Hosmer Specials Newsletter
January 2025
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Monthly Update on Specials Classes
Art with Ms. Kim
Artists have been learning about shape and color, exploring these elements of art through a variety of different materials and experiences.
- Kindergarten is creating a rainbow cityscape collage demonstrating the order of colors in the rainbow (ROYGBIV) and will be learning about warm and cool colors to create an oil pastel and watercolor resist inspired by winter mittens.
- 1st Grade is learning about Henri Matisse's painted paper cutouts and is painting paper, using their color mixing exploration knowledge, to cut out geometric and organic shapes for their own collage.
- 2nd Grade is finishing their mixed media collages inspired by the work of Mexican American artist Carmen Lomas Garza, showing a tradition or experience they have had with their family. We will be learning about and creating artwork inspired by Brazilian artist Romero Britto's colorful and playful artwork.
- 3rd Grade learned about tertiary colors, a combination of primary and secondary colors, to mix colors to paint a 12 section color wheel and created a collage using the color wheel. We also mixed our own colors, came up with creative names for them and shared them with the class.
- 4th Grade is creating an outer space theme resist artwork, using oil pastel and watercolors, to demonstrate the use of analogous colors to help create the illusion of 3D forms.
- 5th Grade is learning about atmospheric or aerial perspective, and painting landscapes using monochromatic tints and shades to show distance.
Library Media with Mr. Dubuque
I can gather information using both text and illustration.
I can determine key events in a story and retell a story in sequence.
I can make predictions using evidence from the text and illustrations.
I can compare and contrast stories written by the same author.
I can identify the author’s style after synthesizing information from several titles.
Grade 3
I can use a basic block programming language (Beaver Achiever)
I can use computational thinking to solve problems.
I can create a sequence in order to animate a GIF.
Grades 3-4 Making an Animation: GIFs Using Brush Ninja
Grades 4-5
I can define "misinformation" and explore the consequences of spreading misinformation online.
I can use lateral reading as a strategy to verify the accuracy of information online.
I can apply lateral reading to examples of questionable sites to determine their accuracy.
Music with Ms. Ritter & Mr. Boynton
Kindergarten I can dance! I can sing challenging Call-and-Response songs.
Essential Questions: How do I move my body to music? How do music and dance bring people together?
1st Grade I can read rhythms with a quarter rest. I can write and demonstrate my own four-beat rhythm.
2nd Grade I can write my own rhythms using half notes and whole notes. I can move to and distinguish the difference between varying tempos in music.
3rd Grade I can create a body percussion that reflects triple meter. I can play notes B, A, and G on the recorder.
4th Grade I can respond to dynamic markings and distinguish the difference between crescendo and decrescendo. I can play low E (low la) on the recorder.
5th Grade I can perform a body percussion pattern to a song with syncopated rhythms. I can play low E (low la) and low D (low sol) on the recorder.
All-City Band has started up again this week! Please see the attached purple flyer for more information.
*4th and 5th Grade Choir* Please Note: We will NOT have rehearsal on January 30th. All other rehearsals will continue as scheduled.
January's Musician of the Month
Click here to find out more about the all-female orchestra from Afghanistan, Zohra Orchestra!
Human Rhythm
Students in Ms. Mandile's first grade class demonstrate their understanding of quarter notes and eighth notes as they create a "human rhythm."
Juan Pirulero Body Percussion
Ms. Monfette's third grade class works with a partner to create a body percussion pattern in triple meter, with emphasis on the first beat!
Physical Education with Mrs. Bartlett & Mrs. Fitzgerald
In grades 3-5, students practiced their rolling and throwing skills this month. The students practiced their rolling skills by introducing a modified version of bowling. We had 14 lanes set up in the gym, which gave the students an ample opportunity to practice the skill of rolling. We then moved on to the overhand throw and did an activity called Battleship. In this activity a mat is placed on the floor with one bowling pin in each corner. The students have to stay on their “ship” (which is the mat) and throw the ball to try to knock the pins down on the other teams’ boats. Once your pins are down your ship is sunk! So much fun! Also, before break the students wrapped up their throwing unit with one of their favorite throwing activities called Snow Globes. The students build a snow globe with hula hoops and then try to knock the other teams structures down using the overhand throw! In grades K-2, after teaching the students the roll and underhand throw, we then continued on in teaching them the overhand throw! The students practiced their rolling skills by introducing a modified version of bowling. We had 14 lanes set up in the gym, which gave the students an ample opportunity to practice the skill of rolling. To practice their underhand throws, students did an activity called "Volcano". We stood the mats up and made a giant volcano. The students used the underhand throw to the balls into the volcano and the people on the inside of the volcano were trying to throw the balls out. This is so much fun! To practice their overhand throw the students participated in an activity called “Snowball Frenzy”. They tried to throw as many “snowballs” as they could to the other team’s “yard”. The goal was to have the least amount of snowballs in their “yard” when the game was done. These students also played a smaller version of the Snow Globe activity! They loved the building and exploring the snow globe. Then they tried to knock the snow globes down by throwing a ball at them. Below is a quick synopsis of what we have been working on in class! K-2 Rolling (Bowling) Underhand Throw Overhand Throw 3-5 Overhand Throw Bowling Skills Teamwork
Building and Exploring
K-2 students exploring their snow globes after building them!
Students at all grade levels practiced their rolling skills through the game of bowling!
Students practice their overhand throw during a game of Battleship!
Spanish with Sra. Navas, Sra. Olafsson, & Sra. Bogdanovic
¡Feliz enero! ❄️
¡Feliz enero! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and your kids had a fun and restful break.
Hosmer Spanish teachers:
- Jelena Bogdanovic (Señora Bogdanovic) jelena.bogdanovic@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Robyn Long-Navas (Señora Navas) robyn.longnavas@watertown.k12.ma.us
Heather Olafsson (Señorita O) heather.olafsson@watertown.k12.ma.us
Kindergarten: Kindergarteners have been learning about a kite festival in Guatemala and practicing describing the colors of kites/barriletes. 🪁 For their end of unit project, they colored kites four different colors and will share them with the class.
First grade: Students are making books of their school in which they are drawing pictures of what they do in each place in the school. For example, “In the music room, I sing. En el salón de música, yo canto.” 🎤🎵 We have been practicing reading our books and will share them with the class. Then, they will be sent home and can be used as a resource to practice reading Spanish at home!
Second grade: Students are getting ready to create their own school day schedule to share what classes they’d like to have in the morning, in the afternoon, and what their favorite class is. Ask your child: "What classes do you have in the morning? /¿Qué clases tienes por la mañana?" and "What classes do you have in the afternoon? /¿Qué clases tienes por la tarde?"
Third grade: Students are working on projects called: "All About Me/ Todo sobre mí" with information such as their birthday, their age and what they like to do in their free time. Students are sharing these projects with their classmates and presenting them to the class.
Fourth grade: Students are making booklets about themselves with information such as where they live, where they are from and their personality. They are getting ready to record videos to describe themselves.
Fifth grade: In fifth grade, not only have we been practicing answering questions about ourselves (speaking in first person) but we have also been working on describing others (speaking in the third person). Students have been working on describing their classmates and then guessing which classmate they think it is based on the descriptions.
2nd Grade
"Mi barrilete de colores"
Kindergarteners sharing the colors they chose for their kites with a partner!
5th grade
Fifth graders are asking each other questions about each other, like when their birthday is, what they like to do and where they are from.