Eagle Flyer
Soaring to New Heights in 2024-2025
August 1, 2024
Important Dates
August 5
First Day of School
August 16
PBIS Assembly & Parade 1pm
August 22
TAG Parent Teacher Meeting 5pm in Media Center
August 29
KDG & Grade 1 Parent Teacher Night 5:30pm
September 2
Labor Day - No School for Students
September 3
Teacher Work Day - No School for Students
September 4
District Professional Development Day - No School for Students
September 5
2nd & 3rd Grade Parent Teacher Night 5:30pm
September 10
Fall Picture Day
September 12
4th & 5th Grade Parent Teacher Night 5:30pm
School Policy Reminders
Morning Drop-Off - Daily drop-off begins at 7:10 AM. For the safety of our students, there are no drop-offs allowed in the parking lot. All car drop-offs must be made in the carpool area, or parents must park in a visitor’s or unspecified parking space and walk students to the front door. Please do not park in Handicap spots.
Arrival and Dismissal
Walkers At Dismissal - For student safety, adult supervision is required for students dismissed as walkers.
Bus riders - Bus assignments are based on the student’s home residence and may not be changed to accommodate after school play/visit plans.
Carpool Pickup - Please park in the pickup or dismissal area along the front curb. This allows for a safe and speedy carpool. Carpool students should be picked up by 2:45 PM.
Early check-out must occur before 2:00 PM.
Dismissal Change Policy- For the security of our students, all Dismissal Changes must be in writing and received by 10:00am. Changes may be faxed to 470-254-4557. No changes may be made by phone or e-mail.
PTA News
The River Eves PTA is excited to kick off the 2024-2025 school year!
- Click HERE to visit and create a free account. Once you complete the form you will receive an email with a link you need to click and verify within 2 hours. If you don’t receive it right away, check your Spam/Junk folders.
- Once your account is verified you can login. There is a “Quick Link” to Join on the home page. (Become a Member/ Families). For more information you can see the “Membership” page under “Our PTA”.
- The PTA website also has an app! Download “Membership Toolkit” from the App Store or Google Play. (After registering on the website, use your same login information on the app.)
- Does your employer offer corporate matching or an employee flex fund? River Eves PTA is a 501(c)(3) organization and you could double your donation! Click HERE for more information on corporate matching.
Follow us on Instagram: @riverevespta and Facebook: River Eves PTA
Contact us: riverevespta@gmail.com
River Eves Education Foundation (REEF)
Mark Your Calendars for Parent-Teacher Night
Thursday, August 22 at 5pm : TAG
Thursday, August 29 at 5:30pm : KDG and 1st Grade
Thursday, September 5 at 5:30pm : 2nd and 3rd Grade
Thursday, September 12 at 5:30pm : 4th and 5th Grade
* Pre-K Date Coming Soon!
Thank you for planning to attend! Please note that Parent Teacher Night is geared toward an adult audience. If you need to bring your child to the event, we will kindly request they stay in the media center with our amazing specials team. The option to stay in the media center will only be offered to current students at River Eves. Older or younger siblings will have to remain with parents and/or guardians. Thank you for understanding.
Georgia Early Literacy Legislation
Attention parents and guardians of students in grades 1 – 5. Recently, the state of Georgia has introduced new early literacy legislation aimed at improving reading skills among our young learners. We want to make sure you are fully informed about what this means for your child. Please see the attached document for more information.
Student Breakfast/Lunch Accounts
- Add money to a lunch account online at MyPaymentsPlus
As we prepare for the first day of school on Monday, August 5th, please check your child’s bus stop for any updates and/or changes. We ask that all parents check this information using the Here Comes the Bus app. If you do not have the app, instructions can be found on the Fulton County Schools website under the Transportation link. Be advised on Saturday and Sunday your child’s bus will not be visible on the app. Alternatively, you may also check the Transportation tab on the Parent Portal which will display your child’s bus information with pickup and drop times and stop location.
Family Handbook
Family Handbook
Code of Conduct
If you would like a paper copy of the Handbook, you or your student can pick one up in your school's front office.
