Westlake Wizard Weekly Newsletter
January 19, 2025
A Message from Mrs. Culpepper
Dear Westlake Elementary Families,
In light of the recent events, I want to take a moment to remind everyone of our safety plan. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are our highest priorities. We have safety measures and the protocols in place to ensure a secure environment for everyone on campus.
Our school maintains a comprehensive safety plan that is reviewed and updated annually by our staff. Additionally, this plan is reviewed and approved by our School Site Council. While the details of our emergency plan are not public knowledge to maintain security, we encourage and welcome parents to attend School Site Council meetings to provide guidance and feedback. Your input is valuable in shaping the safety measures that protect our school community.
To prepare for emergencies, emergency water and food bars are stocked on campus and there are enough to provide for every student and staff member. We also have an emergency radio on-site, which enables us to contact emergency personnel during power outages. In the event of a power outage, we have protocols to ensure critical communication and operations remain functional. During a previous instance when our school was without phones or power, the district provided a generator to restore functionality to our landline phones and bell system. Moving forward, our Maintenance and Operations Department is prepared to deliver a generator promptly if necessary, ensuring that our phones, bells, and intercom system remain operational during such events.
As a school community, we take the time to practice different drills every month. We have fire drill practice monthly along with drills to practice for an earthquakes or a lockdown several times a school year. We practice these drills at all different times throughtout the day so our staff and students know what to do should they be at lunch, recess or a specialist.
We want to reassure you that these measures are in place to provide a safe and secure environment for all students and staff. The district is continuing to work with parents, staff, and district leadership so that the we can remain proactive. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in keeping our school community safe.
Mrs. Culpepper
Westlake Elementary
Upcoming Events
30th: 3rd Grade GATE Lunch Bunch
31st: Student of the Month Assembly
31st: 4th/5th Grade GATE Lunch Bunch
5th: PFA Meeting
7th: 5th Grade Bizarre Bazaar
7th: Bingo Night
12th: Family Fun Night - Sea Casa
14th - 17th: No School
21st: WLE Gala
27th: 3rd Grade GATE Lunch Bunch
28th: Student of the Month Assembly
28th: 4th/5th Grade GATE Lunch Bunch
Westlake Elementary General Information
Homework Club for Grades 3-5
We will be running a homework help club from 2:45-3:45 on Wednesdays and Thursdays for students in grades 3-5. If you would like your child to participate, you may sign them up using this form. A new form will be sent out every week in the weekly newsletter. You will need to sign up your child(ren) every week. This is intended for students NOT enrolled in ELOP or child care as they have their own homework help.
Students MUST be signed up to attend. All students need to be picked up at 3:45.
Spots are limited and it is based on a first come, first serve basis. Students are expected to work on their homework the entire time. If they complete it early, they can use their chromebook to do IXL or Reflex math. Students can not attend to play or be disruptive as others are trying to work. Please remember if you sign up and don't attend, you are taking the spot of someone else. Therefore, only sign up for the days you will definately attend. If you have more than one child you would like to sign up, please fill out a form for each child.
Homework club ends at 3:45. Please be prompt to pick up your child. If you are able to sign up, there is space. The form will close when Homework Help is full. Click on the button below or HERE.
Short Term Independent Study Changes
CVUSD has made major changes for Short Term Independent Study (“STIS”). Our school gets funding from the State based on student attendance. If your student is not present (regardless of reason: excused/unexcused), we do not get paid.
Please remember these changes are new to us also, so we are making our way through the adjustments and getting everyone up to speed. The information has just been announced so please be patient.
STIS is available for families when a student is absent. Once an agreement is signed and schoolwork submitted & graded by the teacher, the absences will be changed to reflect that schoolwork was received and missed days will not be marked against his/her attendance record.
Advantages of doing STIS are your child will accrue attendance (i.e., will be as though he/she were present in class), teacher gets reimbursed for prepared schoolwork, and allows CVUSD to collect funds based on student average daily attendance. There now is NO minimum number of days or NO limitations on reasons for STIS. You may apply for STIS for as little as a single day and for ANY reason (travel, illness, doctor visit, mental health day, etc.). Please consider applying for STIS when your child is absent. We still need prior notice so that the teachers are able to get the work ready for your child and Lindsey is able to get the contract out. If the STIS is for travel, your student will be given the work that they will miss on their last day of attendance before they leave. Students have up to a week after they return to turn in all work missed from their STIS.
