Anglo European School
w/c 16th September 2024 - Week 1
Thanks to our Sixth Form Volunteers
During the Summer holidays, a number of our amazing Sixth Form students gave up their own time to come back to school and support the in-coming Year 7 with their summer school. Summer School is an integral part of our transition programme and enables our new students to participate in academic and enrichment activities to prepare them effectively for September. We had a lot of fun and made friends from all round the world during this week. However, this would not be possible without our teachers and Sixth Form volunteers who give up their holiday to ensure this experience is amazing and successful. This week, Mrs Gee and Mr Mitchell met with these Sixth Formers to thank them for their contribution and present them with vouchers as a small token of appreciation for their brilliant leadership and commitment. In turn, they have developed their leadership, project management and team working skills and we spotted some future teachers for the profession! Mr Mitchell has written commendations for each of these students which have been passed to their UCAS mentors who will be writing their references. It says a huge amount about a person who is willing to give up time to spend supporting others.
Language of the Month
Each school month we raise the profile a different language. For 3 years we have focused on languages we teach within the Languages department. This year, we are moving to community languages which are spoken in our school. If you would like to help represent your language, please speak to Mrs Latimer, Head of Languages.
Language of the Month: September - POLISH
On roll in 2023-2024 we had 53 Polish speakers and every year we support Polish students in achieving their GCSE. In Lower Sixth, there is the opportunity to visit Poland for a week. During this visit students visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and try traditional Polish dancing.
Bus Route 621
Following the feasibility study conducted last term, the new service 621 from Roxwell to Ingatestone via Melbourne, Chignal Estates and Oxney Green has been running since the beginning of term.
Although over 100 parents of students expressed an interest only a few have committed. First Buses need a minimum of 70 students to make the service viable and we therefore would ask all parents whose children travel this route to consider making use of the 621.
The price per student would be based on £5 per day giving termly rates shown below:
Autumn 2024 - £360
Spring 2025 - £295
Summer 2025 - £290
For details on purchasing tickets for the 621, please follow this link: School, College and University travel, First Bus.
Chelmsford Memory Walk
On October 6th 2024 - 44 members of Anglo Family Team will be taking part in the Chelmsford Memory Walk at Hylands Park, Chelmsford.
Alzheimer’s Society is one of our school charities and whilst we are hoping to raise awareness, we would also like to raise funds for this very special charity. We would be extremely grateful to receive any donations, however large or small through our QR code please use the reference: Alzheimers Walk.
If you are free on 6th October and would like to come and support the Anglo Family Team you would be more than welcome - the walk will begin at 11am
Anglo Parents ...Your School Needs You!
Reminder: The Anglo European School Association are meeting on Monday 16th September at 5.30pm. Please come along, meet other parents and help the AESA to continue their fabulous work in supporting our school and the students. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Please complete this form so that you can register your interest in joining the AESA, whether you can or can't attend the above event.
Reminder - School is a Mobile Free Environment
In line with DFE guidance, our school rules will be very clear and very simple: mobile phones, and any other smart technology with the same functionality, must not be used, seen or heard whilst at school. This rule applies in totality to all students in Years 7 to 11. It applies to everywhere in the school, including toilets. We will confiscate any mobile phones which are used, seen or heard and these will be kept in our school safe until they are collected by a parent. We will not return confiscated mobile phones to students. Any refusal to hand in confiscated mobile phones will be viewed as defiance and sanctioned accordingly and will result in the student having to hand in their phone every day on arrival to school.
We recognise that our students travel long distances and that you will wish to safeguard them during this time. For this reason, we ask that parents fully support this policy, impress upon their children the importance of following our rules and that you have contingency plans in place should your child not adhere to these rules.
We ask that parents support us in asking our students to manage their self-discipline by not messaging or calling your child during the school day. If there is an emergency, you can contact the school office and we can arrange for you to speak with your child.
Our mobile phone-free space is clearly marked around the school perimeter in red and highly visible to all students and there will be no negotiation beyond this point. If a student needs to use their phone, they will need to seek an adult’s permission in advance from that point on.
At both the start and the end of the day, students will not be allowed to use their phones as soon as they are in the mobile phone-free zone. This includes the space under the canopy, on the playground or in Study Club as all of these spaces are within the mobile phone-free zone. If a student needs to check their phone in Study Club to see when their parent is collecting them, they can ask permission from the Study Club Manager. A school computer can be used for all other tasks.
Well done to all students for their recognition of the importance of this policy and adhering to the rules this week.
Local Labour Markets
See below information about the labour market of local regions. This week we are focusing on Brentwood.
Key Dates
Monday 16th September at 5.30pm - AESA Parental Meeting
Tuesday 17th September at 6pm - Lower Sixth Settling in and Induction Evening for parents
22nd September to 16th November - Year 10 Long Term Exchange to Frankfurt
Thursday 26th September - school closes at 12.30pm
Thursday 26th September at 4.30pm - Anglo European School Open Evening
Friday 27th September - Non-Pupil Day
Monday 30th September - Year 11 individual photos
Tuesday 1st October - Year 11 Geography Fieldwork Visit
Tuesday 1st October - Year 11 Parents' Information Evening
Key Dates for Academic Year 2024-25
Please see this link for all key dates for each year group. https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.