Erickson Express
Family Newsletter
October 31, 2024
Happy Halloween From the Office...
Tomorrow, Friday, November 1, is SPIRIT DAY ~ Wear Blue and Gold!
Erickson FUN RUN! Sign up today!
Veteran's Day Assembly - Veterans are Invited!
Cherrydale Fundraiser Pick-Up on Thursday, Nov. 7th from 3:45-7:00 in the gym
Dear Erickson Families,
Thank you to the PTO parent volunteers for organizing wonderful Halloween parties for students. I know the students will have an awesome time creating crafts and playing games later today! Thank you for all your time and effort into making this day FUN! Review the Halloween reminders below.
Spirit Day is tomorrow...November 1. Wear blue/gold or Erickson Spirit Wear.
Friendly reminder: Tuesday, November 5: Election Day - NO SCHOOL for staff and students.
Picture retakes will take place on Thursday, November 7th from 10:45-12:00. ALL new students and absent students will get their pictures taken. (If there is a parent wanting to pay for pictures on Retake Day, the code is 10020102 to be entered at ordercp.com) If you did not like your pictures that you received and would like to retake your pictures, please bring your picture package to return on this day. Here is the link to order pictures from picture retake day.
Wounded Warrior Fun Run on Friday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Sign up Information above. I will be walk/jogging the run, so if any students want to join me! Sign-up!
Parent-Teacher Conference SIGN UP is going on now: Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up Link
SAVE THE DATE - Veteran's Day: Erickson's Veteran's Day Assembly will be on Veteran's Day, Monday, November 11th at 2:00. If you have a member of your family, neighbor, or friend that has served our country, PLEASE extend an invite to our Veteran's Day Assembly. We would love to honor as many guests as possible! Please see the RSVP below.
If you need to report an absence, please call the school 630-529-2223 or email the teacher and the attendance line: erattendance@sd13.org
Have a wonderful day!
Stacy Johnston
Character Counts! Family Connection
Each month we will post a video to watch as a family, discussion questions to discuss together, and a quick form to fill out to be entered into an eagle ticket raffle. Please consider completing the Character Counts Family Connection together!
4th Grade Service Project: Phil's Friends
The 4th grade students participated in making care packages, including warm blankets, for cancer patients through the Phil's Friends organization.
Board Presentation: Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors mentor new students throughout the school year. They plan fun activities to help new students feel welcome, included, and connected to Erickson. Great job Sammy C., Fiona S., Wesley M., and Effie M. for presenting information about Student Ambassadors at Monday's School Board Meeting.
From the Desk of Mrs. Treanor, Erickson School Social Worker
October Parenting Tip:
Improving your child’s ATTENTION
Many students struggle with maintaining their attention to a task within the home and/or school setting. Here are some helpful tips to consider:
For concerns with Hyperactivity provide external structure with the 2 P’S:
Physical controls such as: * Regular exercise
* Balanced diet
* Adequate sleep
* Limit screen time
Predictability such as: * Use consistent rules across time and place
* Prepare for changes to a new activity
* Practice simple daily routines
For concerns with Distractibility focus on:
Priorities such as: * Organize backpack and notebook
* Keep distracting items out of sight during homework or chore time
* Provide a regular homework time and clean area for doing homework
* Limit and balance extracurricular activities
Directions: * Use simple, positive directions (show child what to do instead of what not to do)
* Give visual cues
For concerns with Impulsivity: Build Self-Confidence through:
Social Skills: * Build on strengths
* Teach game-playing skills, taking turns and making choices
* Encourage non-competitive sports (karate, gymnastics, swimming)
* Teach friendship skills (make requests, giving compliments, less rough play)
Parenting Tools: * Model positive self-talk and goal-setting
* Reward frequently
We encourage you to visit the Bloomingdale School District's website to learn more about the upcoming Referendum on the November ballot. The site provides detailed information about the purpose and impact of the Referendum, including how it aims to support student learning, improve school facilities, and maintain high-quality programs across the district. You will also find answers to frequently asked questions, financial breakdowns, and key dates related to the voting process. Staying informed is essential, and the website serves as a valuable resource to help you understand how the Referendum will shape the future of our schools.
The website also includes updated Video tours: https://www.sd13.org/apps/pages/videotours
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up
Important Dates
- October 31: Halloween Classroom Parties
- 10:00: Kinder/Preschool Halloween Parade (outside)
- 10:20-11:20: Kinder/Preschool Halloween Party
- 1:30-2:00: Preschool-5th Grade Halloween Parade (outside)
- 2:00-3:00: Preschool-5th Grade Halloween Party
November 1: Hot lunch, Spirit Day wear blue and gold
November 4: Hot lunch
November 5: NO SCHOOL, election day
November 7: Picture retake day, Fall Fundraiser delivery,
November 8: Hot Lunch, Wounded Warrior Fun Run
November 11: Wear Red,White and Blue, Veterans Day Assembly
November 13: Wacky Wednesday Theme-Old"er" Person
November 15: Hot Lunch, Eagle's Nest- Wear Pillar Shirts or a colored shirt / School Improvement day 1:40 early dismissal - see note below
November 16 (Saturday): Girls on the Run 5K
November 18: Hot Lunch, PTO Meeting 5:30
November 19: School Store during lunch
November 22: Hot Lunch
November 25 & 26: Parent Teacher Conferences: No School
November 27 - November 29: Fall Break, No School
**Please note: 1:40 Early Dismissal Days/School Improvement are on FRIDAY. Early Dismissal/School Improvement days are one Friday per month and FULL DAY students are dismissed at 1:40 while teachers are involved in professional development activities. Half-Day PM Kindergarten will attend school at their normal PM times. AM & PM Preschool students do not attend school on early dismissal days.
Student Spotlight
This section will feature students who excel!
Please send in pictures to sjohnston@sd13.org if you would like your child featured in a future Express.
School Hours / Lunch Hours
School Hours:
Grades 1st-5th: 8:40-3:30
Kindergarten AM: 8:40-11:30
Kindergarten PM: 12:40-3:30
Preschool AM: 8:50-11:20
Preschool PM: 12:50-3:20
Student Arrival:
Kindergarten-5 grade students can begin arriving at 8:25. Students should gather in the front of the building. Doors open at 8:30. Students should arrive by 8:40
Lunch Hours:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:25
4th-5th Grade Lunch: 12:25-12:50
Dropping off lunches from restaurants (ie- McDonald's, Wendy's, Panera, etc.) as well as using food delivery services to drop off food (ie -GrubHub, Door Dash) is not allowed. Students should bring their lunch in the morning to school each day. Safety is our number one priority and we would like to limit visitors.
Erickson Elementary School
Email: sjohnston@sd13.org
Website: sd13.org
Location: 277 Springfield Drive, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: 630-529-2223
Fax: 630-893-9849