Volunteering at River Eves
At River Eves Elementary School, volunteers are vital to the success of PTA programs and many school-based programs. Please consider giving your time by registering as a volunteer with Fulton County Schools.
To volunteer, you must complete the process at www.fultonschools.org/Volunteer
Once your registration is accepted, you will be cleared to volunteer for two years. Please note, after the initial registration is completed by you, it will take at least 48 hours to be approved. Additionally, the first time you visit the school to volunteer, we are required to scan your drivers license.
Student Accident Insurance
Annually, the Board of Education selects a private company to offer affordable group accident insurance to students. Details about the insurance are included in the attached document below. Any inquiries about the insurance can be directed to Fulton County’s Risk Management Department.
It is strongly recommended that parents consider this option since the school system does not provide any insurance coverage for students. Parents/Guardians of students involved in school activities are responsible for covering any medical expenses resulting from accidents or injuries to their child(ren).
District Calendar
Student and Staff Spotlight
At River Eves Elementary School, we believe in celebrating the achievements and positive contributions of our students and staff members. Whether it's a remarkable accomplishment, an act of kindness, or a demonstration of outstanding character, we want to hear about it!
We invite you to use the QR code below to shout out a student or staff member for a significant event or situation deserving recognition. This could include:
- Exceptional academic achievement
- Acts of kindness and compassion
- Demonstrations of leadership or perseverance
- Going above and beyond to help others
- Displaying outstanding character traits
Your words of appreciation and acknowledgment not only lift the spirits of the individual being recognized but also inspires others within our school community. By celebrating these moments, we foster a culture of positivity, encouragement, and support.
Please take a moment to fill out the form linked here and share your shout outs with us. Let's celebrate the wonderful accomplishments and contributions of our students and staff members together!
Fridays are Spirit Days!
Let's show our school spirit! Every Friday is Spirit Day! Students are welcome to wear school colors on Fridays and there are some awesome spirit wear options that can be purchased online. Just click on the following link! Go Eagles! MemberHub
Who Do I Contact for Questions/Concerns?
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. The first point of contact will always be your child's teacher.
- Allyson Hewett - Instructional Support Teachers (IST) – Ms. Hewett coordinates programs and service delivery for special education students, as well as the coordination of educational testing for students who are referred for special education services. Parents with questions about the special education process should contact the IST for information. hewettad@fultonschools.org; iveyj@fultonschools.org
- Laura Lavoie - Assistant Principal - Ms. Lavoie oversees student information, grading, standardized testing & discipline. lavoiel@fultonschools.org
- Kiara Exum - School Counselor - Ms. Exum works with school personnel to foster a positive learning environment for children. She assists parents in understanding children and in developing positive attitudes, techniques, and strategies essential for constructive child rearing. exumk@fultonschools.org
- Ginny Long - Curriculum Support Teacher (CST) Ms. Long supports parents with questions involving curriculum, class placement, and diagnostic placement assessments. Ms. Long also supports teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning in science and math. longg@fultonschools.org
- Stacy Storr – Student Support Team and 504 Chair – Ms. Storr leads the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) team in using the problem-solving model to identify appropriate interventions to ensure every learner has the opportunity to succeed. Ms. Storr also serves as the 504 chairperson. . storrSB@fultonschools.org
- Brittany Brewer – Humanities Coach – Ms. Brewer works with teachers to improve the quality of teaching and student learning in reading, language arts, and social studies. BrewerB3@fultonschools.org
- Ramona Fair – Data Clerk – Ms. Fair provides assistance and support in the maintenance structure and processing of data necessary to facilitate proper scheduling, updating, and monitoring of student records. She is responsible for ensuring attendance, scheduling, and student record data within infinite campus is accurate. She is also responsible for new registration and withdrawals. FairR1@fultonschools.org
- Kasey Vermilya – School Social Worker – Ms. Vermilya serves as the liaison between the school, home, and community to support attendance, social-emotional, and academic needs of students. She also conducts student/family assessments to determine barriers in accessing and engaging in the educational environment to help identify ways to best support students and families. vermilyak1@fultonschools.org
- If further assistance is still needed, contact the Principal, Susan Gowin. gowins@fultonschools.org