Technology insurance is HIGHLY recommended.
Deadline to purchase insurance on your student's device or complete the NW Technology Waiver is October 31, 2024 OR Within 14 days after enrollment. After this date if the device does not have insurance and is damaged, the parent will be responsible for damage fees.
NW Technology Insurance- $25/device per year. If this amount is a hardship on your family, please fill out the NW Technology Waiver Fee Application
- Northwest Community School District (NWCS) is providing and administering accident protection as part of our current digital learning initiative.
- This plan covers “accidental damage” to the electronic device and is designed to limit individual financial responsibility for any damage as described in the NW Technology Handbook.
- NWEE, NWEL, & NWMS student devices are kept in the classroom and do not need to purchase device insurance.
How to apply for Technology Insurance
- Login to PowerSchool and complete the form titled '2024-2025 Northwest Optional Electronic Device Insurance Plan Enrollment Form' from the 'Forms' tab on the left toolbar.
- Complete the form and hit 'Submit'
- Once the form is submitted, you will need to pay the $25 fee via EFunds (see below)
How to Pay for Technology Insurance
- Once you have completed the 2024-2025 Northwest Optional Electronic Device Insurance Plan Enrollment Form via PowerSchool, you can make a payment through Efunds.
- Efunds can be found in the NWCS App, or by clicking the link HERE.
- Select 'Pay For Technology Fees/Insurance' and log in to complete your purchase.
Important Information and Updates
- NWCS students that are issued a district device MUST use it for all student testing. Students can use their personal devices for daily activities, but must have their district devices to test. Please note that NWCS Technology DOES NOT supply assistance or support for personally owned devices.
- Uninsured devices with repairs that can be fixed by the district will be charged $75 flat rate for damages. If it is not repairable, uninsured devices will be charged a total replacement fee. Please see our Technology Handbook for a list of fees.
Student Technology Help Ticket
If you are having any issues with a NW Technology Device, the 1st step is to fill out our Technology ticket by clicking here. Technology tickets can also be entered on our website (www.nwschools.org) or mobile app.
Parent Technology Help Ticket
If you need login assistance to the Parent PowerSchool Portal or the NWCS App, please submit a request by clicking this button.
Technology Handbook
Our Technology Handbook can be found at www.nwschools.org or by CLICKING HERE.
- The policies in this handbook refer to the use of an individual student computing device which is to include a Chromebook, iPad, etc... In addition to this Student Handbook, students are required to follow all the policies and guidelines outlined in Northwest Community Schools “Acceptable Use Policy”. As Northwest’s one-to-one initiative centers on new devices, software, computer applications, instructional methods and new learning opportunities, additional policies will be continually reviewed and this set of policies updated.
NW Technology Resources
Resources for PowerSchool, Schoology, Seesaw and much more.
NW Media
NW is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters