Hilltop News
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Dear Hilltop Families,
We hope you are enjoying your last month of summer. At Hilltop we spend a great deal of time in August preparing for our students to enter the building. We are excited and ready to greet all of you during Open House on Wednesday, August 28 from 4:00-7:00 pm. Similar to the past few years, you will receive a sign up genius from your child's homeroom teacher to schedule this time. Prior to open house, we will ask that you complete all of your back to school forms online through Skyward Family Access. Email will be our primary form of communication throughout the school year. Please check your Skyward Family Access account to make sure your email address is current to receive these updates.
Important Back to School Dates:
Kindergarten Conferences: Small group Kindergarten Conferences will be held during the week of August 19. You will receive a sign up for this conference from your child's Kindergarten homeroom teacher on Friday, August 16. Just a reminder to return all Immunization Forms (Kindergarten) or exemptions forms prior to the first day of school. You may have your child's clinic fax the information directly to the school (952-491-8503 fax number) or they can email it to Mrs. Kraay (kraayd@westonka.k12.mn.us).
Kindergarten Bus Ride: Families of Kindergarten students should have received an email from transportation letting them know that Kindergarten students and parents can participate in a practice bus ride to and from school. The bus stop times will be located in Skyward under the "Bus" button on the left hand side menu bar. This will be available to view on August 21. Please note the bus number and the AM pick up time. You will ride the bus to school and immediately return home. Students using the transfer bus will have an opportunity to see the process at OLL. To register for the bus ride along, complete the 2024-2025 Kindergarten and Parent Ride Along form.
Class Placement Info: Kindergarten teachers will send an email to families with information regarding class placements, which will include a time to sign up for Kindergarten conferences. All other class lists will be available through Skyward Family Access on or before Friday, August 23 for 1-4th grade. Click on the "Schedule" button on the left hand side menu bar to find this information.
Open House: Open House is scheduled on Wednesday, August 28 from 4-7 pm. Your child's homeroom teacher will send out a sign up for this on or before Friday, August 23.
First Day of School: The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3. Just a reminder that our start time is 9:00 am and release time is 3:40 pm. On the first day of school please plan to be patient with drop off and pick up. We highly recommend coming to take your "first day of school photos" the weekend before when it is calm and easy to get it done. We don't allow families in the building to walk students to classrooms. We have several adults to help guide students to their classrooms. Parking is limited on the first day, so plan accordingly. Many parents ask if they can have their child ride the bus the first day and meet them at school. Yes, this is totally fine. Meet them at school, take your pictures, and assist to get them to the front door. After the first day, please pick up with your regular routine.
Octoberfest: SAVE THE DATE FOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm. The school carnival, food and fun are back! This is our largest fundraiser and we will need many people to help support the cause, along with some great kids ready to have a good time during the carnival. More details are set to come your way!
Book Vending Machine Donations: You may have noticed a pretty cool vending machine at the front of our building by the school office. The book vending machine has been bringing joy of free books to students over the last three years. We want to keep it going! Please consider donating to the Scholastic Book Vending Machine Campaign or fulfill the Book Vending Amazon Wishlist this year. Your donation is greatly appreciated!
Hilltop Calendar Overview: Want a quick overview of the important dates throughout the year, check out the Hilltop Calendar.
Back to School Information to Prepare for Open House on Wednesday, August 28 (by appointment between 4-7 pm):
- Please complete the Back to School Forms online prior to open house. You can use the Back to School Forms Guide to assist you in completing the forms. The forms can be completed in steps, as they will take some time to complete. If you are using the Skyward App on your phone, please choose the "Open in Browser" option to complete the forms. The forms are easiest to complete from a computer, but a phone works as well. Only the primary family listed in Skyward can complete the Back to School Forms. Thanks for getting this completed prior to open house.
- As part of the Back to School Forms you will be asked to review the Family Handbook. Please do so prior to signing off on the Acknowledgement Form.
