Robins K-8
November Newsletter
Principal Corner
Hello Families of Robins K-8 students,
We are in the last month of autumn! It is a very quick month of school as we have three days in which there will be no school, they are November 11th for Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Break on November 28th and 29th .
We have received our state letter grade for our academic performance last school year, and we have received a "C". We are not satisfied with a "C", we know that together, we all can achieve at a higher level to improve our grade. Therefore, we are asking our parents/guardians to continue to support our students, through ensuring that your child is at school daily, on time and ready to learn. We ask that you continue to provide space and dedicated time at home for your child to engage in daily homework and our online intervention program called iReady for math and reading. Please keep open communication with your teacher on the status of your child's' academic progress. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! We were just 1.34 points away from a "B" and so our focus is to regain that "B" back for this school year at the very least. If you have questions and/or want to provide resources (volunteers to read with students, after school tutors) to help our students, please do not hesitate to reach out to me in person, email or phone call. Collectively, the Robins PreK-8 staff is working to ensure that all our students have access as we work together to close the opportunity gaps to increase student individual performance and our overall school academic performance.
A special “Thank YOU” to our veterans for your service for our country and communities! We have several upcoming activities and events this month. Did you know that November is National American Indian Heritage Month? Our school will be celebrating and learning about this culture during the month of November. We will also begin by including land acknowledgements during our Monday morning announcements.
Our teachers will continue featuring this culture all month long just as we have done with our other cultural celebrations (Hispanic Heritage Month, Italian American Heritage Month, and Filipino American Heritage Month). November is a short and quick month, but ACTION packed, so please check our website for any updates and changes so that you do not miss a thing!
Lastly, we will be acknowledging two additional days in November. November 13th as Kindness Day and November 14th for Ruby Bridges Walk to School National day (see info below! Please do not forget to join us for our STEAM Night (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) on November 21st from 5:00 -6:30 pm.
We will highlight our Robins K-8 inventors and their inventions during this event. It will be packed with family fun and engaging learning for the entire family alongside our community partners and PTO.
Please check out our updated school website! Our district media team came out and took video to promote our school. Robbie the Roadrunner is featured!
The store is open from November 11th - 22nd. Socks are $16 each.
Buy your Robins K-8 Socks online. Follow the link below!
November 18th Bring your Prototype/Invention to be displayed.
PTO Corner
Welcome to fall Robins Families! Here is what we have going on for PTO!
-We will have our November PTO meeting on the 4th at 5pm in the school library (kids are always welcome!).
-November 15th is Hobby Night from 5-6:30! If you, a family member or someone you know would like to share a hobby with others we would love to have you there!
-Just a heads up we have a Kids Makers Market Fair December 6th. If your child has items they make and would like to sell at the market or if you have more questions please reach out to us!
-Trunk or Treat was a great success! Thank you so much to all who participated and those who came to trunk or treat! Never too early to start planning your trunk for next year!
-As always we could always use donations for the Woot Wagon (snacks for teachers) and volunteers are always so appreciated! Feel free to reach out to us for more info or to come meet other parents and school staff!
Dean of Students Corner
Robins K-8 students are making great choices on campus ! After school opportunities continue to grow with the Gardening Club, Folklorico, Guitar, K-1 Soccer and other choices as well as middle school extracurriculars including Boys Volleyball and Co-Ed Flag Football.
Roadrunners Rock coupons are given by the K-5 teachers and PBIS points in the middle school classrooms. Middle school students have the opportunity to spend these points on various items including mechanical pencils, books and lunch rewards with Principal Thomas or myself.
Robins K-8 students are also following school and district expectations in regard to general behaviors.
Continue to encourage your Robins K-8 student to Be Kind and follow the three tenets of
Robins K - 8:
- Be Safe
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Thank You for All You Do !!
