The Titan Times
May 22, 2023
A Message from your Principals
Dear Parents and Families,
We can't believe we are winding down so quickly! Thank you for supporting your student to finish strong all the way through.
Summer is coming and we know that everything gets REALLY busy for kids and families. Here are some suggestions for a healthy, balanced and positive summer:
1. Keep a consistent bedtime routine.
2. Create a balanced schedule: organized activities, unstructured play time, indoor quiet activities, outside exploration, large group activities, small group and individual activities, time to read and reflect, time to be loud and rambunctious - too much or too little of any of those things is not ideal.
3. Practice organizational skills - using checklists, following schedules, doing household chores, being responsible for household expectations, keeping track of things...
4. Monitor and limit access to electronic devices and social media.
We want to give a quick shout out to our 3rd Grade Families for the Read-A-Thon fundraiser and to our 4th Grade Families for the Jumprope-A-Thon fundraiser. We just got back from the 5th Grade Keystone Science School trip and it was super fun and successful! These grade level fundraisers make a trip like that possible.
Have a great week!
Sally Hensley
Elementary Principal
Kathryn Long
Elementary Assistant Principal
The Latest News at CBCS
Last Call for the Lost and Found
The lost and found is officially overflowing! Please swing by to check for your child's belongings. The remaining items will be donated after the last day of school.
A Message from the GWSD Nutrition Department:
End of Year Reminder
Please check for any outstanding meal balances and pay them off on
- FREE breakfast and lunch will be available to anyone 18 and younger at Gunnison Community School, Monday through Thursday, June 5-July 24 (except the week of July 3). Pick-up will be outside the main entrance of Gunnison Community School. Breakfast: 8-8:30 AM, Lunch: 11:30 AM-12 PM. Meals must be consumed on site.
Healthy Schools Meals for All Program 2023-2024
This program will offer FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL students. No application is required for students in the 2023-2024 school year to receive free complete meals. Please note, any individual items and/or second meals will be charged, so pre-fund your mypaymentsplus account if your student is likely to buy these items.
Employment Opportunities
Are you interested in working in the kitchens and supporting the Healthy School Meals for All Program? Full and part time positions are available! Please complete the application.
- Please contact Kristen Osborn, , 970 641-7770
CB Pop-up Food Pantries
Gunnison Country Food Pantry is hosting three Pop-Up Pantries at the Mount Crested Butte Transit Center on June 28, July 26, and August 23. Come receive no-cost groceries, such as fresh produce, dairy, and pantry staples for the whole family! The first Pop-up is on June 28, from 3:30p-7:00p. Visit to keep up-to-date on Pop-ups and learn more about Pantry services.
Gunni-Pack Program
The Gunnison Country Food Pantry will be offering free packs of food for families with children in need. The packs will include fresh, nutritious, and easy to prepare meals and snacks. These packs will be delivered to CB homes. For more information click here. These forms are available for pick-up in the CBES office.
Note from the Nurse, Michele Savini
With summer right around the corner, we wanted to remind families of students that have medication stored at school to make arrangements to come get their medications before the end of the school year. We will not store any student's medication over the summer. Also, all student medication orders will expire June 30. You can download medication permission documents for the 23-24 school year here and permission to self carry here. As a reminder, any medication given at school must have a medication permission form signed by a medical provider, so we won't accept student medications in the fall that are not accompanied by a complete, signed medication permission form. If you have questions you can contact Michele Savini CBCS Health Aide ( or Sherilyn Skokan ( GWSD District Nurse. Have a happy (and healthy) summer!
Class Photos
Upcoming School Improvement/Expansion Event Information- This Thursday!
Please join us Thursday, 5/25 for an update on the upcoming school improvements.
Bike Safety Workshop
Amy Nolan and the CB Devo Team will be offering a free bike safety workshop for our 3rd and 4th graders during specials on Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th. The information that will be covered will be related to bike safety and will specifically address the three main causes of bike injuries:
- Inattentive biking
- Inattentive driving
- Failure to yield
Further we will discuss the three most important ways to STAY SAFE:
- Be Safe
- Be Seen
- Be Heard
Spring Concerts this Week!
We're excited to announce that the spring concerts will be held at the Center for the Arts this year.
The 2nd/3rd grade concert will be on Monday May 22nd at 6pm. Students are to arrive at 5:30pm.
The 4th/5th grade concert will be held the following evening on Tuesday May 23rd at 6pm. Students are to arrive at 5:30pm. There will not be a K/1 concert this spring.
Last Day of School
Field Day
Field Day will be Tuesday, May 30th. Thursday, June 1st is our rain day. There will be classroom and station volunteer opportunities. Look for more information from your classroom teacher and the PTA to come out soon.
CBCS Crosswalk Painting Design by 5th Grade
Fifth graders received a unique opportunity in partnership with the Town of Crested Butte to paint the school crosswalks! Fifth grade students have been working closely with our high school art students to create their design. The vision is "CB Crosswalk Characters", think Abbey Road meets artist Keith Haring. Fifth graders will be painting their design in the crosswalks Wednesday, May 24 through Friday, May 26 during art class. You can look for these amazing crosswalk designs to be finished the last week of school. They can be found at 8th and Red Lady, 8th and Bellview, and 7th and Bellview.
