:35-12:35
- Period 2 12:40-1:39
- Period 3 1:44-2:43
Tuesday, May 14 (additional bus route will pick up non testers late)
- 8-10:30 Testing
- Lunch and Learn 10:30-11:30
- Period 6 11:35-12:18
- Period 7 12:23-1:06
- Period 8 1:11-1:54
- Period 9 1:59-2:43
Keystone Code of Conduct Keystone Electronic Policy Keystone FAQ
- Seniors who purchased a yearbook will receive them during the Sincerely, Seniors events on May 28-29.
- Underclassmen who purchased a yearbook will be able to pick them up during Lunch and Learn on Thursday and Friday, May 30 & 31 in front of the auditorium. If a yearbook was ordered, parents will receive an email during the week of May 6. The email will come from a jostens.com address so please be on the lookout. Students will also receive an email the week of May 13 confirming that a yearbook was purchased for them and when to pick it up. We look forward to sharing the finished product with everyone.
Final Exam Schedule
As we enter the 4th marking period, we want to remind families that students are not permitted to take final exams early. When there is a situation that prevents your child from taking an exam at the scheduled time, the make up will be scheduled after the original exam date. The main office and counseling center are open throughout the summer to take make-up final exams. As a reminder, students are required to return textbooks before taking final exams. A financial obligation will be posted in student Powerschool accounts if textbooks are not returned.
Click here for the 2024 UHS Final Exam Schedule for Grades 9-11
All end of year events and graduation information for the Class of 2024 will be posted on the UHS website under the Senior Class Information link. Please check the link to the high school senior webpage for updates on senior activities.
Life After UHS - Senior Video Information
Monday, May 1, 2024 is National Decision Day for our members of the Class of 2024. National Decision Day is a time when our Senior class members make a decision about where they will attend college for the following school year and beyond. We would like to honor this tradition once again with a video celebration for the Class of 2024. This video will play during the Sincerely Senior events on May 28 and May 29. We will then release the video to the community on Thursday, May 30.
We ask that parents help us honor our Seniors by recording a video of their student. In the video, the members of the Class of 2024 should be dressed in their college attire, if applicable. They should introduce themselves and tell the audience the school they will be attending and their potential major of study. This also includes any plans to join the military or enter into a trade/work force following graduation.
Example: “My name is Jane Smith and I will be attending the University of Texas where I will major in Chemical Engineering and play field hockey! Go Longhorns!”
Please fill out this Google Form to upload the video by the date of Tuesday, May 14. In order to accommodate space for each member of the Class of 2024, we ask that videos are no longer than 10 -15 seconds.
Video Checklist:
Film in landscape (if filming with an iPhone or mobile device, hold device on its side)
The video file must be an MOV or MP4 file
Video length should not be longer than 10-15 seconds and should include 3 seconds silence before your child begins speaking and 3 seconds after
Make sure there is no extra noise or music in the background
You must include your student’s name in the email along with the attached video file
Please have your student speak loudly and clearly
NOTE: If the video is too large for the Google Form, please have your student upload it to their school Google Drive and share the file with bcaruso@ucfsd.net (UHS Tech Integrator).