Erieview News
Dear Erieview families,
ShamRock & Roll - Committee Volunteers Needed!
Erieview’s ShamRock & Roll dance is happening on Friday March 14th, and we need your help to make this event a success. We are forming a planning committee and are looking for some LUCKY parents to assist with:
- Decorations
- Set up & Clean Up
- Activities & Games
- Snacks & Refreshments
- And more!
No matter your skills or availability, there’s a way for you to contribute. Sign up to volunteer at the Signup Genius link below!
Redwood Kalahari Night!
Join Redwood Elementary family & friends at Kalahari on March 6, 2025. Use the link below for more details and to make reservations. Remember it’s an early release day with conferences to follow. Come join the fun and meet some new friends!
Attention Artists! 4th Grade T-Shirt Design Contest
It’s time to show off some amazing art skills! We’re having a T-Shirt Design Contest, and we need some help from our Erieview 4th grade students. If you’d like to participate, check out the details here to enter the contest! The winning design will be featured on our official Erieview 4th Grade T-Shirt!
Classical Lunch at Erieview!
We will celebrate our Classical Lunch on Feb. 12, 2025. The ALHS orchestra will serenade us during all lunch periods. Would you like to help ? Volunteers should wear black and white. Please sign up for one or two (maximum) lunch period(s) Questions? Contact Melissa Isaly-Johns at melissa.isalyjohns@alcsoh.org.
Please sign up with the below link:
Upcoming conferences
Teacher requested conferences will be held on 2/13/25 from 4:00-8:00 pm. Your student’s teacher will reach out to you by 1/30/25 via email if a conference is deemed necessary at this time. Drop in conferences are not available on 2/13/25. If you have not been contacted by 1/30/25, you will have the opportunity to conference with your student’s teacher on our full conference day of March 7th from 7:30-3:00. We will schedule March conferences via PTCFast, as in the past.
Lost and Found
Please check our lost and found bins for missing items. Clothing not claimed by 2/14/25 will be donated to charity.
In the winter months, we strongly recommend that parents provide hats, gloves, waterproof boots and snow pants for their children and require them to wear them during recess. Outside temperature and wind chill are taken into consideration to determine outside recess each day during the winter months. Normally, if the wind chill factor is above 20 degrees Fahrenheit, students will be permitted outdoors.
Upcoming Events:
10-Kids in the Community
11- PTA meeting
12-Classical Lunch-lunch periods w/ ALHS orchestra
13- Marco's Pizza Night
13-Parent/ teacher conferences 4:00 pm
14-teacher in-service~no school for students
17-President's Day~no school for students
2/24-28-In View testing
2/25- You Can Be an Author Day…with Arline Gray! (assembly)
2/27-Elementary Choir Concert
3/6-Early release
3/7-Parent/teacher conferences all day
3/10-comp day~no school
3/11-PTA meeting
3/14-St. Patrick’s Day
3/14-PTA ShamRock Dance 5-6:30 for grades K-2/ 7:00-8:30 grades 3 & 4
3/24-Kids in the Community
3/28- STEM assembly ( PTA)
3/28-end Q3
3/30- CAVS Family Night