Dragon Diary
May 10, 2024
Important Dates
10 - Kendra Scott Gives Back Event, New Date!
12 - Sarah Lacy Scholarship Application Deadline
13 -Calculus AB AP Exam @ 8am
Calculus BC AP Exam @ 8am
Italian Language & Culture AP Exam @ 12pm
Precalculus AP Exam @12pm
14 - Senior Picnic at Circle R Ranch
English Language and Composition AP Exam @ 8am
African American Studies AP Exam @ 12pm
Physics C: Mechanics AP Exam @ 12pm
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism AP Exam @ 2pm
15 - Senior Panoramic Picture at 9:30 am
French Language and Culture AP Exam @ 8am
World History: Modern AP Exam @ 8am
Computer Science Principles AP Exam @ 12pm
Music Theory AP Exam @ 12pm
16 -Spanish Language and Culture AP Exam @ 8am
Biology AP Exam @ 12pm
Japanese & Culture AP Exam @ 12pm
Celiac Strong Day
17 -German Language and Culture AP Exam @ 8am
Physics 1: Algebra Based AP Exam @ 8am
Latin AP Exam @ 12pm
Physics 2: Algebra Based AP Exam @ 12pm
18 - Prom at DFW Hyatt
20 - Block 1 Final Exam
Block 2 Final Exam
Block 3 Regular Class
Block 4 Regular Class
21 - Block 5 Final Exam
Block 6 Final Exam
Block 7 Regular Class
Block 8 Regular Class
22 - Block 3 Final Exam
Block 4 Final Exam
Early Release at Noon
Baccalaureate at White's Chapel
23 - Block 7 Final Exam
Block 8 Final Exam
Early Release at Noon
Last Day of School
24 - Teacher Work Day
Graduation Practice at 8 am
Graduation at 7:30 pm
Project Graduation 2024
Sarah Lacy Senior Scholarship - due by May 12
Attention Graduating seniors of the class of 2024 – A $2500 scholarship has been posted in Naviance! This scholarship was established in 2020, in memory of Sarah Lacy who was a member of the CSHS Class of 2020. Sarah was passionate, creative, artistic, intelligent, funny and genuinely kind. Her light shone brightest through her passions of theatre, music, art, academics, family, faith and friends.
The scholarship will be awarded to a 2024 graduating senior who shares her passion for performing and fine arts as well as being academically accomplished and authentically kind. The deadline is Sunday, May 12, 2024.
Date Changed to Friday, May 10th
Medication Pick-Up
This message is regarding the medication(s) kept in the Nursing Clinic at Carroll High School/Carroll Senior High School this 2023-24 school year, including prescriptions and over the counter medications.
· Please pick up all medications before noon on May 23, 2024.
· No appointments necessary.
· Medications that are not controlled may be picked up by your student if you call or email us to confirm that plan.
· We kindly request if you will not be picking up your student’s medications to call or email us to confirm that plan.
· Any and all medications not picked up will be destroyed on May 23, 2024 in the afternoon.
· No medications can be “held over” for the next school year.
Wishing you a fun and healthy summer,
Carroll High School Nurse
Clinic phone (817) 949-5610
Fax (817) 949-5656
Carroll Senior High School Nurse
Clinic Phone (817) 949-5810
Fax (817) 949-5858
CHS Middle Grade Book Preview
The high school library has received about 43 new middle grade books. If you would like to preview them, feel free to stop by the library between 8:00 – 3:00 until May 22nd.
Remember you will have to check in at the Front Office and show your license upon arrival.
Margo Rudder, MLS
Carroll High School
(817) 949-5614
Library Books
All library books are now due. Please return any library items you have out before the last day of school.
Overdue notices will be sent by email. If you have lost a book, respond to the email and a link will be sent so you can pay for it online.
Books that belong to other campuses, can be returned to the high school.
Have a wonderful summer!
Ms. Rudder
Summer VOE's
A Verification of Enrollment is required for students getting a permit or license. If your student will be getting their permit or license over the summer they will need to get a VOE during the last week of school. VOE's dated during the last week of school will be valid during summer break until the first week of school in August. All other VOE's are only good for 30 days.
There is a sign-up sheet in the CHS front office.
Juniors and seniors need to obtain their VOE from the Senior High AP Office.
Summer VOE's must be picked-up by noon on May 23rd.
Project Graduation 2024
We are offering our graduating seniors a fun and safe option in celebrating their momentous night!
