The Delevan Digest
October 2024

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Delevan Families,
We have had a great first month welcoming back all of our students. Seeing classrooms filled with happy students who are excited to be back and see their teachers and friends is the best part about education. We have had a busy couple of weeks here at Delevan. Kevin McCarthy came and provided us with a dance party/concert to instill in our students good habits to start the new school year. We also had our fall benchmarking for students to establish baseline data on where our students are currently at academically so that we can chart their success as we move through the school year.
Coming up in October every Wednesday is wear orange to show that Delevan is against bullying. We have fire prevention day on 10/10, and a glow dance party on 10/11. We also have our book fair in the library from 10/11 - 10/18.
Wishing you and your families the best!
Mr. Jansma
Upcoming Dates:
- Every Wednesday in October will be "Wear Orange for Delevan Against Bullying"
- October 7th-11th: Spirit Week (see below for details)
- October 11th: In School Glow Dance sponsored by HSA
- October 14th: Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day-NO SCHOOL
- October 15th-18th:In School Book Fair
- October 18th: HSA Spooktacular Night 5-7pm
- October 31st: HALLOWEEN Parade (time TBD)
Homecoming Spirit Week!
HSA Donut Fundraiser
A message from the HSA:
Dear Delevan Families,
We are excited to announce an upcoming Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser that promises to be both delicious and impactful! Our goal is to raise funds to support the Delevan HSA, and we believe this fundraiser will be a fantastic way to achieve that while bringing our community together.
The fundraiser will run from September 20th to October 17th. During this period, students will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts by the dozen. A portion of the proceeds will directly benefit our school. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a tasty treat while supporting our students.
We encourage you to participate by helping your child sell donuts to friends, family, and neighbors. Additionally, you may consider purchasing a dozen (or more!) for yourself. All orders and payments should be returned to school by October 17th. The donuts will be available for pickup on Monday October 28th from 4-6pm in the auditorium.
Thank you for your continuous support and dedication to our school community. Together, we can make this fundraiser a sweet success!
Please reach out to Ms. Tingue with any questions at 716-492-9460.
Order Forms will come home Thursday 9/19!!
Edit:The coffee is not per dozen, it’s per bag!
Fourth Grade Field Trip to the Lockport Locks
Butterfly Release with Mrs. Wagner's Class
Kick Off The School Year Assembly with Kevin McCarthy!
🐾 Pioneer's Littlest Football Players & Cheerleaders 🐾
Free/Reduced Lunch
Pioneer Central School District is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program this school year. CEP is a federal program that allows eligible schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. Every Pioneer student receives one free breakfast and one free lunch every school day. Nothing about the meals themselves has changed, and they all still meet the same nutritional standards they always have.
We will continue to collect the Education Benefits Form (formally meal application form) from families because this data is used to qualify the district for many forms of funding our schools. These funds help the district provide specialized services and school supplies directly to students that support ALL children in our schools. Forms can be filled out online at the link below or paper copy (available at the greeters desk). Information for families is included in the return to learn student folders.
Please contact Heidi Miles at hmiles@pioneerschools.org with any questions.
4 Quick Links for Busy Parents
👑 DIY Costumes for when you've left it till the last minute...
🕷 Fun crafts with stuff you really do have around the house
🍪 A quick and easy recipe for green monster sprinkle cookies
🎶 A clean, fun Halloween-themed playlist