Week of 09/30 - 10/04
SY 24 - 25
Upcoming Events
Student-led Conferences
Thursday, Oct 10, 2024, 12:00 PM
Alice Deal Middle School, Fort Drive Northwest, Washington, DC, USA
Student-led Conferences
You should have received an email from your child's advisory teacher to sign up for conferences. As you schedule, keep in mind that students must attend to lead the conference. They are preparing for the conferences during Tuesday's advisory.
Sign up for your Student-Led Conference
Deal will host student-led conferences on Thursday, October 10th from 12-7pm. During conferences, students will lead a discussion with their family member(s) and their advisor. The online appointment system will require you to enter your student's Advisory "entry code." The online appointment system is available in English and Spanish and requires an email account. For support signing up for a conference, please contact your student's Advisor.
Class Assignments & Updates
Late & Make-Up Work
- Work from the first half of the Term is due by the midpoint.
- Work from the second half of the Term is due the last day of the Term.
- The grade for late assignment submitted following an unexcused absence will be reduced by one (1) letter grade.
Term 1:
- First half late/make-up work is due September 26, 2024.
- Second half late/make-up work is due November 1, 2024.
- Assignments with a grade of D+ (69%) or lower may be retaken ONE TIME only.
- The retake must happen before the late/make-up work deadline.
- The highest grade possible on the retake is a C (76%).
- RCTs are an exception: all may be retaken for full credit.
Math - Mrs. Harris
Greetings Bridgetown! This week in Math 6, students will practice creating diagrams to solve real world ratio problems. Students will take a Summative B on Ratio Tables. In Math 7, students will use a scale to create scale drawings. Students will practice all skills from this unit before their assessment this Thursday.
**All Class Slides & Notes will be available on Canvas under Modules**
Curriculum Resource(s):
Math 6: IM online text: https://im.kendallhunt.com/MS/students/1/index.html
Math 7: IM online text: https://im.kendallhunt.com/MS/students/2/index.html
Upcoming Assessment: Math 6: Summative B: Fruit Salad Investigation is Wed, 10/02/24
Math 7: RCT #1: End of Unit 1 Assessment (A) is Thurs, 10/03/24
ELA - Ms. Lemon
Greetings Team Bridgetown! This week we will be continuing with our book, “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” with a heavy focus on figurative language, sensory language, theme and point of view. Students will be having Writer’s Workshop and working through the writing process to begin working on their first summative assessment for Quarter 1. We will be engaging in prewriting, writing and editing this week. The final copy will be due on Monday October 7. Students will also be receiving their paper bags for their first book project. They should be working on their projects at home. I will be having a 1-minute check in with students on Friday Oct. 4 to hear about project progression.
*Please note that all class notes and worksheets are on the Canvas page. *
Science - Ms. Banson
Hi Team Bridgetown!
This week we will be wrapping up our Nature of Science unit, students will be taking the Scientific Method post-test in class on Monday September 30th. Following this, we will dive into our Plate Motion unit, where students will explore the dynamic processes that shape our Earth. Kicking off our new unit with an engaging in class activity, focused on locating earthquakes and volcanoes. Additionally, students will be taking their Roots Quiz 1.5 on Friday October 4th . Roots words can be found below.
Roots Words 1.5
Circ = ring, around (Think: circle, circumference)
*Equi/Equa = equal (Think: equator, equation)
*Geo = earth (Think: geologist, geography)
Nox/Noc = night (Think: equinox, nocturnal)
*Vacu = empty (Think: vacuum, evacuate)
Keeper Words: uni, bi, tri, cent, graph, helio, kilo, grav, luna, scope, tele, sol
World Geography & Cultures - Martini
Last week in geography we dug deep into maps of DC analyzing various themes such as healthcare access, income inequality, and crime and safety. This week, students will brainstorm issues they care about around our city to write a Community Action Letter proposing solutions for change.
HOMEWORK: Community Profile: Students will choose a community in DC to walk or virtually tour on google maps. They will need to complete the “Community Profile” packet taking notes on Transportation, Residential, Businesses, and Public Services available in that community. Further instructions on their packet (also posted on Canvas-Modules).
Deal Library Corner
The library orientations have completed for all students! Most students have now checked out at least one book from the library! 6th grade students should be almost ready to return their books if they haven't already. Notices will go out next week for 6th students who have overdue materials and over the following two weeks for 7th and 8th graders.
Students are able to see their current loans by accessing their library accounts through the Clever app called "Destiny Discover". They can follow the process below to see items that they have checked out:
Log into Clever (clever.com/in/dcpsk12)
Search "Destiny Discover" or navigate to the Library Resources section and click on the icon.
Click on the "My Stuff" link at the top of the screen to see any items that are checked out.
Students who have lost materials or see items that may be linked to their account by mistake should speak with Mr. Reichlen.
There are no fines or penalties for lost materials. Donations of hard cover titles of middle school-age-appropriate works in good condition are always accepted if families are able to replace lost materials.
When to visit:
Library Hours 8:15am-3:45pm daily.
•With permission from grade level admin – Students can come from 8:15 – 8:35am
(Mr. Reichlen must be present).
•Recess visits – You must get a pass from Mr. Reichlen or Ms. Gathers.
•No pass, no entry.
•After school – If Mr. Reichlen is here, you can come.
Please reach out to Mr. Reichlen directly with any questions or concerns at: stephen.reichlen@k12.dc.gov
Keep up to date with library news and information at library website aka. LibGuide:
World Language Newsletter
Attendance & ASPEN Help
Attendance: For any attendance related concerns, including absence notes, please be sure to contact Ms. Stephens our attendance counselor at dealattendance@k12.dc.gov.
ASPEN Help: For any ASPEN related issues, including help resetting a password or accessing your account, please email Ms. Lerum at dealaspenhelp@k12.dc.gov
Teacher Contact Information
Ms. Lemon: daniella.lemon@k12.dc.gov
Mr. Martini: michael.martini@k12.dc.gov
Ms. Harris: nyah.harris@k12.dc.gov
Ms. Banson: joycelyn.banson@k12.dc.gov
Ms. White: quisetter.white@k12.dc.gov
Mr. Almanza: TBA
ASPEN: dealaspenhelp@gmail.com
Attendace: dealattendance@k12.dc.gov
Website: https://www.alicedealmiddleschool.org/
Location: Alice Deal Middle School, 3815 Fort Drive Northwest, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-939-2010