Project Graduation 2024 will be held at Pinstack in Las Colinas on Friday, May 24th. This is a lock-in event held from 11 pm to 5 am. Seniors will enjoy a fun night filled with a variety of activities, including: snacks, dinner, & breakfast, a DJ, bowling, arcade games, laser tag, cash cube, various sketchers, a casino and loads of opportunities to win prizes. Be sure to book your ticket now and take advantage of the early bird ticket price!"
Wufoo link to buy tickets for the event
Freshman, Sophomore and Junior parents please sign up to chaperone this event.
Volunteer Sign Up for the event
Project Graduation Facebook page - for questions https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556686719303
Celiac Strong
Celiac Strong Day is celebrated internationally by wearing the color blue to foster a sense of unity among those with this incurable disease.
I encourage you to join this event by wearing blue on May 16, 2024.
Commuting Between Campuses
Students must commute between campuses (CHS/CSHS) via the district provided shuttle bus. The only exception is when a student begins or ends their day on a campus that is not their home campus, they may commute in their personal vehicle only for first or last block.
Transporting other students in their vehicles is prohibited.
Closed Campus
CSHS and CHS are closed campuses and students may not leave campus during lunch.
Food Delivery Services
Remember to bring your ID as we require all visitors to show their drivers license at the front door camera before entrance into the school
Vaping Discipline Process
HB 114 requires mandatory DAEP placement for any student who possesses, uses, sells, gives, or delivers to another person any component of an e-cigarette, also known as vapes, on or within 300 feet of school property or while attending a school sponsored activity.
Operation #SAFEdragon
The goals of the #SAFEdragon program are to improve safety and security within Carroll ISD and promote emergency preparedness among students and staff.
Students should never open the doors for anyone, not even friends. Be a #SAFEdragon!
Student ID Badges
All students must wear their ID Badge daily for security and entrance into the buildings as the outside doors are locked and not open for entrance without your ID Badge.
ID Badges will also be used in the cafeteria to purchase food and beverages and in the library.
- ALL students are required to wear their ID Badges on their person at all times and be visible during the school day.
- Replacement ID Badges must be purchased for $10 in the CHS AP Office or the CSHS Library.
Campus Visitors
Visitors entering and exiting from the front entrance is to ensure the safety for our campuses. We have asked all staff to not open any side or back doors, as everyone needs to enter the front doors.
We will also require all visitors to show their drivers license at the front door camera before entrance into the school. Be prepared to show your ID every time you visit a CISD school, even if pre-registered.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to make our campus as safe as possible for your children.
CHS Attendance
A parent/guardian must contact CHS attendance (CHSAttendance@southlakecarroll.edu or 817-949-5609) any day (or duration) that their student will not be in school. If the absence is due to a medical appointment, religious observance, court appearance or day-of driver’s permit/license, please provide the written excuse/documentation.
All Student Arrivals
9th & 10th grade students must enter classrooms by 8:00am. Students must sign in at the attendance office if they arrive any time after 8:00am – even if it is during a passing period or lunchtime - to receive a pass. If a student arrives less than 20 minutes late for any block – they receive a tardy. If arrival is greater than 20 minutes, the student is absent for the entire block (per TEA code). In this case, CHS needs a parent/guardian note or phone call, or excusable appointment documentation. If we do not receive notice, the student will be unexcused for the block. Accruing unexcused absences leads to truancy tracking per the TEA Code.
Freshman Departures
9th grade students. Parents/guardians of 9th graders must physically sign their student out at the attendance office for early dismissal. This applies at both our High School and Senior High School. If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up the student, that person must be on the emergency contact list in Family Access. If they are not, please provide their name and CHS will copy their driver’s license before we release the student.
Sophomore Departures
10th grade students. Many sophomores drive, therefore their departure procedure is different from freshmen. With written parent/guardian notice only, 10th graders may sign themselves out for early dismissal. Please follow these guidelines.
~ A parent/guardian writes a hard-copy note (no email or phone call) that includes:
~ Name of student (first and last)
~ Date of departure
~ Time of dismissal
~ Signature of parent/guardian signature
~ Phone of parent/guardian
In the morning, the student brings the hard-copy, parent/guardian note to the attendance office in exchange for an early dismissal slip. At the approved time, the student shows the dismissal slip to their teacher and walks down to the attendance office to sign out.
