January Wrangler Round Up!
George Welch Parent Newsletter
Message from Ms. Wood, Principal
As we begin the third nine weeks, we will look closer at how students are performing. Throughout this month, students will complete their middle-of-the-year diagnostic tests and benchmark tests. Of course our goal is to see them growing toward mastery by the end of the year. Kindergarten through third grade students completed the Dibels 8th Literacy Screener (Louisiana Literacy Screener) in December; those scores will be coming home with your student on Monday. Please look over the information and read the letter. If there is anything to sign and return, please do so quickly. As always, please reach out to your child's teacher/teachers if you have any questions or concerns. I also want to note a change in the Pupil Progression Policy for OPSB. Holdback Requests (that is a request made by the parent or legal guardian to retain a student with passing grades in a grade) are due NO LATER than Saturday, February 1. The form is digital and is located on our website, georgewelch.opsb.net, under PARENT RESOURCES. It is titled Student Holdback Request Form.
State Standardized Testing or LEAP is also just around the corner for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. It is a little early but we want to make sure you have these dates on the calendar to avoid make-ups or zero scores. Third graders will test Wednesday, April 2 - Tuesday, April 8. Fourth and fifth graders will test Wednesday, April 30 - Tuesday, May 6. Please do not schedule any appointments during these days. If you must, please make every effort to schedule them for 2:00PM or later. The LEAP test is the basis of our school performance score and determines our school rating. There are changes to the policy going into effect this year that will make higher School ratings more difficult. We just want our students to do their very best!
Finally, I want to mention attendance. I know I sound like a broken record, but as we stand in the midst of flu, cold, strep, and Covid widespread, please make sure your students are attending school if they are not sick. Our school day begins at 7:50AM and ends at 3:00PM. We work bell to bell to ensure your children are receiving the quality instruction and support needed. If your child must be out for a unexcused reason for 2 or more days, you must visit Child Welfare and Attendance for a known absence letter. It does not excuse the days, but we do consider it when making grade level determinations at the end of the year or referrals to truancy. We will provide work for your child while he or she is out.
Thank you for a wonderful first semester! I am so thankful for your presence and intentionality; we know that the best support a child can receive is when the school and home work together!
Upcoming Events!
Follow us on Facebook for more Information! Reminders come via notes, text, email, and global calls!
- Friday, January 10 - Lockdown Drill (We want you to be informed in case your child comes home talking about it--it's a required drill.)
- Wednesday, January 15 - Report Cards Go Home
- Monday, January 20 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday - No School
- Tuesday, January 21 - Teacher Work Day - Virtual Day for Students
- Thursday, January 23 - Muffins with Mom for Grades K,2, 4 7:15AM -8:00AM ...Don't worry we will have Donuts with Day later in the Spring for Grades, 1,3,5. This will be an alternating event - in even grade years Muffins with Mom and in odd number years Donuts with Dad.
- Monday, January 27 - Thursday, January 30 - Mini Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday, January 29 - After Hours Shopping for the Scholastic Book Fair 3:00PM - 5:00PM
PTO Points!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 8, for our annual Winter Fest Carnival! We will have games and prizes, face painting, snacks for purchase, and an auction. All monies raised will go to supporting our school! Look for more information to come and how you can help through volunteering! If you have access to donations for the auction or your business would like to donate, please contact us!
Energy Bus Stop!
We are wrapping up Rule # 3 No Bullies Allowed and preparing to learn about Rule #4 Love Your Passengers! Students learned to identify what bullying or a bully is and what to do in bullying situations. We discuss the difference between someone being mean or rude versus bullying. As students learn what it means to love your passengers, they will learn the importance of practicing respect, care, kindness, and compassion. We will also discuss how vital it is to surround yourself with people you treat you with respect, care, kindness, compassion, and support!