- As part of the Back to School Forms you will be asked to pay School Fees. This year's school fees will include school supplies, yearbook, field trips and environmental education. The total fee per student will be $110. There are also optional fees listed in the case you would like to donate to school to assist with scholarships and supporting school activities throughout the year. Please pay these fees in Skyward Family Access prior to open house. You may pay them as part of completing your back to school forms or follow the School Fees Payment Steps to do it separately.
- Scholarship Information: Families needing additional assistance with school fees or Wolf Ridge payment need to complete the following form: Scholarship Application Form. There are limited dollars in our scholarship fund, so please complete the form as soon as possible so that we may distribute the funds.
- School Photos: Plan to have your child's school picture taken if the line allows. Be ready for back to school pictures by ordering through myliftouch.com and enter code EVTM2XPC9
- School Supplies: Just a reminder that this year we will be providing school supplies to students (we do the shopping for you!) You will pay for these supplies through your school fees (information listed above). The only supplies you will need will be PE shoes and a backpack.
Important Information for the 2024-2025 School Year:
- School Hours 9:00 am- 3:40 pm: School doors open at 8:50 am. Prior to that, please have students wait in your vehicle or at home. Buses arrive to Hilltop at 8:50 am. We have no supervision before this time and we want our students to be safe with an adult at all times.
- Start of Day Routines Students will go directly to their classrooms. Drop off doors will open at 8:50 am. For families dropping off, please look for a sandwich board sign that says STOP and GO. If the sign says STOP, please remain in your car and when it says GO students can exit and make their way into their classrooms. All students may enter in Door 15S.
- End of Day Routine: Please make sure you have your pick up cards displayed in the front window of your car with your child's name. Pick up cards will be handed out at Open House. If your family had end of the day changes, please contact Mrs. Ottenbreit (htattendance@277apps.org) prior to 3 pm each day.
Additional Back to School Information:
Adventure Club
Adventure Club pick up and drop off will be located at Door 12E (near the Early Learning Center) beginning the first day of school. Adventure Club drop off begins at 6:30 am. Pick up is available until 6:00 pm. All students arriving to Hilltop prior to 8:50 am must utilize the Adventure Club program. Please DO NOT drop your child off prior to then at the main entrance as they will not be supervised and you will be called to return to school to supervise them. You may contact Michelle Baier (baierm@westonka.k12.mn.us) with Adventure Club to check for availability.
ADSIS (Academic and Behavior Supports)
It is important that we provide assistance to strengthen the skills of all our students. Hilltop Primary School provides ADSIS (Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services) in a small group setting for reading, math and behavior intervention supports. These programs require parent/guardian permission. Your signature allows us to support students in these areas. All parent/guardians will be contacted prior to any student receiving these support programs. Please see the Acknowledgement Form to sign off for your child to receive these supports.
At-a-glance Calendar
Many of our events are considered tentative at this time, but feel free to add items to your calendar and know they will need to be flexible. Check out the At-a-glance calendar on the website.
It is important that all students attend school each day. Please call the attendance line at 952-491-8505, email htattendance@277apps.org, or log into Skyward Attendance before 8:40 am if your child will be absent. It is your responsibility to let us know if you child will be absent or late. If we do not receive a phone call, you will receive an automated message reporting your child’s absence. You may also complete an absence through Family Access. For students choosing distance learning during the school year, there will be a daily attendance policy as well. A summary of the district policy can be seen in the Quick Links of the Hilltop webpage.
Classroom Placement
You will be able to view your child’s assigned teacher on the Family Access online system on or before Friday, August 23 (1-4th grade) and Friday, August 19 (Kindergarten). Log into Skyward Family Access, on the left hand side and click “Schedule”. You will then see your child’s teacher for the year.
Please remember that the teachers and the administration work hard on student placement. Classes are balanced by many different factors. Please give the teachers and students time to transition into their next grade level. Teacher changes will not be made as many factors are taken into consideration before students are placed into the classrooms.
Conference Sign-up
Fall conference sign-up will be completed through a sign up that will be emailed to you. See the Hilltop Calendar for conference dates.
Emergency Contact Form
Please complete this information in Skyward Family Access as part of Back to School Forms.
