Kiltie Update 1/24/22
Home of Kiltie PRIDE
January PTA Meeting - Held on Zoom @ 5:30 1/24/22
David Conrady is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MPHS PTA Meeting - January
Time: Jan 24, 2022 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 2793 8229
Passcode: kXhz3Z
Covid Precautions
Happy New Year Mt. Pleasant Families,
With this week comes a new year, 2022. With this new year, we are still having to take precautions for Covid-19, with the emergence of the Delta and Omicron variants, these include:
- All persons entering school buildings or attending athletic events must wear masks covering their mouth and nose.
- The school will offer weekly PCR testing on Wednesdays beginning the second week of January. Students must have permission forms completed.
- Regularly use hand sanitizer and/or washing of hands.
- Frequent disinfection and cleaning on common spaces such as door handles, stair rails, etc.
- The best defense to prevent the spread of covid includes monitoring the first signs of symptoms and quarantine at home to prevent the spread to others. Please email if you child is staying home for quarantine needs to accurately record attendance.
- In the case of a positive covid-19 test result, that is not confirmed by the Rhode Island Dept. of Health (as in the case of home testing kits) please be sure to notify the SMART Clinic or school so we can begin the process of contact tracing.
- CDC reports, the best protection from serious illness comes from being fully vaccinated and boosted.
To date, most of the cases of Covid-19 have been from exposure that occurs outside of the school.
The end of January also signifies the end of the 2nd quarter at the end of this week. Grades will be posted at the end of the following week on Skyward.
You can sign up by logging into the Skyward portal at
If you have not used the Skyward portal before, you should have received a login and temporary password from your school already. Feel free to reach out to your school for your login if you have misplaced it.
If you have your login but have forgotten your password, email to have your password reset.
If you need to view Skyward in a language other than English, right click anywhere on the page you want translated and a menu will pop up with a translate option. Click on “Translate” to choose the language you wish to read. You will need to do this for every page you visit.
As we move into the 2nd semester there is before and after school tutoring available. If you are interested in having your child stay for one of these opportunities please email their grade level counselor or administrator.
David Conrady, Ed.D
Principal, Mt. Pleasant High School
Welcome New Administration Staff
In early December, we welcomed Assistant Principal Dr. Stefani Harvey to MPHS. Dr. Harvey was most recently the Redesign Fellow at Hope High School and previously worked in several building and central office administrative roles in the Boston Public School system. Dr. Harvey brings many years of experience with her to Mr. Pleasant. Dr. Harvey will work directly with 10th grade families and various departments at MPHS>
Last week, MPHS welcome another Assistant Principal, Mr. Vilai Or. Mr. Or was most recently the interim Principal and Assistant Principal at E-Cubed in the Providence Public School District. Mr. Or will work with 9th Grades students and families.
MPHS Weekly Schedule
Monday, January 24 - B Day
Tuesday, Jan. 25 - A Day
Wednesday, Jan. 26 - B Day
Thursday, Jan 27 - A Day
Friday, Jan 28 - B Day
Covid Testing Schedule
If students have not already completed a opt-in form they can turn in a completed one at the time of testing this week.
Hall Passes and Hall Pass Times
* All students must have a pass signed by the current teacher to be in the hallway.
* There will not be any passes during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class. To allow staff to clear halls to get any straggling students to class.
* Students must have a pass from their teacher to go to the SMART Clinic.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
FAFSA Information for Seniors
Seniors and Families of Seniors,
It is now that time of year to think about next year. The year after graduation and how to become more trained for your expected career area or identifying where you want to continue you schooling. Please information below to access information on how to plan and to schedule an in-person or zoom meeting with Ms. DeLaRosa.
Google classroom "Class of 2022" under Classwork there are instructions and videos
contact to make appointments here at school to get it done
Many students and families cannot write out just one check in order to pay the tuition bill in full for each college semester. If that’s the case, you may want to try satisfying that bill with smaller amounts from various sources to give you a sustainable and repeatable strategy for each semester going forward to pay for college, while also trying to reduce long term debt.
