The Sabin Star
September 27rd, 2024 Volume #3 Issue #3
From the Principal
Thank you all for the amazing support for the Run for Sabin Fundraiser. There were a LOT of tired students and big smiles.
School Site Council Voting
School site council meets quarterly with administration to review and provide input for school goals, programs and plans. They help advise the principal on decision making, addressing community concerns and future plans. Please help us by voting on the council. You can cast your vote HERE
Reminders from the Office
Picture Day - October 1st
See the attached flyer for more information and a QR code.
¡Se acerca el día de la fotografía! Las fotografías de los estudiantes se tomarán en el auditorio la mañana del martes 1 de octubre. Busque el sobre de fotografía que se envió a casa con su estudiante o ¡haga su pedido por adelantado en línea! Los padres pueden realizar pedidos en línea en mydorian.com antes del día de la foto y hasta 4 días después. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más información y un código QR.
Sabin Sunday Clean-Up
Bikes and Scooters
Many of our students ride bikes and scooters to school, which is a healthy way to get where you need to go. However, if they are dropped at the racks without being locked up, they may be vulnerable to theft, or attractive playthings for curious students. When they cause a distraction, staff has to bring them inside to avoid injuries or arguments.
If your student rides a scooter, wheelboard, or bike to school, please make sure they are able to lock it up to protect it while they are in class. Thanks for keeping our kids safe.
Paperless Report Cards
New this year: all parent accounts have been automatically set up to receive paperless report cards!
This means that instead of receiving a paper report card, your student/s grades will be uploaded into Synergy so you can see them in ParentVue! You can print or send report cards as you wish.
If you do not use ParentVue regularly, and wish to "opt out" of receiving paperless report cards, please follow the attached procedures, or email hmaharry@pps.net to ask to be opted out. Be sure to include your name and your student's name so there is no confusion about identity. Thanks.
Building Access and Safety
It's a new year, and security services has sent out some safety reminders for staff and families
- You must ring the bell to enter any PPS school if you do not have a badge. Be prepared to state your name and reason for visit, and to show your ID to the camera before being buzzed in.
- Everyone must sign in at the main office once they enter the building. Sign in electronically at the Raptor kiosk to receive a sticker badge if you are a visitor or volunteer. Contractors sign in on the clipboard & keep your badge visible. No one is allowed to walk on or around campus during school hours without a PPS or district badge on their person.
- Volunteers with PPS must have a background check before volunteering. The PPS volunteer site is located here. Allow 5-10 days for processing; don't wait! Make sure you have your driver's license or state ID when you come to check in at the school; it will be scanned to create your profile.
Run for Sabin
The eighth annual RUN FOR SABIN SCHOOL is Friday, Sept. 27! This school-wide community “fun run” is Sabin’s largest fundraiser of the year, and our goal is to raise $30,000 to promote educational excellence and support the success of our Sabin Stars.
How does it work?
Students ask family and friends to sponsor their walk/run/roll at mybooster.com. Run for Sabin allows our school to tap into the generosity of family and friends near and far: aunts and uncles, grandparents, former roommates — even corporate matching. Every $5, $10, and $50 donation adds up! Fundraising is optional—this is a fun event that includes all students!
Please join us for a movie night!
Dear PPS staff, families, and students,
PPS is hosting a series of events that focus on Belonging, Equity & Inclusive Practices where we will screen powerful, award-winning documentaries that will stir, provoke, and challenge each of us about what is possible in the systems we create for our children with disabilities.
The first screening will be Forget Me Not on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00 PM at McDaniel High School.
Forget Me Not is a moving story about 3-year-old Emilio whose family finds itself embroiled in a challenge all too common for children with disabilities: that of securing the right to an inclusive education. Filmmaker Olivier and his wife, Hilda, turn the camera on themselves and their child as they navigate an often frustrating system on their way toward ensuring that their son gets the education he needs and deserves.
Staff, families, community members are all invited. We hope to see you there!
3rd through 5th grade Self-Release Permission
Any third through fifth grade student being released from Sabin after school must have a self-release permission on file. If you would like your 3rd through 5th grade student to be able to walk home without being picked up please complete THIS FORM.
From the Library
OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) is here!
OBOB builds friendships through cooperative team competitions that start in February.
OBOB encourages reading from a wide variety of books.
Even if your child is not 100% committed to joining a team, you can register them and we will help get them connected.
Teams will be forming in October.
Students always have a say in who they are on a team with BUT, in order to prevent hurt feelings from students who are not connected through families/neighbors, we ask that teams be formed here at school rather than through family/community connections. We want to connect ALL students who are interested in OBOB onto teams.
This is a student driven competition!
If your child is interested, please register them here. All students need to be registered to participate.
And. . . .while teams are forming. . . .they can be reading with families, with friends or on their own. OBOB book list. The student goal is 4-5 books before February (one per month).
It was great to see so many families at Open House! There is no higher honor that a student who wants to bring their family to the library!
Follow us on Instagram!
From Coach C in PE
Hello Sabin Community,
I am so excited to be joining this community as your new PE teacher. I look forward to getting to know all of our students and their families. Please feel free to stop by and say Hello or drop me an email if you have any questions or concerns :)
I am working on a "Hall of Fame" in the gym and would love to add photos of our students participating in their favorite physical activities outside of school. If you are able, email me or send a photo to add to the wall. sacox@pps.net
To start the year, we have been focused on learning PE routines, cooperation, and teamwork. We will head into a couple weeks of spatial awareness and invasion games then a unit on throwing and catching.
I hope to meet many of you at Back to School night!
Coach C
Walk and Roll to School Day
Wednesday, October 9th is International Walk and Roll to School Day. Walk to school with your family and friends or bring your wheels-- bikes, scooters, skates! (Don't forget to lock them up)
Meet up under the covered area for a little prize! If you aren't able to walk or roll, meetup at school to run a big lap in the grass field to earn a prize!
If you are able to help Coach C hand out prizes please email her at sacox@pps.net
Scholarships are available.
Soccer Benders is a local, black owned business serving our community
Community Care Day
Thank you to the Sabin families that helped beautify our garden and outdoor spaces for Community Care Day!
Dinner Table Questions
What makes you happy?
What is one way you were kind today?
If you had a super power what would it be and why?
Coming up...
10-7 Sun School begins
10-9 Latine Affinity Night 5:30-7:30pm
10-9 Latine Heritage Assembly
10-11 Teacher in-service NO SCHOOL
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net