Spotlight on Learners
A few photos from 5th Grades Keystone Science School Trip last week:
Enrichment Program Filmmakers' Club Red Carpet Event
Family and friends are welcome to join us on Wednesday, May 31 at the Majestic Theater at 6:30 for a showing of the student produced films. The event is free; donations are encouraged. A big thank you to filmmaker and club teacher, Nik Wogen, to the Center for the Arts and to the Majestic Theater.
Enrichment Program Thanks
A big thank you to all our club sponsors this year - we so much appreciate this support! GCSAPP (STEM, Filmmakers), Center for the Arts (Elevated Arts, Filmmakers), KBUT (KBUTeens, Kids' Radio), Mountain Roots (Garden), CB Mountain Theatre (Teens on Stage), CU Boulder Partnership Program (Lego Robotics), Gunnison Valley Climate Coalition (Climate Kids), CB/Mt. CB Rotary Club (general club support), Layton Family (Art-tastic: Spring & Summer Arts & Crafts K), Mary & John Holder - Art-tastic: Spring & Summer Arts & Crafts 1-2), Van Guilder Family (Costumes & Creativity), Studio West (Chess & Games, Art club Games club), Fairchiild Family (Yoga), Hendrick - Beck Family (Authors & Art), Crested Butte Physiotherapy (Harry Potter Fan Club), Williford Family (Science 3-5, Beltz Family (Fiber Arts, Upcycle/Recycle Arts & Crafts), Ward Family (Costumes & Creativity), Coleman Family (Illustrated Novel), Butcher Family (Costumes & Creativity), Platt Family (Fall into Fall), Burns Family (Planeteers), Ewing Family - CB Oxygen (Creative Constructions), Community Banks of CO/NBH Bank (Puzzles & Games), Erickson Contracting & Management (Lego), Pilot Consulting Corporation (Chess), CB Family Dental (Spanish), Townie Books (Authors, Illustrators & Artists), CB Power Yoga (Yoga), Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping (Science) & Clark's Market (general club support).
Enrichment Program Garden Club Market Stands
On Thursdays, May 25 & June 1 the students in the Garden Club will be selling seed starts, garden art and homemade artisanal goods at their Garden Club Market Stand by the elementary parking lot from 3:35-4:30.
Friendly Reminders
Attention Fifth Grade Families- MS Summer Experience Information
Yearbooks are available to buy now!
See photo for pricing and details on how to buy.
Our Yearbook staff worked diligently to provide amazing books for K-5 (elementary), 6-8 (middle), and 9-12 (high school). The elementary ($20) and middle ($40) books will remain the same price until we finish selling them. The high school books will be $65 until May 1st, and then they will increase to $75. Please see MyPaymentsPlus instructions on the link below.
Thank you for supporting the Yearbook Class and CBCS!
Summer Experience- Deadline 5/26
Summer Experience is officially scheduled for current Kindergarten - 4th graders, June 20-July 20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will have a morning program from 8:30 to 12:00, and an all-day program from 8:30 to 3:30. 5th graders can participate in the Middle School Summer Experience this year! The registration is $25 per student and is open NOW through May 26 at Mypaymentsplus. More details be found here.
*Please note, May 25th is a firm deadline to register.
CBCS Facebook
We have decided to help facilitate sharing photos from teachers with the community! We hope you can follow our Facebook page HERE to stay informed with fun updates regarding the student’s daily ongoing activities.
The Latest from the PTA
Giving to Teachers
Now extended thru June 1!
We heard from many of you that you need till the last week of school to take care of gifts for teachers. You are welcome to participate in the communal gift by donating any amount on the PTA website (this link was previously broken but has been fixed). This is always optional. For more info, visit the PTA Website for:
Field Day: Volunteer and Join the Fun!
Tuesday, May 30th
K-1 8:50 - 10:50am
2-3 11:30am - 1:20pm
4-5 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Town Picnic: Save the Date Friday, June 3
Although it has not been officially announced yet, there is usually a Town Picnic on the last Friday of school. (REMINDER: School lets out early at 11:30am that day!) Come join other families to celebrate the start of summer. Stay tuned for confirmation.
A HUGE thank you goes out to last week's volunteers:
Katie Heinle, Erin Meadows, Lydia Price and Sara Reese! Together, they volunteered 4 hours.
Please check out SignUp Genius to learn more about these opportunities.
Elementary Lunchroom Assistant - 2 volunteers daily:
- This Week: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri
- Next Week: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri
- Please sign up for a slot on SignUp Genius.
Crossing Guard - 1 volunteer on Wed:
- This Week: Open
- Next Week: Open
- Please sign up for a slot on SignUp Genius.
If you have any questions, please email
Quick Links
The blue buttons below will provide you with quick links to useful information:
Additional Questions
Please contact Stephanie Sandstrom, Crested Butte Elementary School Office Manager, with any questions about your elementary student. Questions, concerns and messages can be directed to Stephanie via email at or by calling 970-641-7720.