Family Access User Information (Skyward Family Access)
Family Access is our online system that we use for a Student Information System. It is important that all parents login to this system and update phone numbers, e-mail addresses, emergency information, and other important information. Report cards, student fees, and classroom teacher assignments are part of this system. At the end of each term, report cards are posted to the system.
All families will receive a reminder email (or initial email for new families) with information on how to access your username and password into the Family Access system. It is important to write your username and password down and keep it into a secure area for your immediate access. If you have more than one student in the Westonka School system, all students will be accessed through the same system.
Please make sure that all information is updated before the beginning of the school year.
Family Handbook
The Family Handbook will be provided on the school website. Please see the Acknowledgement Form in Skyward to check off that you have completely read the handbook. Please specifically note the attendance policy, as there is often questions about absences, doctor’s notes and unexcused absences and tardy slips. Please complete all forms prior to Open House.
Food Service (Westonka Foodies)
Our school offers healthy meals each day. All students can get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school.
§ HT students will hand a lunch card off to the cashier as they go through a cashier line during lunch. At breakfast, cashiers will use a checklist.
§ A la Carte items are offered for sale at each school. Customers must have money in their account to cover the full cost of each item in order to purchase.
§ Breakfast must include a fruit or juice or entree alone will cost $2.00.
§ Lunch must include a fruit or vegetable or entree alone will cost $4.00.
§ Kids that bring a bagged lunch from home or students wishing to purchase a 2nd milk will be charged $0.60. Milk is not free without the selection of a meal.
§ Students in PK – 1st grade are not sold a la carte items with the exception of a milk with a bag lunch.
§ Second/Adult lunch price will be established by the federal government in July and prices will be posted on the food service website.
§ Meal account checks should be payable to: ISD #277.
Westonka Foodies uses LINQCONNECT.COM for online payments, tracking student purchases, setting limits, etc. We encourage each household to register on LINQ Connect.
School menus are posted online at www.westonkafoodies.com along with other important nutrition information.
If you have any questions about the school meals program, please contact Westonka Foodies:
Laura Metzger, Director of Food & Nutrition (952) 292-0775 metzgerl@westonka.k12.mn.us
Deb Bailey, Administrative Assistant (952) 491-8088 baileyd@westonka.k12.mn.us
Hilltop Primary School Lunch Times:
First Grade: 11:00-11:20
Second Grade:12:40-1:00
Third Grade: 11:25-11:45
Fourth Grade: 12:15-12:30
Hilltop Website
The school district has a new website! Please check out the website and choose Hilltop under “select a school.” The Hilltop Website has information that is important for families. You can access the Hilltop Website at https://www.westonka.k12.mn.us/Domain/8
Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up
All parents dropping off must enter the parking lot at the first entrance. The second entrance is designated for bus drop off/pick up only. Please pull into the lot loop all the way to the sign “please pull forward to here.” Please make sure you give your hugs and kisses prior to drop off to keep the line moving. Students can be dropped off starting at 8:50 am. Also, please look for the STOP and GO signs to know when you are able to get out of the car.
Each family will receive one “pick up sign” that is to be placed in the window of your vehicle at pick up time. Your child’s name will be called and they will exit the building. Please have your child work on opening and closing the door, as well as buckling up on their own to keep our line moving.
New Students
We love welcoming new students to Hilltop Primary School. Along with all of our new Kindergarten students we have many new students in grades 1-4. We will conduct New Student Welcome Groups at the start of the school year. Please let Mr. Moch know (mochm@westonka.k12.mn.us) if for some reason you don’t want your new student to attend the welcome group meeting times.
Open House
Wednesday, August 28• 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Open House Night is for all students in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 4. Please see the sign up email that will be sent to you from your child's teacher for your open house time slot.
School Messenger E-mails – Hilltop News
Hilltop Primary also uses an online e-mail system for updates on the school, the school year, and special events. The e-mail addresses used are from the Family Access system (so, please make sure that you update this information). The system will use the first two e-mails listed on Family Access when it sends out the information. The e-mail system also is valuable if Westonka has a late start for school or closing school early. It is our emergency contact system – so, please make sure you update all phone numbers into the system.