*Only 15 STIS days per school year permitted*
Contact our office assistant, Lindsey Roach at lroach@conejousd.org or 805-374-2150 if interested in STIS, have questions, or need additional information.
Westlake Gala
Call for GALA Auction Items
Birthday Books
Please note that due to dietary restrictions, we ask that you not bring in any treats or food to your child's class. If you would like to pass something out, supplies or goodie bags are permitted.
Lost and Found
Our Lost & Found is consistently overflowing. One of our shared goals is to raise responsible and independent children. Empowering our kids to take responsibility for their belongings is a crucial step in their growth and development. It helps children develop organization, time management, problem solving abilities and a basic respect for things which will serve them well throughout their lives.
A good practice is asking your kids at pick-up whether they have all of their belongings before departing. If they are missing items, have them go back and locate them.
Let's work together to help us reunite lost items with their owners and teach our children the value of responsibility from a young age!
All lost and found items will be donated at the end of the month.
5th Grade Culmination
This is a very exciting year for our students, filled with special activities that your child has likely been looking forward to since Kindergarten. If this is your first child graduating from Westlake Elementary, here is a summary of what is to come:
- Friday, February 7: Bizarre Bazaar Event at WLE. This is a school-wide activity run by the 5th Graders and teachers.
- Monday, June 9: 5th Grade versus WLE staff kickball event.
- Tuesday, June 10: 5th Grade picnic at Triunfo Park. This is a parent-run event.
- Wednesday, June 11: Culmination at WLE (typically at 9:30am). Parents will be asked to help decorate the afternoon prior. After the ceremony there is a short reception hosted by our 4th Grade in the MPR and then students can be dismissed with parents or stay at school.
- Thursday, June 12: Last day of school for everyone! 5th Graders do come to school this day and there is a 12:30pm dismissal for all.
Please click on the link below to find out all of the information you need to know regarding our 5th Grade events including culmination.
Parent Faculty Association (PFA) Events and Information
We have a busy couple of months ahead but for now we have taken the decision to postpone the Bunco originally planned for next week. A new date will come out soon, so will keep you updated. Any ticket purchases already made will be refunded.
We are also kicking off the planning process for our much loved Talent Show but are in need of a chair (s) or team who would be interested in taking this on and learning the ropes. Please contact westlake.pfa@gmail.com for more information, we would love to have you on the team!
Finally, our WLE Formal Gala and Auction is coming up next month - tickets will be on sale shortly so keep posted for more details.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Shrek: The Musical Jr.
Bunco Nights! - Postponed
Talent Show
Birthday Wishes
CVUSD General Information
Attendance Matters
Please remember that all absences must be phoned in to our attendance line, via a recorded message at: 805-494-0324
Be sure to state the date and reason for your child’s absence or late arrival, and your child’s teacher or room number. Any unexcused absence is counted as truancy. Students are allowed only three truancies per year before action is taken. Planning ahead with your child will also help to avoid unnecessary tardiness.
Students who arrive on time feel better about school and perform better in the classroom.
Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection
Available Now: Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection
We are proud to provide all students with a Chromebook through the District’s 1:1 Program. While Chromebooks are provided at no cost to families, proper use and care of the Chromebook is the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. To support this program, CVUSD is offering Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) program for families to eliminate the concern and costs of repairing or replacing damaged, or stolen Chromebooks.
📍 Important Note: Coverage must be in place prior to a claim being submitted = the time is now to secure Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection for your student's chromebook!
Lunch Program
All Conejo Valley Unified School District Students will receive FREE breakfast and lunch meals again for the school year 2024-25! Free meals are available for students at every district school during regular meal serving hours.
Although all students will receive meals at no charge again this school year it is very important for parents or guardians, to complete and submit an application for free or reduced meals as soon as possible.
Visit https://conejo.vcoe.org/fsonline/Main/Login to complete the application online . For first-time applicants, it's recommended to use a desktop computer to set up your profile. If your student is found eligible to receive meal benefits it might also qualify your family for discounts on gas, electricity, cell phone or cable service, and a waiver to take the SAT and ACT tests.
Afterschool Enrichment Program Information
Welcome to Westlake Elementary: a new webpage of flyers from community groups/organizations that will be used to reduce the amount of paper that your child takes home in their backpack.
Click on the button below for information regarding Chorus, Band, Strings, and all CRPD enrichment classes.
Please Note: The Conejo Valley Unified School District approves flyers from organizations as a community service. The distribution, posting, or publishing of these materials is *NOT* the District's endorsement of the group's activities, products, or services.