Kathleen Carrabine
Carroll High School
Office: 817-949-5609
Fax: 817-949-5656
CSHS Attendance
CSHS Absent/Early Dismissal Procedures
If your student will be late to school or absent all day, please email at your earliest convenience so that we can mark them tardy/absent and avoid sending out an email/text notification that your student is not at school.
Juniors: Carrie.sanders@southlakecarroll.edu 817-949-5801
Senior: julie.zamora@southlakecarroll.edu 817-949-5802
Each year, many students (and parents) assume that because they are 18 years old, they can sign themselves out. For liability reasons, each student (no matter their age) must have parent permission before we can allow them to sign out and leave campus during the school day.
If your student needs to be dismissed early, please send an email indicating the time your student needs to be dismissed. Your student can stop by the office and pick up their slip before school or during their passing period. You may also send a note with them that morning. The slip will allow them to leave class at the designated time. We are not allowed to call into a classroom to dismiss a student unless it is a true emergency. This prevents disrupting the entire class with a phone call from the office in the event the students are testing. Teachers have been informed not to accept texts or handwritten notes from the student – all dismissals must go through the attendance office.
College Visits - Students are allowed 2 (two) excused days of absence, per semester to visit a college campus. Students will need to stop by the attendance office before the visit to sign our calendar and pick up a College Visit Form to be completed by the University while they are on campus. A college representative must sign and date the form and it must have either a school seal or stamp in order to be an excused visit. Parents must also sign the form before it is turned into the attendance office.
Students will receive an absence if they miss more than 20 minutes of a class.
CHS/CSHS Parking Policy
Vehicles parked in CHS/CSHS designated student parking lots are under the jurisdiction of CHS/CSHS and must display a valid parking permit.
Any vehicle parked on CHS/CSHS property must have a permit adhered to the PASSENGER side windshield. Permits taped, placed on dashboard, or displayed in any other manner are subject to warnings followed by vehicle immobilization (boot).
Freshman, regardless of age, are prohibited from parking on either campus. Sharing or copying permits is also prohibited.
Parking permit fees are listed below:
● General Parking Permit for 2 semesters (full year) $150.00 ($50.00 per permit for additional vehicles)
● General Parking Permit for 2nd semester only (half year) $75.00
● Reserved Parking Permit (Seniors Only) (full year) $250.00 ($50 refundable if space reset at end of year)
The link to purchase can be found in your student's Skyward account.
*Replacement of lost or damaged parking permits will incur a $30.00 replacement fee.
Parking permits will NOT be sold or issued with incomplete paperwork. The parking information sheet must have all information completed and it must have both parent/guardian and student signatures (even if the student is 18). We must have accurate information for each parking permit sold.
The submission of fraudulent or incorrect vehicle identification information or the use of fraudulent parking permits may result in the loss of parking privileges. Students must commute between CHS/CSHS via the district provided shuttle bus. The only exception is when a student begins or ends their day on a campus that is not their home campus, they may commute in their personal vehicle only for the first or last block. Students are not allowed to be in their vehicles during instruction time, passing periods, lunch, or off blocks.
Any student parked in a handicapped parking space (without a handicapped permit), faculty lot, visitor’s lot, striped area, fire lane, or other unauthorized areas will be subject to having his/her vehicle ticketed, immobilized (booted) or towed at owner’s expense, loss of parking privileges, and/or disciplinary actions. This includes parking in the numbered/reserved spaces which have been reserved by seniors.
The progression of disciplinary action is as follows:
● 1st Offense: Violation sticker with explanation of violation and AP involvement.
● 2nd Offense: Vehicle immobilized (booted), AP involvement, and a $30.00 boot removal fee. Additional disciplinary action for subsequent offenses.
If a student’s vehicle is immobilized because the student has not purchased a parking permit, the boot will not be removed until a permit is purchased (if the student is eligible) and the removal fee is paid. Boots will be removed after the fee(s) are paid, and a member of Security and an AP are available. Vehicles that create safety or access problems may be towed, without warning, at the owner's expense.
Please feel free to contact the Assistant Principal’s office at 817-949-5626 (CHS) OR 817-949-5803 (CSHS) with any questions.
CHS Student Parking Map
Item Drop Off
There is a table at the front entrance of both CHS and CSHS where students can collect all items dropped off by parents.
Please make sure any item dropped off is labeled with their name and your student knows to collect them. Please note that your student may not leave the building to collect items from your vehicle, these must be brought into the building and dropped off.