If your e-mail or phone number changes during the course of the year, please update the Family Access system. Our phone and e-mail system notices the updates and makes the changes automatically.
Staff Meals and Special Luncheons
Hello Hilltop Families! Each year, as Hilltop families, you have an opportunity to say thank you to the staff for all the time they take with our children to provide them a great education, in a safe and fun environment. There are a variety of meals for the staff (Welcome Back Breakfast, Conference Nights, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Para Appreciation Week) and various grade levels are assigned to each meal. An e-mail is sent to the grade level(s) in charge, so please sign up to bring items or donate funds.-- Your PTA Board!
Student Fee Payment
Family Access is our online payment system. When you log into Family Access, you will see a link to pay your child’s fees. All students are required to pay a technology fee, Environmental Education fee, field trip admission and busing fee, and yearbook fee. The fees are put into a lump sum for the parents to pay through the Family Access System.
Wolf Ridge fees will be noted in the system for fourth grade students with their remaining balance for the trip. This is an optional fee to pay at this time. The fee will be adjusted as fundraising is complete for each student.
Please go to the Hilltop website, click on “Family Access” and log into your account.
Student Pictures
School pictures will be offered at Open House from 4:00-7:00 pm on Wednesday, August 28. If you are not able to make it to Open House, pictures will be offered again on Wednesday, September 25 during the school day. You can order through myliftouch.com and enter code EVTM2XPC9.
Volunteers and Visitors
This year we will be limiting volunteers and visitors to school once again. We will send out requests for "essential volunteers" to be in the building. There will be no visitors to the classrooms or lunch once again this school year. ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST COMPLETE A BACKGROUND CHECK. Background checks can be completed through Skyward for each individual family member.
Wellness School
Hilltop Primary School is a Wellness School. This means that we value nutritious snacks. Students are asked to bring a snack to school every day. The snack should include fresh fruit, yogurt, pretzels, or any other healthy food.
Families are not expected to bring in something to share with students in the classroom on the day of the birthday. If a parent or guardian chooses to send something with their child to celebrate the birthday, it needs to be a non-food item. Teachers will not hand out food items on the birthday. Food items will be sent home with the child that brought it to school.
A library book may be purchased for the child’s birthday. The child then can announce their library book over the morning announcements. The book is donated to the library and has a book plate in it with the child’s name.
Birthday Invitations
Please do not send birthday invitations to school. Handing them out in class causes many hurt feelings. Thanks and we appreciate your help in this matter.
Wolf Ridge
When your child is in Grade 4, he/she will attend a weeklong trip to Wolf Ridge in Finland, Minnesota during the month of May.
It takes $450 per child to attend Wolf Ridge. Students start fundraising for the trip in Kindergarten and each child has their own account that pays for the trip. We ask that each child pays $90 per year.
Our Read-a-thon is our Wolf Ridge fundraiser. This fundraiser allows students to collect pledges from friends, families and neighbors while doing something great, reading! 94-100% of profits go directly to the individual student accounts. Our fundraiser takes place in February.
Thank you to all of you who are helping us to navigate this new school year. It will be filled with many unique memories. Have a great week! We will see you soon.
Mr. Moch
Hilltop Primary School Principal
This Week's Peachjar Flyers
Upcoming Events
Thursday, August 22: Kindergarten Small Group Conferences (12-4 pm)
August 26-29: Teacher/Staff Workshop Week
Wednesday, August 28: Open House (4-7 pm)
Monday, September 2: Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3: First Day of School
September 9-20: FAST Reading and Math Assessments Grades K-4
Saturday, October 12: Octoberfest (11 am- 3pm)
Useful Links @ Hilltop Primary
Hilltop Parent Resource Page: Find information on all things Hilltop
Volunteer Background Check Form: Background checks are required for all volunteers
Skyward Family Access: Check report cards, lunch balances and contact/health information
Family Choice Day Request Form: Complete the form to inform the school of an upcoming vacation or family choice day for your child