Lunch Schedules
Classes Included in Lunch A DAY
1A. - Ground Floor + Deely, Gym Classes
2A. - 1st Floor (except Gym)
3A. - 2nd Floor (except Deely, Kelly, Packard)
4A. - 3rd Floor (+ Kelly, Packard, Math Vacancy Location TBD)
Classes Included in Lunch B DAY
1B. - Ground Floor + Antani, Castello, Deely, Fagan, Hager, and Larson
2B. - Gym/1st Floor
3B. - 2nd Floor (except Antani and Deely)
4B. - 3rd Floor (except Castello, Fagan, Hager, and Larson)
Covid Precautions and Mask Mandates
PPSD and Mt. Pleasant High School will still require students and staff to wear masks at all times while in the building regardless of vaccination status.
While we are seeing more things open up with less restrictions due to covid-19 it is not time to let down your guard as some of the newer variants of covid-19 are affecting young adults that are not vaccinated, producing "breakthrough" cases with serious symptoms. As we begin the year we will continue to do the following to ensure the safety of yourself and others.
- Enforcing proper mask wearing
- Screening if all are symptom free prior to entering the building
- Providing disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer, masks and other personal protective equipment for staff and students,
- Directional hallways and stairs,
- Spaced seating and assigned seats in all classes and lunch,
- HEPA Air purification systems in each room to remove particles from the air,
- Active contact tracing in cooperative with RI Department of Health.
- We offer weekly quick-response Covid Testing for all students and staff as an extra layer of defense for people that are generally symptom free on each Wednesday.
- PPSD and Mt. Pleasant will offer upcoming Vaccination Clinics at schools to continue to provide opportunities for students and families to receive the covid vaccine.
Who to Contact for Grade Level Supports
For academic support beyond classrooms teachers, there will be a specific counselor, School Community Specialist (SCS) and administrator for each grade level.
9th Grade -
Administrator - Mr. Vilai Or
SCS - Mr. Terrill Robinson
Counselor - Ms. Melanie Vallejo
10th Grade
Administrator - Dr. Stefani Harvey
SCS - Mr. Donald Bautista
Counselor - Mr. Lou Joseph
11th grade
Administrator - Ms. Ai-Ling Chang & Dr. David Conrady
SCS - Mr. Ivan Montanez
Counselor - Ms. Freda Adubofour
12th Grade
Administrator - Mr. Michael Marino
SCS - Ms. Kaima Dunbar
Counselor - Ms. Leah Ross-Coke
Please reach out to these individuals for your grade specific questions.
Parent Early Pick Up / Late Arrival Procedures
Parent Resources for Skyward
Setting up Skyward to help you monitor and stay informed as a parent.
- learn how to change the language on the Skyward screen.
- learn how to set up automatic notifications of absences, tardies, missing work and regular automated grade updates that can be configured to email you daily, weekly or monthly.
- Parent refresher on how to use the parent functions that are built in skyward which includes report cards, attendance, graduation credits, etc.
SMART Clinic - Mt. Pleasant
I am excited to share the SMART Clinic at Mount Pleasant High School is open and running. The SMART® Clinic, in partnership with Providence Community Health Centers, will be a great asset for our school community as its purpose is to ensure all students are well enough to learn. The clinic will identify and address the physical, behavioral, social, and emotional barriers to classroom success through the proactive delivery of integrative health services embedded in the school. Please use the following links to complete the consent forms.
Consent in Spanish Consent in English
The SMART® Clinic will have the same operating hours as the school and will be available to ALL students, regardless of insurance or immigration status. No student will be charged for any service provided by the SMART® Clinic. The only requirement is that a guardian sign and return the SMART ® consent form for registration allowing the clinic to support their student’s wellness. Consent forms will be mailed to you and available at the school’s front office.
Please meet the SMART Clinic Team and review the list of services they offer to students.
For more information about the coming SMART Clinic, please see the informational video by clicking this link. You can meet the team and see the list of services our SMART clinic can provide by checking out the links below.
MPHS Athletic Schedules
If you wish to view the MP Athletic schedules, rosters, list of coaches and all pertinent information relative to athletics, you can use the site provided below.
Updates, such as postponements, schedules, rosters are readily available on this site. Go KIlties!
Mt. Pleasant High School Launches Parent-Teacher Association For 2021-22 School Year
This year Mt. Pleasant will be formally meeting and further developing our Parent-Teacher Association. This is a collaboration between the school and parents to improve school condition to improve student achievement. Monthly dates are found below. All meetings will begin at 5:30 PM
Jan 24 (Zoom);
Feb 28, Ma 28, Apr 25 and May 16.
Location TBD
Mt. Pleasant High School
Location: 434 Mt Pleasant Ave, Providence, RI, USA
Phone: (401) 456-9181
Twitter: @KiltiePride