Hello Roadrunner Families,
Announcements from the Counseling Department:
Small groups will be finishing up this week. The next round of small groups will be starting at the beginning of November. There is a wait list for most groups, but some of the grade levels did not have enough students to fill the group. If you would like your student to participate, please let Ms. Walters know as soon as possible. You can email me if you did not fill out a permission slip at the beginning of the year. You will be notified at the beginning of November if your child will be participating in the next round. Groups are:
Stress Busters: All Grades
Leadership & Self-Esteem: 3rd -5th only
Changing Families: 2nd -8th
Grief: 2nd -8th
In the coming weeks, National Junior Honor Society will be inviting grade eligible 7th and 8th grade students to apply for membership. Students must have at least a 3.50 gpa.
National Junior Honor Society will be completing their group community service project in November at Interfaith Community Services. They will be distributing food and organizing donations. This is in addition to the 40 hours that must be completed individually. We are proud of how of NJHS students are giving back to the community in important ways.
Robins K-8 participated in the school-wide bully prevention assembly and Unity Day in October. Together, we are going to stomp-out bullying on our campus.
If you need counseling services for your student under 13 years of age, your school counselor can refer you to the Talk It Out program through TUSD and University of Arizona. You can also refer your student directly by going onto the TUSD website and clicking on the Promoting Mental Health tab.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rachael Walters, Counselor, at 520.908.4322 or by email at Rachael.Walters@tusd1.org.
Student Success Specialist Corner
Happy November!
PTO wants to support YOU, the parent/guardian, in getting your student to school!
Starting Nov. 1st, if your student is here every day for the whole month, you will have a chance to win a gift card!
Please remember we want ALL students to Be Here, On Time, Everyday!
Our annual Family Engagement Survey is ready and open to you! We are trying to get 100% participation in this survey! This survey is anonymous, and it provides you with an opportunity to provide feedback, ideas, and concerns you have for our school.
Click this link for the survey or scan the QR code!
Remind your students to stay on top of weekly and daily assignments/homework. Missing assignments and late homework can pile up toward the end of the quarter which can lead to your student becoming overwhelmed. Reach out to me if I can help support your student with organization or missing assignments.
Lastly, check out the October newsletter for TUSD Family Resource Centers. They have lots of classes, resources, and support available to you!
As always, reach out to me if your student needs support and I will help them out.
❤️ Mrs. Sheava Craig
Jones Curriculum
Please join us for STEAM Night November 21st from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. We will have some wonderful organizations joining us to do science, engineering, art, and math. We are also very excited to have our first Inventor's Fair! Students who participated in the invention of a product will have their displays out for families to look at and admire all their amazing work! If you need a display board to help showcase your child's invention, students can see Ms. Jones until November 18th. All displays need to be delivered to the school by November 18th for display. We can't wait to see all of the amazing inventions!
Robins K-8 Invention Fair
Do you have an amazing idea?
What to invent something that makes the world a better place?
Want to solve a problem?
GREAT NEWS! Robins wants to see your ideas!
Next Steps:
Students work on their inventions at home starting today!
On November 18th, bring displays, presentations, and/or prototypes to Robins.
Come to STEAM Night to see the displays on November 21st 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM.
Friday, November 22nd prizes will be awarded!
Steps to Inventing a Product:
Identifying- Becoming aware of problems in one’s life or community.
Understanding- Conducting research to identify a unique solution.
Ideating- Developing a project plan for the invention.
Designing- Deciding how to make the invention.
Building- Constructing a prototype.
Testing- Seeing how the invention works and revising the design as needed.
Communicating- Writing about the invention and presenting it to others.
Hello, Scholars! I can’t believe it’s November already.
The last couple of months were great. There were so many of your who participated in the September Reading Challenge. Congratulations to the two winners of the grand prizes!
I hope you had the chance to see all the Hispanic Heritage artwork and other items. Right now, we have a lot of busts of important people in history, such as JFK, Abraham Lincoln, and Harriet Tubman, among others. These are people who paved the way for what our country is today. Stop by when you get a chance and check them out.
I’ve also added some requested books to the catalog. Just ask, and I’ll let you know if we have it. And, as always, make sure to bring your books back so other students can borrow them.
See you at the library!